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1、九年级英语 1 单元词组翻译1.和朋友一起学习 work with friends2.听磁带 listen to tapes3.制作抽认卡 make flashcards4.寻求老师帮助 ask the teacher for help5.阅读教科书 read the textbook6.制作词汇表 make vocabulary lists7.为准备考试而学习 study for a test8.参加学习小组 work with a group9.看英语录像 watch English language videos10.和朋友们一起练习对话 practice conversations w

2、ith friends11.大声朗读练习发音 read aloud to practice pronunciation12.用那种方式学到很多 learn a lot that way13.提高我的口语技能 improve my speaking skills14.学到更多英语的最好方法 the best way to learn more English15.通过使用英语来学习 learn by using English16.更具体的建议 have more specific suggestions17.学习生词最好的方法 the best way to learn new words18

3、.阅读英语杂志 read English magazines19.学习语法 study grammar20.感受不同 feel differently21.获得大量的练习 get lots of practice22.发现看电影令人失望 find watching movies frustrating23.做一个关于方面的调查 do a survey about24.结束做某事 end up doing25.写词汇清单 write vocabulary lists26.记英语笔记 take an English notebook27.问老师问题 ask the teacher question

4、s28.看英语电视 watch English-language TV29.发一些单词的音 pronounce some of the words30.英语口语 spoken English31.拼写一些英语单词 spell some English words32 犯了一个错误 make a mistake33.犯错 make mistakes34.错误的 doby mistake35.在语法方面出错 make mistakes in grammar36.如何使用逗号 how to use commas37.读得非常慢 read slowly38.准确发音 get the pronuncia

5、tion right39.得到大量的写作练习 get much writing practice40.把新单词写到笔记本上 write the words in your notebook41.参加一个英语俱乐部 join an English langrage club42.向某人挑战 challenge sb.43.有一个练习英语的同伴 have a partner to practice English with44.一开始 first of all45.以。 。 。开始 to begin with46.后来 later on47.害怕做某事 be afraid to do 48.嘲笑

6、laugh at49.写出完整的句子 write complete sentences50.的秘密 the secret of51.对印象深刻 be impressed52.发现学英语很难 find learning English difficult53.做某事有困难 have trouble doing54.与讲英语的朋友一起外出 go out with English-speaking friends55.大量的听力练习 lots of listening practice56.写下 write down57.在词典中查单词 look it up in a dictionary58.记笔

7、记 take notes59.编写对话 make up conversations60.用英语同朋友讲话 speak to friend in English61.处理 deal with62.影响我们在学校怎么做 affect how we do at school63,影响我们与家人的行为方式 influence the way we behave with our families64.把看作 regard as65.学会忘记 learn to forget66.生的气 be angry with sb 67.生气 stay angry68.时间过去 time goes by69.产生争

8、执 have disagreement70.决定不做某事 decide not to do71.解决问题 solve the problem72.把问题看作挑战 regard problems as challenges73.抱怨。 。 。 complain about74.把。 。 。变成。 。 。 changeinto75.我们成长中的一个重要部分 an important fart of our development76.作为年轻人 as young adults77.做。 。 。是我们的职责 Its our duty to do78.尽某人最大努力做某事 try ones best to do79.在。 。 。的帮助下 with the help of80.想一些更糟的事情 think of something worse81.把与比较 compareto82.面对挑战 face the challenges83,尽某人的职责 do ones duty84.看心理医生 see a psychologist85.中断 break off86.以积极的方式 in a positive way



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