PEP Book 7 Unit 2 C Story time 教案 教学反思 说课稿 课件

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1、66PEP Book 7Unit 2 Where is the science musium?Part (C) Story time教学目标与要求1、能熟练运用所学句型 Where is?询问交通方式,并做出回答。2、简单了解一般过去时。2、了解 Good to know 部分单词意义 .3、培养学生热爱生活,有礼貌的请教别人的好习惯。重点 能熟练运用所学句型询问并简单介绍交通方式。难点 一般过去时理解,认读 Good to know 单词,及 wrong,maybe ,China town教具 CAI、放音机,头饰,简笔画,单词卡片。教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Preparatio

2、n准备活动1、Sing a song 【设计意图】通过关于 Where are you going?的一段歌曲活跃课堂气氛,同时启发学生思维.2、Free talk PPT (呈现交通方式路线图片,学生任选自己喜欢的一幅进行对话)T:(手指其中一幅图片)Look ,this is my home.This is my school.Its not very far ,So I can by bike .What about you ?Where is your home ?How do you go to school?Please talk about your friends.Modle:

3、Ss1:Where is your ? .Ss2: Its .Ss1:How do you go to school?Ss2:I go to school.【设计意图】自由交际创设情景复习主句型,同时为后面的故事教学做好铺垫。3、Good to know:CAI a) T:How to use a map?(呈现 Good to know 内容)呈现图片,认读单词 title,north pointer,symbol,scaleb)图文对照讲解单词意义。c)闪卡让生认读该单词。【设计意图】自然引入文化意识学习,进一步激发了学生的兴趣。67教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Pre-readi

4、ng阅读前活动1 、PPT: (Lets chant)Lets chantChina town,China town.Its big and beautiful.Where is it ?Its not far.How can I get there?You can take No.15 bus.Its so easy.First:Listen.Second:Listen and repeat.Third:认读单词 China town.Fourth:四人一小组总结知识点:how ,where, 用法。教师补充。【设计意图】有节奏的儿歌,学生兴趣浓厚,并复习了旧知为新知做好铺垫。2、PPT :

5、(呈现猪八戒穿唐装)a)T:Look,who is he?Ss:Zhu Bajie.T:Where is he come from?(点击出示 China town)Ss:He is from China town.T:Where did he buy?(PPT 呈现商店糖葫芦)讲解 did do 过去时。稍微了解这语法。Ss:He buys Tanghulu.Sorry you are wrong.领读单词 wrong.(教师纠正过去时一一对应 buy-bought)同样的方式出示单词卡片领读 did bought.经典小结:过去时来问来过去时答。b)T:How can he get to

6、supermarket?Ss:He can take number 15bus.T:Maybe.领读板书该单词。Ss:He can by car.T:Sorry.You are wrong ,lets look.(PPT 呈现猪八戒跳水的图片)Wow,Now he is leaping the water.领读 leap.并点击图片 ship.Ss: He goes there by ship.【设计意图】创设情景层层递进突破难点,利用旧知采用让生自主解决问题小组讨论的方式学习,既培养了学生的合作意识,也提高了创新意识,学习中时时关注情感文化教育的渗透,让学生懂得合理的安排生活,遵守交通规则6

7、8教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案In-reading阅读中活动1、回归教材故事:a)出示故事剪辑视频First:WatchSecond:Answer Q1:Q1:Is China town far from?_A Yes ,it is . B Sorry ,I dont know._.b)Lets readFirst:Read by youself and answer Q2:Q2:Where did boy buy TangHulu ?_A China town. B Supermarket.Second:Read again and underline your difficult

8、.如:Too start.等,师生齐解疑。Third:生大声朗读,小组内分角色朗读。2、Listen to the tape.First:Listen and repeat.Second :Listen and answer Q3.Q3:How do they get there?_.3、Lets act:要求:学生两人一组,三分钟准备时间,带上头饰进行表演.4、生活英语:PPT 呈现 China town 图片, 。要求学生根据本单元所学知识,以本课谈论交通方式为话题,两人一小组,自创情景进行表演。可以借助以下句型:PPT:温馨提示:How do you get to China town?

9、I go to there by train.bikeWhere is China town?Its .Turn right.Walk left. I go to buy Chinese clothes.【设计意图】通过带着问题等不同形式听读故事,目的性强实效高,创设情景表演话剧,再现生活英语,体现了英语语言的运用功能69教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Post-reding阅读后活动1、经典考例:_ do you go to school? I go to Shang Hai.A How B Where C Who解析:答案为 B,how 询问方式,where 询问方位, ,who 询

10、问人,答语为地点所以选择 B。2、话剧手抄报:要求:内容围绕本单元 Where is science musium?为话题。四人一组版面内容自设,并根据手抄报内容在班内进行话剧表演,道具自己准备。表演时间:利用课外活动时间。评价方式:采取全班集体评价,小组自评,教师评价。奖励方式:手抄报内容与表演两结合:根据表现不同级别获得不同城市地点卡片。如优秀的为上海。一般为临沂,较不好的为当地。【设计意图】通过话剧手抄报,并根据内容进行表演,提高了难度,学生四人一组,同样也培养了学生小组合作意识,以不同城市地点卡做为奖励,大大激发了学生的兴趣板书设计Unit2 Where is the science

11、musim? Part C Story time单词:wrong China town maybe leap句型:Where is the China town?Its教学反思70家长签字: 组长评价: 教师抽查情况:能 力 测 试课堂达标一、Read and choose(列各组词中找出不同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内)( )1. A.library C,cinema D,party.( )2.A.north B,party C.south D.east( )3.A.wait B.bus C.train D.bike二、Read and number(把下列各句按照先

12、后顺序重新排列)( )Get off at the post office.( )Find the white building on the left.( )Take the No.17 bus.( )Look for me near the door.( )Start from the bus in front of our school.( )Walk east for three minutes.三、Choose the best answer(选择填空)( )1.Sarah:Where is the library? Zhang Peng:A.Its in front of the

13、school. B.Where is the school?C.Is there a library near here? D.Yes,it is.( )2.Liu:Excuse me,is there a cinema near here?Policeman:A.Yes,there are. B.No,there arent.CYes,there is. D,No,there is.四、Choose the right answer(.选择恰当的英译)( )1.请问,电影院在哪儿?A. Where is the cinema ,please。B. Where is the school,please?C. Where is the post office,please?D. Where is the library,please?( )2.医院离这儿很远吗?A.Youre welcome. B.No,its not far.C.Is the hospital far from here? D.Its in front of the school.家庭作业:1基础训练:自选2配套练习:自选3拓展部分:上网,生活中的英语,收集预习内容:五.Preview the next lesson.( 预习下一课内容)1、不会读的单词_2、不理解的句子_3、准备好课前英语报告。


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