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1、1Vocabulary(一)教学目标:1. To use adjectives to describe characteristics2. To recognize whether an adjectives is positive or negative3. Grasp the addings of changing adjs into its negative4. Be a happy , lively teenagers after learning this unit(二)课前自主学习1. 有各种各样不同的主意_2. 花费许多时间向我们解释疑难 _3. 捐钱给慈善机构_4. 炫耀 _5

2、. Andy 真是考虑周到给我们播放他的 CD _6. 制作生日卡片 _7. 吃整个生日蛋糕 _8. 把所有颜色的气球都带来了_9. 给我们每人两个礼物 _10. 为我们组织这个聚会 _11. 在实验室里做一个实验 _12. 第一只克隆羊 _(三) 体验与实践一、写出下列词的反义词:1. active_ 2. hard-working_ 3. strong_4. patient _ 5. selfish _ 6. fair_7. usual_ 8. possible_ 9. outgoing_(四)教学过程Step1.RevisionRevise the phrases and express

3、ions in Reading energetic and activea curious and clever persona strong and confident persona modest personpay attention to detailsa polite and fair personargue with othersa powerful person it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faultshave a good sense of humour patient enough tocreative

4、 and imaginative ,etc.Ask the Ss to retell the content of describing 12 different star signs one by one.Step2.presentationPart A1. revise the usual addings of changing the positive into the negative, such as in,im, un,lessand so on., and do some exercises.2. Divide the class into groups of four. Eac

5、h group works together to complete Part A. One student in each group writes down the answers on a piece of paper. Groups raise their hands when they have finished.3. When all the groups have finished, each group must give their answers to another group to mark. Remind students to put the name of the

6、ir group at the top of the paper.教师个性化备课教师个性化备课21. Read out the correct to the class. Each group marks another groups answers. The group with the most correct answers will win.Part B1. Ask students to work on their own to do Part B. Remind them to look at the pictures and the words provided.2. Ask s

7、tudents to compare their answers with their neighbours and discuss the differences.3.When the discussion is finished, ask a student for the answer to No.1. Ask all students who agree to raise their hands. If a student gives an incorrect answer, ask other students what the correct answer should be.La

8、nguang points1. Billy has all kinds of different ideas. He is imagination. Billy 有各种各样不同2. 的想法,他富有想象力。all kinds of 表示 “各种各样的”e.g. There are all kinds of flowers in the park in spring.2. Daniel is very clever, but he never shows off. Daniel 很聪明,但他从不炫耀。show off 炫耀,卖弄e.g. She often shows off her fine c

9、lothes. Step3.homeworkGrasp the addings of changing adjs into its negative.do some exercise(五)课堂反馈练习一所给根据首字母填写单词。1. Many actors and sports players are e_ and a_ .2. Tom cant sit there quietly. He is i_ .3. The top student in our class is the most h_ .4. The person whose star sign is Capricorn is pat

10、ient and p_ .5. My English teacher always spends a lot of time (解释)things to us. He is patient.6. Lucy is a top student . But she never shows off. She is m . We should learn from her.7. Please be p and do not give up easily.8. He always thinks more of himself than others. He is a s person.9. Im c to

11、 know what the secret is.10. Mr White is not a man with few words. He loves to talk. He is an o person.11. My uncle likes to buy his friends nice presents. He is g .二完成句子1. 中国现在是世界上最具有影响力的国家之一。 China is one of _ in the world.2. 吴老师花许多时间为我们讲解。他很有耐心。Mr Wu is_ a lot of time_. 3. Simon 解释说他的汽车出了毛病。 Simo

12、n _ that_ with his car. 4. Andy 为我们播放 CD,他考虑得真周到 . It is_ Andy to play his CDs for us.5. 把事情搞得乱七八糟是 Simon 的典型特征。It is _ Simon to_. 6. 你真好推荐我做新的主席。不用谢。-It was_ me _the new chairperson. -Its our p_. = Not at all. = You are welcome. Grammar A(一) 。教学目标:教师个性化备课31A “It is/was +adj+ of/for sb. to do”句型译成“对

13、某人来说,做某事是(样子的) 。”for sb.的句型通常使用表示客观情况的形容词,of sb. 的句型是一般用表示主观感情或态度的形容词。2其次,of sb. 句型一般都可以转换成带一个不定式作状语的句子,而for sb.的句型则不可以这样转换。(二).课前自主学习复习 Reading 的内容,请同学们把下列介词填写出来。1. It is important _ us to protect the wildlife .2. It is harmful _ us to pollute the environment .3. It is selfish _people to kill the wild animals .4. It is foolish _the farmers to change the farmlands to make more space for farms and buildings .5. It is wrong _ the women to wear the clothes ma



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