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1、 http:/数字或时间有助托福阅读词汇题解题托福阅读词汇题是新托福阅读考试每次必考题型,托福阅读词汇题目目的让考生熟知文章中个别单词或短语的具体意思,所以考生理解单词的意思必须符合原文的意思。一般说来,题目中涉及到的单词或短语对于文章的理解或者重要的部分起到至关重要的作用。其中像是数字或时间这些明显的线索也会有助解题。接下来前程百利小编为大家介绍。如何识别此类问题词汇类问题很容易辨认,在文章中被考到的单词或短语会被用阴影标识出来,问题的提问形式通常为:In the case of a word, the question might beThe word X in the passage i

2、s closest in meaning toIn the case of a phrase, the question might beIn stating X, the author means thatThe phrase X in the passage is closest in meaning to其中,以第一种形式,也就是考察考察某单词在文章上下文中意思的问题类型最为常见。如何答题1. 在文章中定位到阴影标识的单词或短语。2. 仔细阅读该词或短语所在句子。3. 在句子中寻找可以帮助理解阴影标识的单词或短语的具体意思的线索。4. 选择答案,并将所选择的单词或短语放入原文进入检验,以

3、确认这个句子在全文中仍是有意义的。提醒考生注意,选择答案时,不要仅仅因为某个选项符合该单词的某一个正确意思就将其作为正确选项;题目考察的是作者在文章上下文中使用的词义。数字/时间解题实例: http:/Example: OG Practice Set 3, question 11Passage 6: With the advent of projection, the viewers relationship with the image was no longer private, as it had been with earlier peepshow devices such as th

4、e Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope, which was a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of successive images on individual photographic cards instead of strips of celluloid. It suddenly became public an experience that the viewer shared with dozens, score, and even hundreds of others. At the sa

5、me time, the image that the spectator looked at expanded from the minuscule peepshow dimensions of 1 or 2 inches (in height) to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet.The word expanded in the passage is closest in meaning to was enlarged was improved was varied was rejected解析:expanded 所在的文章句子中出现从“1 or 2 inches”到“6 or 9 feet”,因此我们可以轻而易举得出 expanded 在文章中上下文意思为 was enlarged。以上就是前程百利小编为考生带来的利用时间或者数字解答托福阅读词汇题的分析。大家在对托福阅读词汇题进行专项练习时,可以总结一下其他的答题关键点。预祝大家托福考试取得好成绩!


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