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1、1Chapter TenHow Jack Welch Runs GEIBackground Information1. John F. Welch, Jr. (Jack Welch) 杰克韦尔奇Mr. Welch, a native of Salem, Massachusetts, served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of General Electric from 1981-2001. Mr. Welch was born in Salem in 1936. He received his B.S. degree in chemica

2、l engineering from the University of Massachusetts in 1957 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois in 1960. In 1960, Mr. Welch joined GE as a chemical engineer for its Plastics division in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He was elected the companys youngest

3、Vice President in 1972 and was named Vice Chairman in 1979. In December 1980 it was announced that he would succeed Reginald H. Jones and in April 1981 he became the eighth Chairman and CEO.Mr. Welch retired as Chairman and CEO of General Electric in September 2001. In September 2001, Mr. Welch publ

4、ished his autobiography, Jack, Straight From The Gut. The book quickly jumped to the number one spot on bestseller lists from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, A, USA Today Non-Fiction and the Association of Independent Booksellers. In addition to his new role as author, Mr. Welch serves

5、as a consultant to a small group of Fortune 500 business CEOs.2 General Electric(GE )(美国) 通用电气公司This American company traces its beginnings to Thomas A. Edison, who established Edison Electric Light Company in 1878. In 1892, a merger of Edison General Electric Company and Thomson-Houston Electric Co

6、mpany created General Electric Company. In its early and development stages, GE operated mainly as a manufacturer of aircraft engines, power generation, home appliances, medical instrument and many other products. In the past number of decades, the company has moved into services industries, such as

7、 financial services, and television programming.GE operates in more than 100 countries and employs more than 315,000 people worldwide. Jeffrey R. Immelt is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer as of September 7, 2001. GEs 2002 revenues are $131.7 billion and its years net earnings $15.1billion ($1.5

8、1 per share) before cumulative effect of accounting changes. Its 2002 cash from operating activities is $15.2 billion excluding progress collections; ($10.1 billion total). GEs 2002 international revenues are $52.9 billion (40% of total revenues) and its 2002 R&D expenditures $2.6 billion. And its 2

9、002 total assets are $575.0 billion. II Notes to the Text1. Much has been said and written about how Welch has transformed what was an old-line American industrial giant into a keenly competitive global growth engine, how he has astutely moved the once Establishment-maker of things into services. (p

10、. 211)The compound word “old-line” (adj.) means having an established reputation。The word “Establishment” with capital initiative is understood as an established public or private institution, such as a company or school.【参考译文】有关韦尔奇的评介近年来有许多, 大都介绍了他如何把一个老字号的美国产业巨人改造成一个具有强劲竞争力的全球增长型的发动机,如何精明地把一个老牌制造商

11、带入了服务业。2. Welch has reshaped the company through more than 600 acquisitions and a forceful push abroad 2into newly emerging markets. (p. 211)Emerging markets refer to countries that have shown fast growth in terms of domestic market demand and foreign trade over the last two decades. Emerging-market

12、 nations include Malaysia, Mexico, South Korea, Chile, South Africa, and Poland, and they have had their sovereign debt upgraded in recent years to investment-grade status. China, India, Russia, Malaysia and Mexico are included in the category.【参考译文】韦尔奇通过六百多项收购和有力打入了海外新兴市场完成了对通用电气公司的改造。3. He does it

13、 through sheer force of personality, coupled with an unbridled passion for winning the game of business and a keen attention to details many chieftains would simply overlook. (p.211)句中 though adj.意为 by reason of 或 because of。例如: She succeeded through hard work. 她努力工作取得了成功。句中:coupled with 意为 to be li

14、nked together。句中:unbridled adj.意为 being unrestrained or uncontrolled(奔放不羁的;无法控制的) 。【参考译文】韦尔奇做到了这些,是因为他有绝对的人格魅力,以及他有追求商场制胜的奔放激情,还有他对具体细节的强烈关注,而许多总裁往往对具体细节视而不见。4. First off, there are the thousands of “students” he has encountered in his classes at the Croton-on-Hudson campus, which everyone at GE jus

15、t calls Crotonville. (p.211)Croton-on-Hudson, located 33 miles north of Manhattan, New York City, is a beautiful area for escape from the busy life of NYC and features some popular attractions. GE holds its annual meetings or training programs in the area. The “students” are the GE managers who have

16、 attended those training programs and listened to Welchs speeches. 【参考译文】首先,他在哈德逊克劳顿校园多年来授课时结识了数千名经理“学员” ;通用电气员工简称为克劳顿校园为克劳顿村。5. More than half is devoted to “people issues. But most important, he has created something unique at a big company: informality. (p.211) 句中 informality 意为 the quality and state of being free from conventional forms or restrictions(不拘泥规定和形式或简化形式) 。【参考译文】再有就是他用多半的时间去关注“人”的问题。但最重要的是,他在一个如此庞大的公司内完成了一项创新:从简不拘泥条条框框。6. The metaphor, howev



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