PEP Book 7 Unit 4 B Let's learn 教案 教学反思 说课稿 课件

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1、126PEP Book7Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part(B) Lets learn教学目标与要求1. 听说读写五个动词的第三人称单数形式:lives,teaches ,goes ,watches ,reads2. 能够听说认读句子:Does your pen pal live in Shanghai ?No, he doesnt. He lives in Beijing. 3. 积极运用所学语言进行表达与交流,加强合作,共同完成学习任务。重点 听说读写五个动词的第三人称单数形式难点 区别使用后缀 s 和 es教具 录音机,录音带,单词卡片,挂图,动物图片教学环节 师生

2、活动教学问题最佳解决方案Preparation准备活动1.Lets sing: My pen pal【设计意图】音乐节奏感强,学生乐于接受,并能训练学生的乐感及听说技能。感觉与欣赏并存;放松与紧张并重。让学生在唱歌的同时对歌曲的内容有大概的了解,对歌曲中的单词有所认识,为下面知识的学习做好铺垫。2. Do a report.( 做报告)Dear Ann,I am happy to have a new pen pal. I live in Pingyi. I like reading books ,climbing mountains and taking pictures. I like s

3、pring best. I can cook the meals and wash clothes at home. I have a brother. He is a university student. He is tall and strong. He likes playing computer games. Tell me something about you.Your pen pal , TanTan127教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Presentation新知呈现1.教师指着自己说:I live in Pingyi. Do you live in Pingyi, t

4、oo?学生回答:Yes,I do 引导学生重复回答:I live in Pingyi.Does your father live in Shanghai?引导学生回答:No,he doesnt教师出示鱼卡片,问:Whats this?学生:Its a fish教师:Where does it lives?Does it live in the sky?引导学生回答:No,it doesntIt lives in water。板书 lives 并领读。教师说:I am a teacher. I teach English.Does Mr teach English ?引导学生根据实际情况回答Ye

5、s,he/she does.No, he/ she doesntHe/She teaches 教师板书 teaches 并领读。教师说:I go to work by bikeHow do you go to school?T: I go to school by bike /by bus/ on foot教师继续问:How does your father go to work?Does he goes to work by bus?引导学生作答后板书 goes 并领读教师说: I watch TV at nightDo you watch TV at night?学生回答:Yes、No继续

6、问:Does your mother watch TV at night ?学生根据实际回答:板书并领读。同法学习 reads2.规律性的知识总结:【知识点】第三人称单数的动词变化规则:(1) 多数动词直接加-s: runs climbs reads lives likes plays.(2) 结尾是 s, x, sh, ch, o(并且 o 前为辅音字母),在词末加-es :misses washes watches teaches goes does (3) 动词末尾为-y,-y 前为辅音,将 y 变为 i 再加-es:studystudies flyflies carrycarries

7、crycries但在 y 前如果为元音则直接加-s: buys says(4)特殊记忆: have( has)128教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Practice巩固练习活动设计: Lets chant教师出示一单元单词卡片,任意抽出一张,问:How does your aunt/ grandmother/ grandfather/teacher go to work ?学生猜:She/ He goes to work on foot/ by subway ?教师给猜对的小组加分。【设计意图】呈现新学单词,字形、字意的巩固;在比赛中得以巩固,避免机械记忆。活动设计: Survey 教师

8、为每组提供调查表问答结构:A:Does ZhangPeng watch insects at home?B:No, he doesntA:What does he do at home?B:He watches TV at home.姓名 做什么Zhang Peng watches TVSarahWuYifanMikeAmyAliceJohnChenJieLiuYun学生两人一组完成调查表,教师巡视指导,尤其帮助学生进行问句的表达。随之仿例文写总结报告。【设计意图】巩固所学句型,加强练习以及运用的能力活动设计: 吉姆的故事。学生五个人一组讲故事,第一个同学说一句:Jim lives in th

9、e country. 第二名学生说:Jim lives on a farm.第三名学生说: He goes to work by car【设计意图】依次进行,看哪一组的故事最精彩最流畅。训练学生复述和用英语表达交流的能力。让学生在构思和想象中训练表达能力。ZhangPeng watches TV at home.129教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Production输出运用1.考考你的记忆力:教师介绍某人的一天,然后请学生复述,如: Today is Monday. Sarah goes to school on foot. She has English and math in t

10、he morning. She reads books after lunch. She has science and music in the afternoon. Sarah goes home at 4:00. she does homework in the evening. She watches TV at 6:30. Sarah goes to bed at 8:30.2.开火车男女生各为一组,男女生依次起立每人说一句与本单元话题相关的句子,但不能重复前面说过和句子,如: “He likes diving.”等等,能说出句子的学生离开座位排队.最后,看男女生的队伍哪个接得长.3

11、.句子重组教师让学生听写词语,如: watches TV, she in morning the, 然后学生把上述词语组合成句子,如: She watches TV in the morning.板书设计Book 7 Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part(B) Lets learn.【知识点】第三人称单数的动词变化规则:(1) 多数动词直接加-s: runs climbs reads lives likes plays.(2) 结尾是 s, x, sh, ch, o(并且 o 前为辅音字母),在词末加-es :misses washes watches teaches go

12、es does (3) 动词末尾为-y,-y 前为辅音,将 y 变为 i 再加-es:studystudies flyflies carrycarries crycries但在 y 前如果为元音则直接加-s: buys says(4)特殊记忆: have( has)教学反思130家长签字: 组长评价: 教师抽查情况:能 力 测 试课堂达标一Listen and choose.(听音选择 )二.Arrange the sentences.(连词成句)1. mother in works her a hospital _2. Alice on usually the Saturday at par

13、k plays_3. morning to goes Alice school bike by every _ 4.does English she you teach ?_三.Read and judge.(读一读,判断正误)I have a friend. His name is Bill. He lives in England .He works in a car company(公司). He goes to work by bus. He often reads newspaper on the bus. He likes sports, he often plays basket

14、ball in the morning. On the weekend he often go hiking. He is a happy boy.( )1. Bill lives in the US( )2. He is a teacher.( )3.He works in a car company( )4.He likes music very much( ) 5. He likes playing football.家庭作业:1基础训练:第 31 页第,题2配套练习:第 31 页第三,四题, 第 32 页第五题,3拓展部分:上网,生活中的英语,收集预习内容:五.Preview the next lesson.( 预习下一课内容)1、不会读的单词_2、不理解的句子_3、准备好课前英语报告。



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