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1、Teaching design for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 3B Module 4 Unit 2 Childrens Day(Period 1)- Childrens Day in ChinaSchool: Chenyang Primary SchoolTeacher: Ma LiliMaterials: Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 3BM4U2 Childrens DayDate: 2014-05 -14Teaching aids: Multi-media, word cardsTeaching aims

2、:1) 掌握词组:the first of June, have a class party, take a photograph, go to the cinema2)学会运用句型 What do you do _?I _ on Childrens Day.进行问答。3)通过学习,了解儿童节,激发学生对儿童节的喜爱之情。教学过程:Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparation1.Rhyme2.Daily talk3.Know Alice1.Say a rhyme2.Ask and answer3.Lead in通过儿歌和Dail

3、y talk 复习之前学过的一些动词。While-task procedures:1.Childrens Day2.Enjoy 1.Read 2.Listen and enjoy引入 Alice,通过 Enjoy 为这堂课的教学创设情境。1.the first of June2.In China,Childrens Day is on the first of June.1.Read 2. Try to say:In _,Childrens Day is on the _ of _.通过由易到难的分步教学,降低学习的难度,也使学生对儿童节日期加深记忆。1.What do you do _?I

4、_ .2.have a class party3.Review:blow the balloonsdecorate the classroom1. Ask and answer 2. Read.3. Ask and answer通过复习之前的一些词组,丰富have a class party 的内容,同时操练句型。 1.take a photograph2.Rhyme3. What do you do _?I _.1.Read 2.Try to say: On Childrens Day, I take photographs _.3.Say a rhyme4. Enjoy again5.Wo

5、rk in pairs通过儿歌对前面的一些词组进行一个总结和巩固。通过 enjoy again 引出句型,同桌操练巩固句型。1.cinemago to the cinema2.parentparents1. Lead in2.Ask and answer3.Read4.Try to say通过分部发音,让学生学会自己拼读单词。Post-task activitiesAsk and answer 1.Ask and answer2.Work in pairs通过问答的练习复习本课的词组和句型。Review 1.Read2.Try to say通过 Alices Childrens Day 帮学生梳理本课的知识点。In the evening Listen. 在听力中结束学习,也为下一课时做下铺垫。Homework: Read and copy the phrases and sentencesTalk about Alices ChildrensDay Talk about your ChildrensDay


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