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1、积极向上英文演讲稿演讲稿 公众演讲 积极向上英文演讲稿积极向上英文演讲稿eah of us should be a simple life of the individual riteria. beause in life, the onl riteria adhered to a simple ill it be possible to avoid straing into the road prevented us from maturing into the rong trak. point of vie on the urrent trend, hether it is interpe

2、rsonal relationships, soial struture or famil ties, are also pliated b the trend. hoever, it also happened to use a simplified formula to deal ith these relationships. therefore, the use of simple approah to deal ith affairs, not onl an be effetive, but ill also bring to life a paed rhthm of. in fat

3、, to make things more pliated is eas, but if ou ant to simplif things into an orderl situation in the brain should be! plex issues to look at ver simple, simple questions to see ver plex, both of ho is stupid? a friend of mine almost did not take on the anser that the to people poerful, simple quest

4、ion beause it should look simple and plex issues should be too pliated. don quixote there is a fragment: sanho asked that the orlds first ousin ho somersaults? his ousin replied that to anser this question i as not, and i ill look bak to the book stud, researh about it, the next meeting, and then te

5、ll ou the anser. sanho said to him after a hile, just ask this question, i think the anser no: the orlds first is the devil, beause he fell from the sk, has been turning , fell to hell. ou might see here simmer ith laughter, beause sanhos anser is ver simple, but it also ontains the isdom of an extr

6、emel simple, as in reognition of his master, he said, sanho, ou sa so, often more than our isdom it. some people gone to great pains to arr out researh, but onluded groth often an not see, an not add mon sense, is meaningless. in fat, life, stud, ork in a lot of things are ver simple, no need to spe

7、nd tremendous efforts headahe, life, love, the ideal is so often just the equivalent of first grade, like math, or no shooling, those ho did not kno the ord look at the hiken and rabbit ages at the time of this issue the same a of thinking - a fe do not open the age a fe kno? h suh a big effort out

8、harges that man of the equation to alulate! more importantl, h the hiken and rabbit in a age ith it - but sometimes too man people go a too far too hard, but XXreness is not there some a do not have to go. some people go to see other people that the ill be hard to travel, that go after a lot of hard

9、 road there ill be a paradise, but ho knos in his heaven on the plae of origin, all the a to alk in his proess, or little paradise. :/anjianggao/gzanjiang/128504210273525.htm 演讲稿 公众演讲 积极向上英文演讲稿积极向上英文演讲稿there is a fish, he onl plaed a da of fish, fish that an be for just one da of his food, ater and

10、smoke. and then he ould lie on the beah in the sun, athing the blue sk and hite louds smoke, leisurel. then ame a businessman, said to him: brother, i think ou should pla more of the fish, and then sell them, suh as after a ertain amount of mone to bu a boat, and then open boat around so the sale of

11、 but i do not being in the sun, the sea to listen to it? the man replied, more importantl, suh enough of me to do those things, to make enough mone, mabe i have no time to listen to the sea the sun 。 。 this shos the plexit of the orld does not matter, onl the plexit of the heart and not a blak hole

12、as i do not kno the depth of the desire of the marginal. its like a tree, look to man of the branhes, look at the ountless leaves, again, is the ountless ells. in fat, it is just a tree, a tree onl. all problems an be as simple, as all puter problems are onl to ansers: es or not. simple is a positiv

13、e, optimisti, positive attitude toards life. on the right, a mistake; love to love, and hate on the hate; laugh laughed, ried the tears. ho an so muh trouble, mind and tists and turns, over and over again and hih allo ou to tamper ith them. life is too short, his life just a fe deades, hoever, hih s

14、tand up to so muh unneessar disruption. is simple to learn ho to give up. this ould also like to have it, bearing in mind that e shoulders so muh mone, reputation, status, emotion, sadness and resentment. simpl to abandon it, easil the road, more time to listen to , a little more time to take are of the rising sun, a little more time to go the distane in our heart。


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