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1、中学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿征文演讲中学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿征文演讲:The Dream Came True I anna ele everybdy here in this cheer team. Thank yu fr ing here this mrning t stand n my side 。The Dream Came True I anna ee everybdy here in this cheer team. Thank yu fring here this mrning t stand n my side cheering me n. Its my dream t have t

2、he pprtunity t challenge all the freign athletes t the champinship at this great ccasin: 201X lympic Games. N, the dream came true. As an athlete f China, Im here t in the gld medal f rienteering fr ur mtherland. Im s prud f being ne f the best players in the rld. But culd yu believe I had been a la

3、zy girl hen I as in Junir High. Im nt kidding! At that time, running as my last favrite. I really dnt kn h t describe the first time I as n the track. It as hrrible. hen I started t run, I as simply ut f breath. And hile I tuched the finishing line, I really didnt kn if I as still alive. Its s funny

4、, huh? But its true, I did. ell, smething happened and changed the situatin. e n the right f hlding the lympic Games in 201X. After that, sprts became a kind f game in campus. And there are many sprts clubs in schl. ne day smene asked me:“are yu gnna try ne f thse?”First I felt s ired. “Try t get in

5、t sprts clubs? Are yu kidding?” I said. And she ges: “hy nt? Its nt hard at all, and s fascinating!” S I did tried ne and I as s lucky t be ne f thse h did rienteering. That is a fantastic sprt! Yu need t run and find here t g just by using a map and apass. Its asnt ppular in China at first. But hen

6、 e heard it might be a ne event in 201X, e did practiced hard, and aimed t in the first Champin f rienteering in the rld. hen e practiced, there ere a lt f trubles. Yu kn, smetimes yu need t g ith yur feet, but smetimes yu need t g ith yur heart. In sme situatins, e faced the difficulties and prblem

7、s. And e need t slve that thrugh teamrk and strng illper. S e can run faster, g higher and be strnger. That is hat e saylympic spirit. N the dream came true. Im standing here ith all my bdy and my heart put in sprts. S d the peple frm all ver the rld t HERE at the lympic Games. Its the lympic Games that make us tgether. e are here fr a big day f sprt; e are here fr a dream f sprts. e are here fr a spirit f sprt that encurages us t face the difficulties f tday and tmrr. 中学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿


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