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1、托福综合写作范文真题解析托福综合写作应该如何写?如果应对托福综合写作的听力内容和阅读内容?这些都是考生在备考时应该掌握的,这样才能在考试中为你的托福综合写作提分。这里小站教育编辑就为大家带来了托福综合写作的真题解析,希望对大家托福写作提分有帮助。这里小站教育名师用 TPO29 的托福综合写作为例为大家详解托福综合写作的解题全过程,希望对大家备考托福写作有帮助。阅读内容:Large numbers of dinosaur fossils have been discovered in deposits on Alaskas North Slope, a region that today exp

2、eriences an extremely cold, arctic climate. One hundred million years ago, when those dinosaurs were alive, the environment of the North Slope was already inhospitable, especially during the winter when it experienced several months of total darkness. How did the dinosaurs survive the wintertime? Pa

3、leontologists have proposed that one of the most common North Slope dinosaurs, the elephant-sized Edmontosaur (Edmontosaurus), survived the winter by migrating south to more hospitable regions. Several arguments support the migration hypothesis.现今经历极寒,拥有北极气候的阿拉斯加北坡,发掘出了大量恐龙化石。一亿年以前,当这些恐龙依然存活的时候,北坡环境

4、就已然不宜生物居住了,尤其在冬季,北坡经历着长达数月的黑暗。当时的恐龙是如何在那里的冬季生存下来的?以当时最常见的北坡恐龙一种大象般大小的埃德蒙顿龙为例,古生物学家做出了如此假设:埃德蒙顿龙依靠迁徙至南部更宜居的区域来度过北坡的冬季。对于以上假说,有如下几点论据。First, the Edmontosaur diet supports the migration hypothesis. Edmontosaurus fed exclusively on plants. Since there would have been no plants growing during the cold an

5、d dark North Slope winter, it appears that the Edmontosaur must have left for at least part of the year and migrated to more temperate zones to find food.首先,埃德蒙顿龙的食谱支持了迁徙说。埃德蒙顿龙仅以植物为食。由于在寒冷而黑暗的冬天,北坡并无植物生长,埃德蒙顿龙势必在一年中的部分时间离开北坡,迁徙至更温暖的区域觅食。Second, many Edmontosaur skeletons have been unearthed from th

6、e same site. This suggests that Edmontosaurs lived in herd. Many modern-day migratory animals, such as caribou and buffalo, live and migrate in herds as well. Moving in herds helps animals coordinate their migration. The finding that Edmontosaurs lived in herds further supports the migration hypothe

7、sis.第二,许多埃德蒙顿龙骨架在相同的地点被发掘出了。这显示埃德蒙顿龙属于群居生物。许多现今存在的迁徙动物,比如驯鹿和水牛,也是成群结队迁徙的。成群移动能够帮助动物们在迁徙过程中更加协调一致。埃德蒙顿龙属群居动物这一发现,支持了迁徙说。Finally, Edmontosaurs were physically capable of migrating long distances. To reach more hospitable regions, the Edmontosaur had to migrate about 1,600 kilometers southward. To make

8、 such a journey, the Edmontosaur needed to move at about five kilometers per hour for several weeks, which certainly could do. These animals could run very fast, reaching speeds up to 45 kilometers per hour. It could have easily used its locomotive power to move to warmer climate during the harsh ar

9、ctic winter.最后,埃德蒙顿龙的生理构造能够支持它们的长途迁徙。为了到达更加宜居的区域,埃德蒙顿龙必须朝南迁移 1600 公里。为了完成这一旅程,埃德蒙顿龙需要以每小时 5 公里的速度奔徙数周,当然,这些对于它们而言都不是事儿。埃德蒙顿龙奔跑的速度很快,接近每小时 45 公里。在严酷的北极冬季里,埃德蒙顿龙可以轻易地凭借其移动能力迁至温暖的气候环境中去。听力内容:The hypothesis that the Edmontosaur migrated every winter is not convincing.First, the Edmontosaur did not have

10、to migrate to find food. One hundred million years ago, the summer temperatures in the North Slope area were warmer than they are today. And remember, in arctic regions like the North Slope, the Sun shines 24 hours a day at the peak of the summer. The warm temperatures and extensive daylight created

11、 incredibly good growing conditions for plants, so much vegetation was produced during the summer that when the vegetation died as the winter came, there was a lot of nutritious dead vegetation around in the winter. The Edmontosaur could have easily lived on the dead plant matter during the winter.S

12、econd, just because Edmontosaurs lived in herds doesnt mean they migrated. Animals live in herds for many other reasons. Living in herds, for example, provides animals with extra protection from predators. Having extra protection is useful even for the animals that live in the same area the whole ye

13、ar around. A modern example of this is the Roosevelt elka large plant-eater. Roosevelt elks live in the forests of the western United States. They live in herds but they do not migrate.Third, although adult Edmontosaurs were capable of migrating long distances, what about Edmontosaurs that were not

14、yet adults? Juvenile Edmontosaurs were not physically capable of travelling the great distances required to reach warmer territories and would have slowed the herd so much that the herd never would have made it to its destination. The herd could not have left the juveniles behind because the juvenil

15、es would not have survived on their own. So the whole herd had to stay where they were and survive on the cold North Slope.满分范文分享:In the reading passage, the writer claim that Edmontosaurus had to migrate to hospitable places in the south, if they want to survive in the cold weather. The speaker, ho

16、wever, contradicts this view for the following three reasons.First of all, the reading materials points out that it is difficult that Edmontosaurus can find food in cold winter because they were fed on plants exclusively. But the speaker refutes that warm weather in summer supplied perfect condition for plants to grow. So Edmontosaurus might found lots of nutritious dead vegetation around in the winter, which made migration unnecessary.Second, unearthed skeletons from the same sit



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