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1、2012 年实验小学六年级期中测试卷Listening Part(听力部分)一. Listen and choose the right answers.选择正确的答案.(20 分)( )1.A. gym B. beach( )2.A. another B. the other( )3.A. hospital B. cafe( )4.A. beautiful B. historic( )5.A. busy B. friendly( )6.A. coke B. drink( )7.A. play the piano B. play games( )8.A. sweater B. jeans (

2、)9.A. feed B. milk( )10.A. milk the cow B. pick apples二Listen and choose the right ones.选择正确的答案。 (10 分)1.( ) A.How was your trip? B.Where were you yesterday?2.( ) A.feed the pigs B.harvest the corn3.( ) A.at the museum B.at the supermarket4.( ) A.What did she do? B.What did Tom do?5.( ) A.I went to

3、Hong Kong. B.I went to America.Writing Part(笔试部分)三Translate.英汉互译。 (20 分) 1.take some photos_ 2.have a look_3.milk the cow _ 4.喂养 5.超市 6.体育馆 7.电影院 8.feed 的过去式9.are 的过去式 10.sheep 的复数形式四Choose the best answers.选出最佳答案(20 分)( )1.当你想问别人的旅程怎么样时,可以这样说:A.How are you? B.How was you trip? C.What do you think o

4、f Hong Kong?( )2.当别人的表述令你难以置信时,你可以这样说:A.Great! B.Right. C.You are kidding!( )3.当别人的表述令你感到很兴奋时,你可以这样说:A.I feel much better. B.Of course. C.How exciting!( )4.当你提议别人和你一起去爬山时,可以这样说:A.Why not climb the mountain with me? B.Did you climb the mountain last Sunday?C.You must climb the mountain with me?( )5._

5、was you trip to london?A.Why B.How C.Where( )6.想知道朋友昨天在哪里,你可以问:A.What did you do yesterday?B.Were you there yesterday?C.Where were you yesterday?( )7.pick applesA摘苹果 B。喂猪 C。收获玉米( )8.想看看朋友的相册,你可以这样请求:AI want to have a look.B. May I have a look?( )9.病愈返校,朋友关切地询问,你可回应:A.How are you ? B.I feel much bett

6、er.( )10.如果想不起朋友问的电影句,可以回答:AI do not know. B.I can not remember.五Read and match。读一读,连线组对话。 (15 分)( )1.Where were you yesterday? A.It is historic and modern.( ) 2.How about Xian? B.He fed the pigs.( ) 3.What did he do last weekend? C.It was wonderful.( ) 4.How was you trip to Canada? D.Thand you.( )

7、5.Happy birthday to you. E.We were at the market.六Read and choose.读短文,选择正确答案。 (15 分)My friends and I went out last weekend.We wore warm clothes because it was getting cold outside.We climbed a mountain up to the top and have a picnic there.We had Sandwiches,French fries,hot dogs and some apple juice

8、.Then we sang,danced and play games.We were really happy that day.( ) 1.We had a picnic_of the mountain.A.at the head B.on the foot C.on the top( ) 2.We drank_for the picnic.A.coke B.apple juice C.orange juice( ) 3.We wore _clothes because it was cold.A.warm B.cool C.hot( )4.We _that day.A. sang and danced B.play games C.both A and B( )5.How did you feel that day? A.happy B.sad C.tired



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