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1、WWW.ENFON-RGV.COM全新一代高性能穿梭车Latest high-performance Rail Guided Vehicles 上海英锋工业设备有限公司成立于2003年,专注于企业自装配到仓库的自动化系统解决方案。包含工业装配生产线、物料输送、RGV搬运与存储系统、高速装箱及包装设备等,以及为客户定制非标专机设备;公司以技术领先为指导,以“服务,创造领先的客户满意度”为企业文化内核,以“总是站在客户的立场上,选择最合理的解决方案”为服务准则,求真务实,从专业的角度为客户解决装配、包装与输送自动化等方面问题;企业文化内核 服务,创造领先的客户满意度;企业服务准则 总是站在客户的立

2、场上,选择最合理的解决方案;企业管理理念 优秀的管理,企业领先一步的源动力;完善的服务经验与能力 积聚多年的专业经验,用心服务;专业的方案和工艺设计 结合客户和实践经验,提供最合理的解决方案;齐备的生产能力 拥有成套的机械、电气加工与装配能力;专业的安装和维保服务 高素质的技师,确保现场安装质量;品质管理 从2003年起,公司全面推行质量管理,并在2010年获得英国UKAS的ISO9001:2008认证;Company ProfileEnfon company, which established in 2003, focus on the logistics solution from th

3、e manufactory assembly to fully automated storage. Including the automatic assembly lines, material conveyor system, RGV handling and storage system, High-speeding packing equipment etc., and especially customized acconding to order.“Leading the satisfying service, Enfons ambition” is her main cultu

4、re. “Always choosing the fittest solution on customer ground” is her important conceptio n. By experiences, we give the fittest logistics solutions about factory assembly, packing equipment and automatic storage and so on.our culture, Leading satisfying service, Enfons ambition;our conception, Alway

5、s choosing the fittest proposal of logistics solutions alongside clients;our management, Excellent management, the power of her leading in profession;Best service and ability, Accumulated specialty, and serves attentively;Excellent proposal and technological design, Think of clients actual and exper

6、iences, choosing the fittest way;Produce ability, With the series of product equipment and surface painting technology;Professional installation, High quality technical workers, assure the quality of equipment installation;Quality management, Since 2003, we promote comprehensive quality management s

7、ystem, and got the United Kingdom UKAS Certificated ISO9001:2008 in 2010;穿梭式货架通过巷道式货架与穿梭车组合,实现托盘货物高密度半自动化储存,根据货物的存取端口布置,可分为先入先出模式(FIFO)和后入先出模式(LIFO);The Rail Guided Vehicles Compact Rack System(RGVCRS) achieves the semi-automatical compact pallet storage ,by this combination with the channel racks a

8、nd rail guided vehicles. According to the locations of in or out entrances, the RGV could be sorted two kind of model, first in first out(FIFO) and last in first out(LIFO).先入先出模式(FIFO):托盘从一端存入,巷道另一端取出,实现先入先出;The pallets loading entrance in one side, and taking out in other side,优点 Advantages:可以实现对物流

9、的顺序存取,符合一般物流要求;To achieve the order of logistics access,meeting the general re quirements of logistics;可以实现物流存取分区操作,优化现场管理;To realize logistics access division operation, Improving on-the-spot management;缺点Disadvantages:货架两端均需要布置叉车通道;Must be arranged forklift channels in two side of the RSCRS;动态储存使用

10、率低于后入先出(LIFO);The usage rates of dynamic storage is lower than the LIFO model;后入先出模式(LIFO):仅在货架单侧布置叉车通道,货物仅从巷道单侧存取;Pallets loading in or taking out all in one side of RSCRS, and arranging one forklift channel only one side;优点Advantages:仅在单侧布置通道,可以最大限度的利用仓储面积;To arrange one forklift channel only one

11、side, and utilizing the storage area maximumly;更适合一般对物料进出顺序要求低的场合;To fulfill the situation which undemanding the specified order of seniority;缺点Disadvantages:不能实现物料的顺序出库要求;Can not achieve the specified order of pallets;适用托盘规格塑料托盘(有孔型)木制托盘(木条型)钢制托盘(方通型)01国标托盘:L1200*W1000mm(Chinese national standard)日

12、韩托盘:L1100*W1100mm(Korea and Japanese national standard)欧标托盘:L1200*W800mm(ES Standard)美标托盘:1219*W1016mm(American standard)烟草托盘:L1250*W1000mm(Specialized of China Tobacco) 穿梭车使用方式公司简介RGV ApplicationProfileThis Document remains the property of Safenet Ltd a nd will be returned to them if so requested.

13、Safenet will review the continued compliance of the machinery on a 5 yearly cycle to check for changes in the state of the art. EMC Directive Number 1674 Safenet Limited Denford Garage, Denford, Kettering, Northants., NN14 4EQ, U.K. Tel: +44 1832 732174 e-mail: officesafenet.co.uk European Notified

14、Body 1674 Certificate of Conformity This is to certify that Shanghai Enfon Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. No. 29 Cao Lian Road, Lianxi Industrial District, Anting Town, Jiading District, Shangai, China Has had a range of Radio Shuttles examined with regards to the Electromagnetic Compatibility Direc

15、tive 2004/108/EC. With reference to model RGV-1500 Manufactured by: Shanghai Enfon Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. No. 29 Cao Lian Road, Lianxi Industrial District, Anting Town, Jiading District, Shangai, China 1. The technical construction file contains all the relevant information. 2. Having verifi

16、ed that the appropriate tests have been conducted, with regard to the RGV-1500 representing the range. 2.1. The example has been manufactured in accordanc e with the technical construction file and may be used under the intended conditions. 2.2. The standards and transposed standards as the case may be, have been applied correctly. 2.3. The example has conformity with the protection requirements of Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/



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