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1、关于广告词的英语作文在很多的英语作文题目中,会出现关于广告词的作文主题。下面请欣赏我带来的关于广告词的英语作文,希望能让大家有所收获!关于广告词的英语作文一:Annoing AdvertisementEver da hen e turn on the TV-set, hat appears into our ees first is advertisement. Some people think that advertisements have man advantages, hile I take no interests in them at all. On the ontrar, th

2、e are a great nuisane in m mind.There are to main disadvantages of advertisements. For one thing, advertisements often mislead us. Most sellers on advertisements boast that their produts are superior to other ones in the markets. Hoever, the are inferior in qualit. When people fall for the triks, th

3、e an do nothing but plain and regret beause the an t ontat the sellers to get pensation after purhasing. For another, advertisements usuall take up plent of time on TV, so e an t ath an TV programs in a happ mood. What is orse is that man interesting programs are segmented b a lot of boring advertis

4、ements, hih makes us feel annoed. But e have to stand.关于广告词的英语作文二: AdvertisementAdvertisements are foring their a into people s lives. People refer to advertisements in their dail lives beause the are onsumers. The advertisers are usuall manufaturers, retailers and salesmen. Their merhandise needs t

5、o be advertised to bring it to the attention to the ustomers. Thus nearl ever produt is advertised in some a. To a large extent, good advertising leads to suess hile bad advertising an mean failure.There are man as to advertise and ads e in different forms. Nespapers arr advertisements. Some produts

6、 are publiized on TV and radio hih bring them into notie of a ide audiene. Billboards also arr advertising. Advertising is a big industr no and man agenies have been set up to furnish a variet of forms.Hoever, advertising is not alas truthful. A produt is often misrepresented. The advertiser exagger

7、ates the benefits of the merhandise he ants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth. The onsumer falls vitim to suh advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised produts and have been dissatisfied ith them。关于广告词的英语作文三:M Vie on the Ad Done b CelebritTurning on the TV, e an see numerous adv

8、ertisements done b the elebrities inluding the film stars, singers and so on. Some people believe it is orth the efforts beause the think hat the stars have said in the ads are true and onvining hile some other people orr that the information in the ads ma be misleading to the onsumers. So far as I

9、am onerned, the advertisements done b the elebrities should be limited.First of all, the elebrities, hile reeiving the handsome pa for advoating some produts, should be responsible for hat the have said in the ads for the redibilit is prieless. We have heard of some ases about the false information

10、in the ads and a number of stars have been aused b the ustomers for their misdeeds. What is more, the ustomers should bee areful and ritial about the information the see in TV. It does no harm to think tie before buing the produts advertised b the stars. Finall, the government needs to tighten the ontrol over the broadasting of the advertisement.To sum up, the stars should be responsible hen doing the advertisement and in the mean time, the onsumers should be areful hen shopping.看过关于广告词的英语作文的人还看过:1.世界经典广告词英文版经典广告词经典英文广告语集锦3.英文广告词欣赏4.有创意又经典回味的英文广告词5.世界著名品牌英文广告语大全


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