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1、低年级英语听说认读习惯培养青岛平安第二小学 何欢各位老师下午好,首先感谢教研室的老师给我提供这样一个机会,把我在平日教学中的点滴做法同老师们交流一下,不当之处敬请各位老师提出宝贵的意见和建议。在低年级学生听说认读习惯的培养方面主要从以下几个方面入手:一、 课前我尽量在每节课前拿出 23 分钟,进行课前热身活动,在培养学生说的习惯方面较常用以下两个活动:1. 自我介绍每次 1 到 2 名学生进行自我介绍,根据所学内容不断充实,养成学生学以致用的习惯,并初步形成语篇意识。Good morning. My names _.Im a _.(boy/girl)Im _.(6/7/8)Im _.(tall

2、/short/fat/thin/cute)I like _.(colour/fruit/animal/sport/present)2. 提问培养学生提问的意识不仅可以不断滚动所学知识,更可以变学生的被动回答为主动思考,开阔学生思路。1)一人提问,全班回答。进行这一活动时,我先在课下培训班中的一、两名好学生,然后由其带动班中其他学生,发散学生思维。如在培训时可以引导学生运用所学知识一物多问,尽量发掘问题:a pencilIs it a book? Whats this?What colour?Is it long?Do you like this pencil? 提问过后还要不忘对答案进行评价:

3、Yes, good./ No.2) 为学生创设发问的情境。如可以拿一个小玩偶,引导学生与它打招呼、询问姓名、问好、询问喜好、问问题等。再如老师们经常用的画画猜猜游戏,抓住学生好奇心,引导学生发问:Is it ? 通过肯定否定回答竞猜。二、 课上1. 课堂用语。一些常用的课堂用语可以用这样的方式引导学生听说:1)课前问候 : T: Class begins! S: Stand up!T: Good morning boys and girls. S: Good morning Ms He. T: How are you ? S: Im fine, thank you, and you?T: Im

4、 fine, too. Thank you. Sit down, please!S: Sit down!2)课堂常规: 借助肢体语言: Open your books . Turn to page Close your books. Stop. Stand up. Sit down.chant: T: ears, ears, ears S: listen, listen, listenT: eyes, eyes, eyes S: look, look, lookT: finger, finger, finger S: point, point, point礼貌:T: Here you are.

5、S: Thank you.T: Youre welcome. 2. 小歌谣结合颜色渗透星期几:Monday, Monday, is a red day.Tuesday, Tuesday, is a yellow.Wednesday, Wednesday, is a pink day.Thursday, Thursday, is a green day.Friday, Friday, is a purple day.Saturday, Saturday is an orange day.Sunday, Sunday, is a blue day.总结动作:T: point, point, poi

6、nt, point to the windowS: point to the windowT: open, open, open, open the bookS: open the book3. 渗透字母及发音a -apple b-book c -cat 这样的方式不仅学生乐于接受,同时可以渗透新知识,分解新知识难度。三、 评价对于一年级学生来说,可以通过评价渗透字母,效果不错。1. 小组竞赛用字母取代五星等,下课时让学生试着给大小写字母配对。2. 奖励由换小粘贴变为换字母,集齐 26 个字母的学生可以得到神秘礼物。这样可以给学生新的期待以及任务感。 四、 认读1. 充分发动学生力量,做老师的

7、小助手;与口试挂钩。2. 积极争取家长配合,要求学生听音指读并签字。以鼓励为主,尽量争取到家长的力量。一年级英语认读词句要求: 能认读,会翻译。Module 1功能:见面如何向别人问好;简单的自我介绍;如何向别人道别。 单词和短语:hello hi goodbye bye Im =I am语句:Hello ,Im Baobao. Hi, Im Feifei. Goodbye , Feifei. Bye, Baobao.Hi,Lingling. How are you ? Im fine. Module 2功能:询问对方姓名;自我介绍及介绍自己的性别;问候早上好,下午好。 单词和短语: what

8、s=what is my name afternoon bird panda boy girl语句:Good morning. Whats your name ? My names Yangyang. Im Baobao.Hi! My names Panpan. Im a panda. Im a boy. My name is Sam. Im a girl. My name is Amy. Module 3功能:听懂会说数字 110;询问数量及名词复数形式的学习。 单词和短语: yes no one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 语句

9、:Count. How many?How many girls? One girl. How many girls? Two girls. How many boys? One boy. How many boys? Three boys. How many dogs? One dog. How many dogs? Four dogs.Module 4功能:询问、回答常见的颜色,数量与颜色相结合进行提问并回答。 单词和短语: colour green black blue white red yellow ball语句:Good morning. Im Kami. Hello, Kami.O

10、oo! Its green. Now, its black. Now, its blue. Now,its white. Now, its red. Now , its yellow. How many blue balls? Three blue balls. How many red balls? Two red balls. Module 5功能:学会运用指令,并能对指令做出相应反应。 单词和短语:stand up sit down its=it is Ms open point to window door ceiling floor语句:Lingling, stand up! Ope

11、n the window. Open the door. Sit down. Goodbye, bird! Bye! See you!Its the window. Its the door. Its the ceiling. Its the floor.Point to the window. Point to the door. Point to the ceiling. Point to the floor. Point to a girl. Point to a boy.Module 6 功能:介绍近处和远处的人或物。 单词和短语:this that our classroom des

12、k seat teacher cat dog语句:This is my desk. This is my seat. This is my teacher.This is our teacher. This is our classroom.This is a cat. That is a cat. This is a dog. That is a dog.Module 7 功能:能用英语询问物品名称及介绍自己的物品。 单词和短语:school bag pen ruler book pencil pencil-box eraser crayon语句:Amy!Whats this? Its my school bag. Whats this? Its a ruler. Whats this? Its a pencil. Whats this? Its a pen. Whats this? Its my book. Whats that, Tom? Its you, Amy!Its my pencil-box. Its my ruler. Its my eraser. Its my crayon.Module 8 功能:能用一般疑问句询问物品名称,并做出肯定或否定回答;用英文同时叙述出物品的颜色和名称。 单词和短语:look fox


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