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1、Unit 6 Im watching TV.学习要求1. 掌握现在进行时态的意义、结构及时间状语并初步运用。What are you doing?Im doing my homework.Whats he doing?Hes reading.1、 掌握及运用短语:do ones homework, talk with, talk to, talk about, wait for, read a book, watch TV, take photos, talk on the phone2、 通过本单元学习,学会合理安排“学习、劳动、娱乐”三者的时间。学习建议 1. 学习现在进行时态结构“be

2、+ 动词 ing”, 一定注意不能掉了 be 助动词。2. 注意动词现在分词的构成规律以及 ing 的读音。3. 推荐一条关于“双写 “的口诀:辅元辅,倒着数,末尾音节要重读,双写最后的字母。4. 学习现在进行时态,要注意观察时间状语,例如:now, Look! Listen! Its two oclock now.5. 注意短语“看书” 不能译为 “look a book”, 应为 “read a book”。同步训练Section AIAdd ing to the following words. 写出下列单词的现在分词形式。Model: watch watchingcatch_ thin

3、k _ drink_learn_ clean_ throw_draw_ read_ wait_tell_ eat_ carry_worry_ say_ play_listen_ visit_ water_open_ come_ make_take_ hike_ write_give_ ride_ have_swim_ get_ begin_shop_ sit_ run_put_ stop_IIMake sentences after the model. 根据示范造句。Model: (示范) I / work What are you doing? I am working.1. he / p

4、lay computer games_2. the Greens / watch TV_3. our teacher / read a book_4. we / play cards_5. they / do their homework_6. it / sing_IIIChoose the right answers. 选择填空。( ) 1. A: Is he writing or reading? B: _.A. Yes, he is B. No, he isnt C. Hes reading( ) 2. _ is the boy doing?A. Whats B. What C. Who

5、( ) 3. The women _ to the radio.A. are listening B. listening C. is listening( ) 4. Is the boy _ the door?A. openning B. opening C. open( ) 5. We must _ to school at seven thirty.A. go B. going C. are going( ) 6. _ some bread on the table.A. There are B. There has C. There is( ) 7. Lily, _ the windo

6、w.A. dont close B. doesnt close C. isnt closing( ) 8. A: Where are the children playing games? B: _.A: Over there B. At ten thirty C. They are playing footballIVFill in the blanks with the right verb form. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. My father _ (water ) the flower now.2. Jim can _ (play) basketball.3. Its half

7、 past six now. I _ (read) Chinese.4. Uncle Wang _ (not watch) TV now. He _ (mend) a bike.5. _ (put) on your coat, its cold outside.6. Listen, the girls _ (sing) in the room.7. Her mother _ (be) at work now.8. Can she _ (draw) the picture well?VForm sentences. 连词成句。Model: is, now, the , he, tree, cli

8、mbing He is climbing the tree now.1. Li Lei, not, having, are, supper, Ling Tao, and _2. Mr. Li, the girls, is, carry, the, helping, box _3. are, listening, to, the, the, teacher, students, now. _4. is, not, boy, plane, the, a, model, making VIComplete the sentences according to the Chinese. 根据中文意思完

9、成句子,一格一词。1. I am _ _ _ _. (在等朋友)2. He _ _ (马上来) now.3. _ Tom _ _ _? (在玩电脑游戏)4. Lucy _ _ _. (在拍照 )5. The man _ _ _ _ phone. (没在打电话)Section BILook at the pictures, then ask and answer after the model. 看图并根据示范进行问答。Model: (示范) A: Is she running? A: Whats she doing?B: No, she isnt. B: She is riding a bik

10、e.1. A:_ B:_ A:_B:_2. A:_ B:_ A:_ B:_ 3. A:_B:_ A:_B:_4. A:_B:_ A:_B:_5. A:_B:_ A:_ B:_IIComplete the following dialogue, using the sentences in the table. 用方框中的句子完成下列对话。IIIAsk questions about the following passage. 读短文,提问题。Its four thirty in the afternoon. There are many students on the playground. Jim and his friends a


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