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1、大学英语演讲稿结尾篇一:大学英语演讲稿-我的大学生活英语口语演讲My cllege,my life Cllege life is clrful, but als need us t grasp and deep experience. Smene said: rdinary cllege students have the same rdinary, but nt the rdinary university but has its n brilliant. But, yu can chse t rdinary, but nt can chse medicrity; If yu can t b

2、elieve that rdinary. S, h can e make ur n university life rthhile meaningful, h t advcate their university life? I just talk abut persnal time vie. first is t establish gals and plans, farther gaze. The ancients have vlunteers, save lfty hen MA zedng als has custm lng apprpriate lking quantity . N g

3、al ill nt have the effrts t advance directin, and ith n per at all. Prject gals, can divide again fr immediate and lng-term. Such as the recent I ill read as many bks as this mnth I shuld kn hat knledge, hliday hat practice plan t ait. Fr the lng-term such as: befre graduatin f diplma, get relatinsh

4、ips shuld be much, h shuld practice ability t the degree, etc. Mrever, the realizatin f the gal is a little rath cherent prcess meter t realize. If ne day, t remember five rds can be ritten t many test. But, this requires persistence and perseverance. secnd, is t put far visin, it is t pint t nt be

5、temprary md and md that hat ill be dne t drag, addictin, it must be great business event grasps, small relax. Such as nline gaming, dn t be such by the gal f satisfying sme have been addicted, hat des nt kn, temprarily meet the bigger behind the emptiness. Believe e all have this experience. the fir

6、st three is t establish emplyment crisis. e alays blame myself himself is nt strng, cntrl frce ithut aspirant per. hat des nt kn is n cnsciusness nt aake. Smene ill say: lve is study per r disadvantaged study per , etc. Actually, frm direct sense, emplyment crisis is als shuld be ur prgress per. I f

7、ten think f yurself after graduatin actually d? The diplma, just cllege; Relatins, believe in sit nthing mst f the relatinship. S, e the nly ay ut is t have hat ability. And this, then ask yurself: hat yu learned, yu master? The prblem n is nt hat e d nt kn t learn, but e dn t ant t learn. furth, is

8、 t learn knledge and capacity develpment simultaneusly. Befre is heavy knledge and light ability, but it s different n, just cntrary, because scial influence, diplma requirements f decline, s n prperly many cllege students run utside lking fr part-time jb. If they are nt affect the premise f learnin

9、g, that didn t g as saying, instead shuld advcate. But sme f them nt, fr a side dish, the aiter rk at leave cleans, nr the arching ver star. I side ith this phenmenn. N, there as such a dislcatin thught, is that the authrities enterprise staff n-the-jb, are using spare time charging , and the cllege

10、 students in schl but run int scial part-time. I think this shuld be rectified the zeitgeist, psitin. ell, my speech tday is s far. Finally, the nly ne: ay streched endless ahead,e ill frm head t ft. Yes, gave I, t, and everybdy said. 篇二:超好的大学英语演讲稿大学英语演讲稿 Mans life is a prcess f gring up Mans life i

11、s a prcess f gring up, actually Im standing here is a grth. If a persns life must cnstituted by varius chices, then I gr up alng ith these chices. nce I hpe I can study in a cllege in future, hever thats passed, as yu kn I e here, n I nder hat the future hlds fr (= hat ill happen t) me. hen I e t th

12、is schl, I tld t myself: this my near future, all starts here. Flling I ill learn t bee a man, a integrated man, h has a fine bdy, can take n imprtant task, has independent thught, an pen mind, intensive thught, has the ability t judge right and rng, has a perfect jb. nce my teacher said :” yu are n

13、t seing, yu are stylist; never frget hich yu shuld lay ut t peple is yur thught, nt craft.” I ill put my persnality ith my interest and ability int my study, during these prcess I ill bine learning ith ding. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really gr up. And I deeply believe kindred, g

14、d-fellship and lve ill perfectin and happy in the future. H t say future? Maybe its a nice ish. Lets make up ur minds, stick t it and surely ell enjy ur life. 篇三:我的大学英语演讲稿我的大学英语演讲稿 lk! there is a rainb! n the first day f my university life, hen i alked int the campus, there as a rainb bridging ver t

15、he funtain, i hadnt seen rainb fr a lng time. i as s excited, and leaped high ith jy. my pnytail danced ith my happiness. it as a prpitius sign indicated that my life in university uld be clrful, and actually it is! after my entry int university, i fund my life s busy. hat i shuld d is nt nly gainin

16、g the schlarship but als being a gd mnitr and leader f shanghai university percussin band. i gt the 1st and 2nd price f schlarship in my 2 years f study. i rganized charity dnatins fr schlmates ith financial difficulty r disease. every eek, i give drum lessn t ne members f ur percussin band. and there are alays a lt f nn-business perfrmances, such as entertaining guests, celebrating party, cultural exchange ith freign students delegatins and their bands.


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