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1、定语从句典型错误例析,1.过去十年中发生的变化使这个城市看上去大不相同了。误:The changes took place in the past ten years have made the city look quite different.,正: The changes which (that) took place -,2. 我们三周前交的作文还没有批改。误:The compositions we handed them in three weeks ago havent been marked yet.,正:The compositions we handed in three -

2、.析:定语从句中已省去作宾语的关系代词that (which),因此句中的人称代词them为多余的,造成语义重复,故将them去掉。,3.这座城市再也不是过去那个样子了。The city is no longer the city what it used to be.,正:The - city (that ) it used to be. The city is no longer what it used to be. 析:what引导名词性从句,不能引导定语从句。关系代词that在定语从句中作表语时,可省略。,4.我是你的最好的朋友,在你遇到困难时当然会帮助你的。I, who is yo

3、ur best friend, will certainly help you whenever you are in trouble.,正:I, who am your best -. 析:定语从句谓语动词的人称和数应与先行词的人称和数一致。句中I为先行词,从句谓语be的形式应用am。,5.她是这家幼儿园中拿高工资的为数不多的女孩之一。She is one of the few girls who is well paid in the kindergarten.,正:She is - girls who are well -. 析:定语从句前若为“one of +复数名词 ”结构时,先行词

4、是靠近它的复数名词,而不是one,从句谓语动词用复数形式。,当one之前有the only等修饰时,先行词为one,从句谓语用单数。如:Mary is the only one of Mr Browns four daughters who has received higher education.,6.所有需要做的事情都必须做好。误:All which needs to be done must be done well.,正:All that needs - well. 析:定语从句的先行词若为不定代词anything, everything, nothing, all, little

5、, much等时,引导词用that, 而不用 which。,7.课堂上老师给我们讲述了我们大家不熟悉的这位作家及他的作品。In class our teacher spoke to us about the writer and his works which were still unknown to us all.,正:In class - works that were still unknown to us all. 析:先行词中既又指人的名词,又有指物的名词时。,8.楼下我们有两个空房间,至少一年没人住了。 We have two spare rooms downstairs, ne

6、ither of them has been used for at least a year.,- downstairs, neither of which has -.- downstairs, but neither of them has -.- downstairs. Neither of them has -.析:两句之间若为逗号,后一句应是定语从句,用关系代词;中间若是连接词,则为并列句,要用人称代词。,9.他假装没听懂我的话,这使我很生气。误:He pretended not to understand what I said, this made me very angry.

7、,正:He - what I said, which made me very angry. 析:that不能引导非限制性定语从句,要用which,其先行词为整个住句。,10有关第二次世界大战的故事写得很好,这是其中的一篇。 The stories about the Second World War were well written, of that this was one example.,正:- written , of which this -. 析:that引导定语从句时,不能置于介词后。介词后要使用which,whom。如:In the dark street , there

8、wasnt a single person to whom she turned for help.,11.如上所述,高中生在校人数逐年增加。误:It is said above, the number of senior high school students is increasing each year.,正:As is said above, the -. 析:as引导非限制性定语从句,其位置可放在主句前或后,以代替整个主句。it开头的句子,后面用that从句。,12. 这房子以这么低的价格出售,在人们的预料之中。The house was sold at such a low pr

9、ice that people expected.,正:-price as people expected. 析:定语从句先行词若被such, the same, as等修饰时,从句由as引导。1. Ive never heard such a wonderful song as hes singing. 2.He will take the same train as I did to Shenzhen.,13.我永远不会忘记在乡下与他们一起度过的快乐时光。Ill never forget the happy hours when I spent together with them in

10、the country.,正:- hours that/which I spent together with them -. 析:使用关系代词还是关系副词取决于从句的结构和意义,而不能仅看先行词。从句谓语spent为及物动词,需用关系代词that/which作它的宾语。如:I live in Beijing, which is the capital of China. (从句中不能用where。),14.每天来这儿送奶的那姑娘是山区来的。The girl bringing milk here every day is from the mountainous area.,正:The gir

11、l who brings milk -. 析:定语从句谓语动词若表示经常性、习惯性或先于主句谓语动词的动作时,一般不宜用V-ing结构替换。如:The speaker today was an old scientist who had just returned from abroad not long before. (从句不宜用V-ing结构替换),15. 直到1953年他才重返家乡。误:It was not until 1954 when he returned to his hometown.,正:I t was not until 1954 that he -. 析:强调句型it

12、is (was) .that,用来强调句中的状语部分,并非定语从句。注意区分两者之间的差异。如:I t was 1948 when my hometown was liberated. (定语从句) I t was in 1948 that my hometown was liberated. (强调句型),16.那本书是我的,书皮是蓝色的。 The book,the cover of it is blue, is mine,正:The book,the cover of which is blue, is mine=The book,whose cover is blue,is mine析:

13、在非限定性定语从句中,常出现含有“ofwhichwhom”这种结构。这种结构的用法常让同学们感到困惑,现将其主要类型归纳如下:,一、the 名词of which whom 这种结构可以与whose引导的非限定性定语从句互换。例如: The boy,the father of whom died,is in our class The boy,whose father died,is in our class 那个男孩在我们班,他父亲去世了。,二、不定代词some any all等或基数词of which whom I bought many books yesterday,some of wh

14、ich are novels我昨天买了许多书,其中一些是小说。 He has three sons,all(two)of whom are college students他有三个儿子,他们都(中两个)是大学生。,三、形容词的最高级of which whom. The team is made up of ten doctors,the youngest of whom is Xiao Wang这个队由十名医生组成,最年轻的是小王。 There are many buildings in our school,the newest of which is the teaching buildi

15、ng我们学校有许多楼房,最新的是教学楼。,含有of的短语介词which构成的非限定性定语从句 They walked into a big room,in the middle of which there was only a bed他们走进一个大房间,屋子中央只有一张床。 We study in this building,at the back of which there is a big garden我们在这幢楼里学习,楼后有个大花园。,看1993年上海高考题: I dont like _ you speak to her Athe way Bthe way in that Cthe

16、 way which Dthe way of which 析:way后面可用一个定语从句修饰,后面的引导词可用in which,也可用that(in which和 that可省略)答案:A 。,例如:The way(in which)they were treated hurt their feelings对待他们的方式伤害了他们的感情。 The gardener was called to tell the way(that) the poor dog had died花匠被叫来讲述这只可怜的狗的死因。注意:有时the way不作先行词,而表达另外的意义时,后面不能用that或in which。,


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