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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:影视英语 爱狗去世 麦莉塞勒斯发推伤心欲绝On Tuesday Miley Cyrus tweeted: Today is the 2nd worst day of my life and later that night she revealed exactly why.星期二,麦莉塞勒斯发推特说:“今天是我人生中第二糟糕的日子。”那天晚上她终于解释了到底发生了什么事。The 21-year-old singers beloved dog Floyd, an Alaskan Klee Kai who she got in 201

2、1, died while she was away on her Bangerz tour and Miley was so upset she tweeted she wished he had taken her with him.21 岁的麦莉的宠物狗是一只阿拉斯加克利凯犬,名叫弗洛伊德。麦莉从 2011 年开始养它,最近麦莉为了 Bangerz 巡演在外奔波,弗洛伊德就在这个时候去世了。麦莉很伤心,甚至发推特说希望他能带她一起走。The devastated star wrote: I dont wanna say it because I dont want it to be re

3、al. But my precious baby Floyd has passed away. I am broken. I know I dont mean it but I wish he wouldve taken me with him this is unbearable.这位伤心欲绝的明星写到:“我真的不想再提及这件事,因为我真的不希望这是真的。但是我最爱的宝贝弗洛伊德真的去世了。我真的好难过,我真希望他能带我走,他的去世我真的无法接受。”What am I gonna do without him? I am miserable.“离开了他我该怎么办?我实在不能接受,我好伤心。”

4、Miley shared two sweet pictures of herself with the adorable dog as she struggled to come with the shock.麦莉还上传了两张和心爱狗狗的照片,她正在努力克服这晴天霹雳。She then added an advance apology to her fans in Boston, ahead of her show there on Wednesday.然后她又提前向波士顿的粉丝道歉,因为她星期三会在那有一场演出。The mother of four shows no signs of slo

5、wing down either, telling the media in January: Im not going to slow down, get off this ride, stay home and get fat! There is no easy way. If you want to know how I look like I do, its diet and exercise and constantly being careful. Madge went on to admit.麦当娜已经是四个孩子的母亲了,在连功上却没有松懈分毫。今年一月份,她对媒体说:“我不会停

6、止练功,懈怠地呆在家里,把自己养成一个胖子!”接下来她向媒体坦白了自己保持身材的秘诀:“所有事都不可能有捷径,如果你们想知道我是怎样保持身材的,我能告诉你们的就是节食、锻炼、时刻保持警惕。She wrote: Im sorry in advance if I am not myself tomorrow Boston. I will try my best to be my best.她写到:“我要提前说一句对不起,我明天在波士顿的表演有可能会不尽如人意,不在状态。但是我会尽我所能。”This isnt Mileys first dog tragedy.狗狗去世这类悲剧麦莉已经不是第一次经历了

7、。She was left devastated in 2012 following the unexpected death of her two-year-old Yorkshire Terrier Lila.在 2012 年,她也曾伤心欲绝,因为她两岁的约克夏梗犬利拉的突然离世让她深受打击。She tweeted: For everyone asking. I have never been so hurt in my life. My heart has never been so broken. Lila my sweet baby girl has passed away.她当时写到:“因为每个人都在问我 我至今为止都没有如此伤心过,我从未如此心碎。利拉,我的宝贝去世了。”


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