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1、 G M A T GMAT - currency1GMAT “ fifl ” fl GMAT (10) HumanResource GMAT2In an attempt to improve the overallperformance ofclerical workers,manycompanies have introduced computer-izedperformance monitoring and control(CPMCS)thatrecord and report aworkers computer-drivenactivities.However,at least ones

2、tudy has shown thatsuchmonitoring maynot be having the de-sired effects.Inthestudy,researchersaskedmonitoredcleri-cal workers and theirsupervisors howassessments of productivityaffectedsupervisorsratingsofworkersperform-ance.In contrast tounmonitored work-ers doing the same work,whowithoutexception

3、identified the most importantelement in theirjobs as customerservice,the monitored workers andtheirsupervisors all responded that produc-tivitywasthecriticalfactorinassigningratings.Thisfindingsuggestedthatthereshould havebeen a strong correlationbetween a monitored workersproduc-tivity and the over

4、all rating theworkerreceived.However,measures of therelationship betweenoverall rating andindividual elements of performanceclearlysupported the conclusion thatsupervisors gave considerable weighttocriteriasuchasattendance,accuracy,andindicationsofcustomersatisfaction.It is possible that productivit

5、y maybeaHygienefactor thatis,ifitistoolow,itwillhurttheoverallrating.Buttheevidencesuggests that beyond the pointat which productivitybecomesgoodenough, higher productivity per seisunlikelytoimprovearating. 想 ”根据GMAT 应 扫描全 后定两 两 显 19 In contrast to 揭示了被监控与未被监控 人 认识 工 立 1自然段 9 However 转折词引fl了人初步想法与 只

6、 抓住 两 fi fi部分即可迎刃 看看具 1.According to the passage,before thefinalresultsofthestudywereknown,whichofthefollowingseemedlikely?(A)The workers with the highest pro-ductivity would also bethe mostaccurate.(B)That workers who initially achievedhigh productivityratings would con-tinuetodosoconsistently.(C)T

7、hat the highest performance rat-ings would be achievedby workerswiththehighestproductivity.(D)That the most productive workerswould be those whosesupervisorsclaimedtovalueproductivity.(E)That supervisors who claimed tovalue productivity wouldplace equalvalue on customer satisfaction.完 干可 该 与研究 ”相反 人

8、 想法首先可 先看原 两 表示 词 前后句子 定位 时 难发 干叙述 1自然段 9 however前后可 找到相做fl定位 后 只 抓住句 词productivityperformancerating 轻松选fl正答案(C).2.It can be inferred that the author ofthe passagediscussesunmonitoredworkers (line19)primarilyinorderto(A)Compare the ratings of these work-ers with the ratings ofmonitoredworkers.(B)Pro

9、vide an example of a case inwhich monitoring mightbe effective.(C)Provide evidence of an inappropri-ate use of CPMCS.(D)Emphasize the effect that CPMCSmay have on workersperception oftheirjobs.(E)Illustrate the effect that CPMCS mayhave on workersratings.本 旨 求 懂 注 还 先扫描曾经标记过 表示 词汇 语 细 原 19 Incontras

10、t to后 后 发 处与 干 基本相符引导了 即被监控未被监控 人 工 认识 同(未被监控 人认为工最 客户服务 被监控 人认为工最 生产力) 难发 选项最 代表 (D)里 笔 些见 键词/ 语做了 mo r ethan、like、unlike、but、however、onthe other hand、recently与” 样 所有键词汇 语 fi家都必须 断 平时 练习培养fl 敏感性 熟生 述 应该 GMAT 部分 有 为 了 GMAT TOEFL/IELTS 语 “ 样 词汇 本 应GMAT “时必须 注 键词 只有 样 到 同 述 为fi家 分 GMAT 法 为fi家还 了GMAT ”法 fi家 了有 fl 样 只 生 了 些GMAT 后到 currency1了


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