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1、论文作者签名:溲诠指导教师签名:鸯亟童鱼论文评阅人1: 值 闺塾援浙江太堂评阅人2: 屋逃蜂教援浙江太堂评阅人3: 亟堑建教援逝江科拉堂院评阅人4评阅人5:答辩委员会主席: 韭挝直数援 浙江太堂委员1: 扬立垦教援 逝、江太堂委员2: 亟占茎熬援 浙、江太堂委员3: 胡旭嚏副数援 浙江太堂委员4: 昌揖在副教援 塑江太堂委员5:答辩日期: 201137,f浙江大学硕士学位论文IIIII I I Ir lll II rl IFI I IIfY1 854608基于超声辐射力的弹性成像关键技术研究硕士研究生:温家华学科,专业:机械制造及其自动化指导教师:杨克己教授浙江大学研究生院中国杭州二零一一年一

2、月本论文得到国家“863”计划项目(2006AA042329)资助1xl、,i文A Dissertation Submitted to Zhejiang Universityfor the Degree of Master of EngineeringStudy on key technologies of elasticity imaging based onacoustic radiation force,Candidate:瞻n JiahuaMo or:Mechanical Engineering&AutomationAdvisor:ProfYang Kej iGraduate Scho

3、ol of Zhej iang UniversityHangzhou,ERChinaJanuary,201 1。This dissertation is supported by“863”project(2006AA042329)浙江大学研究生学位论文独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得逝江盘堂或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意学位论文作者签名: 签字日期:卅J年亏月I岁




7、,使得我能够全身心的投入到科研与学-j中养育之恩无以回报,唯有更加勤于钻研,以求带给他们些许欣慰。感谢我的女友对我的鼓励和支持,生活上给我无微不至地关怀使我得以潜心学-j和科研,她的执着和牺牲是我勇往直前不竭的动力温家华二零一零年十二月于浙大求是园浙江大学硕士学位论文时延估计IH浙江大学硕士学位论文IV浙江大学硕士学位论文ABSTRACTTo achieve the non-contact detection for the elastic properties of viscoelastic material in alow SNR environment,a kind of elastic

8、ity imaging technique based on acoustic radiation forceWas proposed in this dissertation by using acoustic radiation force as the driving force sourceto non-contactly act on the tested viscoelastic material and time delay estimator to process theultrasonic echo signalsOn the basis of establishing th

9、e theoretical model of acoustic radiationforce and analyzing its impact factors,an ultrasonic flexible transmitter module was developedto effectively control the acoustic radiation force by using CPLD as the central controlunitMeanwhile,the maximum likelihood correlation time delay estimator techniq

10、ue Was usedto process the ultrasound echo signals to resolve the low resolution problem of thetraditional time delay estimator algorithm in the low SNR environmentIn addition,the idea ofparallel processing Was adopted to study on the real-time elasticity imaging technique basedon the acoustic radiat

11、ion force by using FPGA as the central processing unitOn these bases,all experimental platform used for the elasticity imaging based on acoustic radiation force Wasdeveloped,and the platform Was used to carry out the experimental study to validate thefeasibility and effectiveness of the proposed met

12、hods in this dissertationThe detail contentsof this dissertation are presented as below:Chapter 1,a survey of the importance of research on the elasticity imaging technologybased on acoustic radiation force Was given and the review of current research status andfuture developing trend of elasticity

13、imaging and its key technology were summarizedThenthe research content of this dissertation Was presented and each chapter of this dissertation WasarrangedChapter 2,on basis of establishing the theoretical model of acoustic radiation force andanalyzing its impact factors,an ultrasound flexible trans

14、mitter module Was developed by usingCPLD as the central control unit,which can effectively control the acoustic radiation force byadjusting related parameters of the exciting pulseChapter 3,on the basis of establishing the ultrasound echo model and determining theperformance evaluation criteria of t

15、ime delay estimators,a kind of maximum likelihoodV浙江大学硕士学位论文correlation time delay estimator technology was proposed to realize the multiresolutiondeformation detection of the tested materials,and resolve the low resolution problem of thetraditional time delay estimator algorithm in the low SNR envi

16、ronmentChapter 4,in order to solve the drawback of the current traditional elasticity imagingtechnology based on acoustic radiation force that it is difficult to achieve the real-timedetection of tested materials,the idea of parallel processing Was adopted to carry out thepreliminary study on the real-time processing system of ultrasound echo signals by usingFPGA as the centra



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