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1、探究核心知识,Period Using Language第1步识记核心单词.根据所给词性和汉语提示写出下列单词1_n审判;审讯;试验2_n根据;证据_adj.明显的;明白的,预学语言知识,感悟教材原文,指导写作提升,3_vi.爆炸_n爆炸4_n入口5_n水手;海员;船员6_vi.下沉;沉下7_n少女;女仆8_adj.非正式的_adj.正式的,9_n争论;辩论【答案】1.trial2.evidence;evident3.explode;explosion4.entrance5.sailor6.sink7.maid8.informal;formal9.debate,.将单词与所给英语释义连线1en

2、tranceAa formal meeting in a law court2maid Bthe way into a place3debate Cto disappear below the surface of a mass of water4sink Dan unmarried girl,5trial Ea discussion about a subject on which people have different views【答案】1.B2.D3.E4.C5.A,第2步掌握高频短语.根据所给汉语提示写出下列短语1_看重;器重2_ 同意;赞同3_ 而不是4_ 关心;在乎5_ 在午夜

3、【答案】1.think highly of2.agree with3.rather than4.care about5.at midnight,.用以上短语适当形式填空1We prefer to die a hero _ live a slave.2He spoke highly of her;but he does not _ her writing.3Not everyone _ me,but everyone knows white pollution is becoming a serious problem.4She did not seem to _ the thunder,and

4、 the heavy rain that was falling.,5It was not until _ that he came home.【答案】1.rather than2.think highly of3.agrees with4care about5.at midnight,第3步背诵重点句型.背诵下列教材中出现的句型,体会黑体部分的用法1For example,it can be proved that China has more people than any other country in the world.比如,中国的人口比世界上任何其他国家的人口都多。,2In a

5、trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.在审判中,法官必须断定哪些证人可以相信哪些证人不能相信。3Nor do I think they should give it to any government.我认为他们不应该将它给任何一个政府。,速读文章,完成下列表格,【答案】1Jan Hasek2.an old miner3.The Czech Republic4In April 19455.He heard something explode.6.He saw some G

6、erman soldiers.7.The soldiers were taking wooden boxes from trucks and putting them in the mine.8.The Amber Room and some gold were buried in the mine.,判断正误(T/F)1A fact is something that people believe.()2An opinion is not good evidence in a trial.()3In a trial,a judge only cares about evidence.()【答

7、案】13FTT,1evidence n证据;证明;证词;根据(教材P5)So an opinion is not good evidence in a trial.因此,在审判中,看法并不是强有力的证据。,provide/give evidence for提供的证据There is some/no evidence that. (没)有证据证明in evidence 显眼;显而易见evident adj. 明显的;明白的Its evident that. 很明显,You can trust me.I can provide all evidence for your research.你可以相

8、信我,我能为你的研究提供所有的依据。There is no evidence that God exists.没有证据证明上帝的存在。,There is some evidence that high school cheating may be on the rise.有迹象表明,中学生作弊可能正在上升。Its evident that someone has been here.显然有人来过这里。,选词填空:evidence/evidentWe found further scientific _ for this theory.His footprints were clearly _

9、in the heavy dust.There is convincing _ of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.,All the _ indicates that he has been deeply involved in the crime.【答案】evidenceevidentevidenceevidence,2explode vi.爆炸;爆发 vt.使爆炸;使爆发(教材P5)In April 1945 I heard something explode at midnight.1945年4月,我在午夜听见有东西爆炸。T

10、he firework exploded in his hand and he was injured.爆竹在他手里爆炸了,他受了伤。The terrorists exploded a bomb in a store.恐怖分子在一家商店引爆了一枚炸弹。,explode/burst,The bomb exploded during the rush hour.这个炸弹在人最多时爆炸。The balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.你再给气球充气,它就要爆了。,语法填空A bus _(explode)on the way to the stati

11、on,causing many deaths.In cold winter days,the water pipe _(burst)easily.【答案】explodedbursts,3debate n& vi.争论;辩论(教材P7)Tips for an informal class debate组织一场非正式的班级辩论赛的几条建议The government is debating the education laws.政府正在就教育法进行辩论。,【图形助记】三图辨析“辨论”与“争吵”debate辩论 discuss讨论argue/quarrel争吵,under debate在辩论中;在讨

12、论中beyond/without debate 无可争辩的;毋庸置疑的have a.debate on. 关于进行了的 辩论debate with sb.on/about/over sth. 与某人争论/讨论某事,The bill is under debate and hasnt been passed yet.法案还在讨论中,还没有被通过。The truth of this news is beyond debate.这则新闻报道的真实性无可争议。We are having a heated debate on the impact of television on children.我们

13、正在就电视对孩子的影响进行热烈的辩论。,We debated with them on/about/over the question till late into the night.我们就这个问题与他们辩论到深夜。,完成句子我不想就我的看法同你辩论。I dont wish to _.新规则正在讨论中。The new rules _.,老师正和班上同学讨论一个问题。The teacher _.【答案】debate my opinions with youare under debateis debating a question with his class,4agree with同意,和意

14、见一致;(气候、食物等)适合(教材P5)Some people may not agree with this opinion but they also cannot prove that they are right.有些人可能不同意这种看法,但是他们也不能证明自己是正确的。His words dont agree with his actions.他言行不一。,agree with同意某人的意见,与一致;agree that. 同意;承认agree to do sth. 同意/答应做某事agree to 同意(计划、建议或安排等)agree on 就取得一致意见,He agreed to help me with my task.他同意帮我完成任务。The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiations.双方就谈判日期达成一致。Is he going to agree to our suggestions?他会同意我们的建议吗?,


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