PEP Book 7 Unit 3 A Let's talk 教案 教学反思 说课稿 课件

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1、76PEP Book7Unit 3 What are you going to do?Part(A) Lets talk教学目标与要求1. 能够听、说、读、写句子:What are you going to do on weekend? I m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.并能在现实生活中灵活运用,做到语调自然,语音准确。能够完成 Lets try 部分的听力题,并能用第三人称形式回答问题。能够听懂会唱歌曲What are you going to do?2. 能在 Group work 部分合理安排周末的旅游项目,并展开想象畅谈自己

2、的梦想之旅。培养学生合理安排自己的学习与生活能力。重点 正确运用 be going to do 句型表达自己的活动计划并与他人进行交流。难点 掌握四会句型的规范书写教具 教学挂图简明场所地图、录音机和本单元的教学录音带、准备本课的词组卡片。教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Preparation准备活动1.Sing a song:What are you going to do?【设计意图】在音乐中活跃气氛,使学生身心得到放松,积极主动地参与到课堂中来.为学生提供语言交际的机会,巩固学过的单词和句子。2.Free talkWhat are you going to dothis eveni

3、ng?tomorrow?tonight?this morning?this afternoon?next week?I am going to visit a magazineread a book.take a trip.catch butterflies.go to the cinema.77教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Presentation新知呈现1.Lets try.T: The National Holiday is coming. I have a friend. What is she going to do? Lets liste

4、n and find out.教师通过教学媒体资源或小黑板给学生呈现出以下几个问题, 然后让学生带着上面的问题去听录音,学生听两遍后,再完成课文中的判断。T: On the National Holiday, my friend is going to Beijing to buy a new computer. What are you going to do on the National Holiday?教师引导学生看图回答并学习插图中的词组。S1: I am going to the theme park.S2: I am going to the Great Wall.S3: I a

5、m going to the zoo.S4: I am going to the bookstore.教师把课前准备好的简明场所的地图拿出来让学生进行练习。多组练习之后教师接着问T: Is it far from your home?S: Yes, its far./No, it isnt .T: How are you going there?T: I am going by train/by bus/by plane/by train/on foot/by bike/通过 Lets try 中的材料,过渡到谈论话题 What are you going to do on the Natio

6、nal Holiday?让学生借助地图展开想象。引出并操练了新授句型。【设计意图】让学生带着问题去听录音,是训练学生听力能力的一种有效方法。学生先用第三人称回答问题,再完成课本中的第一人称判断题,引导学生初步练习第一和第三人称之间的正确转换。2.Lets talk a. Listen and follow the tape.b. Read in parts/pairs or between boys and girls.c.然后根据书上提供的词组和地图上的场所名称进行替换练习。3.Learn the song.Listen-listen and follow twice-sing betwee

7、n boys and girls.( ) I am going to Beijing on the National Holiday.( ) I am going by train.( ) I am going with aunt and uncle.( ) I am going to have a new computer.78教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Practice巩固练习活动设计: Role playWhat are you going to do on the weekend?I am going to visit grandparents this weekend.Is

8、 it far ?Yes, so I am going by train.【设计意图】语言的重要性在于输出.活动设计: Game教师和学生一起玩游戏:Mary, Mary, what are you going to do on the weekend?教师把学生分成四个大组围成圈,学生每人持一张动词短语卡片蹲着,一名学生站在中间扮演 Mary,游戏开始:S: Mary, Mary, what are you going to do on the weekend?Mary: I am going to the Great Wall.( Mary 边说边做飞机起飞的动作)手持卡片“the Gre

9、at Wall”的学生必须回答:I am going to the Great Wall by plane.否则则输,充当 Mary,继续游戏。活动设计: Group work教师设计争做小导游的活动,让学生运用所学语言为国外游客设计一张活动表格.Now you are a tour guide. Please write a schedul for this weekend. See who can design the best schedule for us.先在课文表格中写出自己的活动设计,在小组内进行表述。组内推选出一名“最佳小导游” 。Mary79教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决

10、方案Production输出运用设计一张快乐周末活动安排,并表述给父母或者朋友听。Time Saturday SundayMorningAfternoonEveningMy happy weekend.板书设计Book 7 Unit 3 What are you going to do? Part(A) Lets talk.句型:What are you going to do on the weekend?I am going to visit grandparents this weekend.Is it far ?Yes, so I am going by train.教学反思80家长签

11、字: 组长评价: 教师抽查情况:能 力 测 试课堂达标一Listen and choose.(听音选择 )Go shopping Watch TV Take a trip Go to the cinemaThis morningThis afternoonThis eveningTomorrow Next week二.Look and write.( 仿例句写话 )例如:Zoo Tomorrow Were going to the zoo tomorrow.1 go to the cinema this evening _2 the Great Wall next week _3 the bo

12、okstore by subway _4 visit my aunt after lunch _.三.Read and judge. (读一读,判断正误 )( ) 1.What are you going to do this afternoon?_A. Im going to buy a book. B. Im a student. C. I go to school by bike. D. Are you a teacher? ( ) 2. Excuse me. Where is the library? _A. Wheres the museum? B. Wheres the schoo

13、l?C. Wheres the hospital? D. Its next to the post office.( ) 3. _ Im going to buy an English book.A .Do you have comic book? B. What are you going to buy?C. This afternoon. D. Im going to plant trees.( ) 4. 当你去商店时,售货员通常首先会说:_A. How are you ? B. What are you going to do?C. Are you a student? D. Can I help you ?( ) 5. Where are you going this afternoon? _A. Im going to buy some comic books. B. Im going to the bookstore.C. Can I help you? D. Im going to visit my aunt.家庭作业:1基础训练:第 18 页第题2配套练习:第 18 页第五,六题3拓展部分:上网,生活中的英语,收集预习内容:五.Preview the next lesson.( 预习下一课内容)1、不会读的单词_2、不理解的句子_3、准备好课前英语报告。


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