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1、学前教育期中复习题一单词解释及造句1.overseasadv. to, at, or in somewhere across the sea; foreign 向海外;在海外;在国外 It is easier for people in the central states to ship their goods to New York for export overseas. The university has over 16,300 students, almost a quarter of these students are from overseas.2.occupationn.

2、a job; employment 工作;职业 Each occupation is commonly associated with a different level of status, usually called an economic class. Every one faces the problem of choosing an occupation after graduation from college or university, which plays a vital role in his life.3.donatetogive something, especia

3、lly money, to a person or an organization in order to help them 向捐款,把捐献给 Everyone was asked to donate a days pay to the combined city charities. More and more people are willing to donate their organs to sick people after their death.4.work ontry hard to improve something or achieve something 致力于,从事

4、 Sometimes, the applied scientist finds the problems for the theoretical scientist to work on. According to Hopkins, the film turned out to be the most exciting hed ever worked on.5.rockn. also rock n roll, popular modern dance music played loudly on electrical instruments 摇滚乐 Many young people toda

5、y like rock and roll music, for it is more exciting. My parents prefer listening to some light music to rock music.6.go to sleepfall asleep 入睡 You look tired. When did you go to sleep last night? I am used to do some reading before going to sleep.7.self-esteemn. self-respect 自尊 The teacher always pr

6、aises her students in order to raise their self-esteem. I felt very sorry that I hurt the young clerks self-esteem.8.kidn. a child 孩子 For no apparent reason this nine-year-old kid kicked my friends dog. It doesnt help if parents treat the teenager as a big kid, and demands obedience.9.householdn. fa

7、mily 家庭 The smallest unit of economic production in any society is often called a household. In America, only in a few cases does more than one household live under one roof.10.apartmentn. a room or suite of rooms 公寓住宅 The old lady was found dead in her apartment, and the police suspected murder. Bu

8、ilders want more money to build more apartment buildings, and landlords want more money to repair their old apartment buildings.11.lazinessn. the state or condition of disliking and avoiding activity or work 懒惰;懒散 As a result of your laziness and rudeness, I am forced to dismiss you. Do you find get

9、ting up in the morning so difficult that its painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation.12.end upreach a specified state or action eventually 告终;结束 Everyone wishes long-lasting friendship, but this may end up as a myth. The challenge is for consumers to control th

10、e movement so that we do not end up its victims.13.phase outbring gradually out of use 淘汰 The credit card will soon be phased out for it lacks security. A defective product may well be phased out due to the fierce competition from others.14.hasslen. trouble; bother 麻烦;打扰 Its a real hassle to get thi

11、s naughty child to eat. You are getting into a hassle if you dare do that. 15.would rather than prefer to 宁愿(宁可),而不愿 I would rather stay at home than go to see the old film. The brave soldier would rather die than surrender to the enemy.16.turn to seek help from; resort to 求助于;借助于 Whenever I was in

12、trouble as a little kid, I would turn to my mother. College students can turn to the library for different kinds of reading materials.17.treatn. a source of a special delight or pleasure 使人愉快的事,乐事 It is a treat to meet you in such a remote mountainous area. A day in the countryside is a real treat f

13、or a city person.18.junk fooduseless or unhealthy food 垃圾食品 The kindergarten teacher is explaining to her children what junk food is. Undoubtedly junk food is bad to our health, so try to avoid eating them.19.heeln. back part of human foot 足跟 There is a hole in the heel of my stocking. I dont like t

14、o wear shoes with high heels, they are very uncomfortable.20.fashionableadj. following a style that is currently popular 时髦的;流行的 Diana wishes that she could afford all those fashionable clothes sold in the big department store. It costs young people a lot of time and money to be fashionable.21.clima

15、ten. regular pattern of weather conditions (temperature, rainfall, winds, etc.) of a particular region 气候 Sally couldnt get used to the hot climate in Dubai even many years after she moved there. The winter climate in northeast China is cold and dry.22.attiren. clothes, dress 衣服,服装 At the welcome pa

16、rty, everyone dressed in formal attire. Nowadays the attire for middle aged men and women are hard to find in shops.23.go forattempt to get 想要获得,选择 I think Ill go for the fruit salad. Alice is going for the world record in the high jump.24.customn. sth. people do that is traditional or usual 习惯;风俗 In America, its a custom for the brides father to pay for the wedding. Custom is the source of our stron


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