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1、1. you should always travel: 行车时应该A. At the speed of vehicles in front of you 跟前方的车辆速度一致B. At the speed limit 跟限速速度一致*C. According to road and weather conditions 根据道路和天气情况而定*2. When passing a vehicle, you should return to your lane when 当超车时,下列哪种情况下你可以返回到你的车道(指的是你从侧方超车后,想返回到刚才的车道)*A. You can see bot

2、h its headlights in your rearview mirror 后视镜可以看见两个车灯 r *B. You have cleared the front bumper of the passed vehicle 已经超过了被超车辆的前保险杠C. You are 50 feet in front of the passed vehicle 已经超过被超车辆 50 尺的距离3. Headlights are required, day or night, when visibility is less than 无论白天黑夜,当能见度低于多少尺,需要打开车灯A. 100 feet

3、 B. 300 feet C. 500 feet 这道题答案选项为 300 500 和 1000。答案选 1000。 4. Broken yellow lines (dashes) are used on streets and high ways to: 街道和高速的黄色虚线A. Indicate no passing zones 表示是禁止超车区B. Separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction 同方向道路分隔线*C. Separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite direction

4、 相向(反向)道路分隔线*5. on an undivided highway when an emergency vehicle approaches with its siren and/or flashing lights on, you should: 在无隔离带高速路,如果应急车辆(消防,警车,救护车等)鸣笛和或闪灯接近,你应该A. Drive slowly until it has passed 减速直到车辆过去B. Speed up to clear traffic 加速让路*C. Pull to the right and stop 靠右边行驶并停车*6. According

5、to the Iowa(这个是原题,题目里写的是 Kansas,难道两个州用的一个题库?) Implied Consent Law for both resident and nonresident drivers: 根据州默示法(一种法律,我估计是强制测酒精的法律),不论是居民驾驶员还是非居民驾驶员,A. An arrested driver may be asked to submit to a chemical test to determine the alcohol content in his/her blood 被捕驾驶员会被要求做化学测试来检测血液酒精含量B. Refusal

6、to submit to chemical testing will result in the drivers dringing privileges being withdrawn 拒绝做化学测试会导致驾驶员驾驶权被收回*C. Both of the above are true 上述两项都正确*7. If the rear of your vehicle is skidding to the left, you should: 车辆屁股滑向左侧时(汽车打滑时应朝打滑方向转方向盘) A. Not turn your steering wheel until you are through

7、skidding 不转方向盘直到不打滑*B. Turn your steering wheel to the left to correct the skid 向左打方向盘来矫正打滑*C. Turn your steering wheel to the right to correct the skid 向右打方向盘来矫正打滑8. When driving behind another vehicle on an entrance to a freeway, you should: 当跟随另一辆车到达高速路入口时*A. Be prepared for the other vehicle to

8、slow down 随时注意其他车辆以减速*B. Be prepared to enter the same gap of traffic as the other vehicle 准备跟随其他车辆进入相同的交通间隙C. Not go faster than 20 mph 不超过 20mph ( miles per hour)9. A flashing red light at an intersection means: 交叉路口闪烁的红灯表示A. Stop and wait for the green light 停车等待绿灯B. Slow and go with caution 减速小心

9、通过*C. Stop and yield the right of way 停车让行道路右侧的车辆*10. When it is raining, you should be most careful when turning or stopping: 雨天,哪种情况你应该在转弯和停车时最最小心A. After it has been raining all day 当雨下了一整天后B. A half hour after it stops raining 当下雨后半个小时时*C. During the first half hour of rain 在下雨最开始的半个小时里 *11. Bef

10、ore making a turn, you should: 在转弯前,你应该*A. Look to see of other vehicles and/or pedestrians will be in your way 观察其他车辆和或行人出现在你的路线上 *B. Stop at crosswalk 在人行横道处停车C. Move slightly to the left when turning right and move slightly to the right when turning left 右转时稍向左移动,左转时稍向右移动12. The best way to keep

11、your car from hydroplaning (tires riding on top of water) is 防止车辆打滑(湿路滑胎)最好的方法是A. Drive at a constant speed 速度不变B. Apply the brakes firmly 结实的踩刹车*C. Keep your speed down 减速*13. Which driver must yield the right of way at this uncontrolled intersection? 在无指挥的交通路口,哪个司机必须让行右侧路的车(估计是这个司机面前有闪烁的红灯)(这道题找不到

12、图) A. Driver A *B. Driver B *C. Driver C 14. When preparing to make a left turn from a two-way street, you should drive: 当在一条双向街道准备左转时,你应该A. Close to the right hand side of the road 紧贴道路右手侧*B. Close to the center line 紧贴中线*C. On the left of the center line 在中线的左侧15. In speed zones of 45 mph or less,

13、 you must signal your turn continuously the last_feet before turning. 在限速 45mph 的地方,你必须在转弯前多少尺打开转向灯*A. 300 feet *B. 500feet C. 1000 feet 16. When changing lanes 当变道时*A. You must yield to vehicles in that lane 你必须让行那条车道的车辆*B. Vehicles in that lane must let you in when you signal 当你打转向灯时,那条车道的车辆必须让你进入

14、C. If there is no space for your car, crowd the lane divider and move in when possible当没有空间变道时,挤在车道分离线上,在可能的时候再进入17. When driving under normal conditions, you should stay at least 在正常情况下,你应该至少保持A. One second behind the vehicle in front of you 距离前车一秒钟的车距*B. Two seconds behind the vehicle in front of

15、you 距离前车两秒钟的车距*C. Three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you 距离前车三秒钟的车距18. You are approaching an intersection and see these pavement markings. What do these pavement markings tell you? 你接近交通路口,看到这些人行道标志,表示什么(不好意思没图)*A. You may make a right turn only from the right lane 你只能从右侧车道右转 *B. The two lanes will merge into one 两条车道会汇成一条C. The vehicle in the right lane must turn right 右侧车道的车必须右转19. Passing is prohibited when 当下列哪种情况下不准超车*A. You are within 100 feet of an intersection of railroad crossing 你在铁道交叉路口100 尺以内时 *B. The vehicle you are follo


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