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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:影视英语 星际穿越受金球奖提名冷落LOS ANGELES “Birdman,” “Boyhood” and “The Imitation Game” solidified their status as movie awards front-runners on Thursday, securing multiple Golden Globe nominations apiece in major categories. Globes voters also pushed a slew of prominent films, in

2、cluding “Interstellar” and “Unbroken,” to the rear of the awards pack by giving them little or no recognition.洛杉矶周四,鸟人(Birdman)、少年时代(Boyhood)和模仿游戏(The Imitation Game) 分获多项金球奖重要提名,巩固了自己各大电影奖项领跑者的地位。然而金球奖评委给予星际穿越(Interstellar)和 坚不可摧 (Unbroken)等其他知名电影的认可却不多,从而将它们推到获奖竞争的后排。See the full list of nominatio

3、ns.参见完整提名名单。“Birdman,” a comedic drama about a washed-up actor (Michael Keaton) trying to make a comeback, emerged with the most nominations seven in categories including best comedy, best screenplay and best director, for Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu. Mr. Keaton received a best comedic actor nominat

4、ion, and Emma Stone and Edward Norton were recognized for their supporting work.鸟人是一部喜剧,讲述一个过气演员(迈克尔基顿Michael Keaton饰)试图东山再起的故事,它获得七项提名,成为获提名最多的影片,包括最佳喜剧、最佳剧本,导演亚利桑德罗冈萨雷斯伊纳里多(Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu)获得最佳导演提名,基顿获得最佳喜剧男演员提名,片中演员艾玛斯通(Emma Stone)和爱德华诺顿(Edward Norton)分获最佳男女配角提名。“Boyhood,” Richard Lin

5、klaters unusual portrait of a child growing into an adult, and “The Imitation Game,” about a World War II code breaker, both received five nominations each, including best drama. “Selma,” about Martin Luther King, and “The Theory of Everything,” a biographical romance centered on a young Stephen Haw

6、king, filled out the best drama category, along with the wrestling-focused “Foxcatcher.”少年时代是理查德林特莱克(Richard Linklater)为一个长大成人的少年描绘的非同寻常的肖像;模仿游戏讲述“二战”期间一位破解代码者的故事,两部影片各自获得五项提名,包括最佳剧情片提名。塞尔玛(Selma) 讲述马丁 路德 金(Martin Luther King)的故事,万物理论(The Theory of Everything)是一部传记体爱情片,讲述年轻的史蒂芬霍金(Stephen Hawking)的故事

7、,这两部影片也获得最佳剧情片提名,此外还有讲述摔跤运动的狐狸猎手(Foxcatcher)。“It was always about grassroots and my dream about images of black people in cinema,” Ava DuVernay, the director of “Selma,” said by telephone on Thursday of her years-old campaign promote emerging black filmmakers, and now, her own work.“这一直是关乎草根,以及我对电影中

8、黑人形象的梦想,”周四塞尔玛的导演艾娃德约列(Ava DuVernay)在电话采访中谈起她多年为促进黑人电影人的地位提升而奋斗,以及她的这部作品。Joining “Birdman” as best comedy or musical nominees were Disneys “Into the Woods,” the British comedy “Pride,” Bill Murrays “St. Vincent” and “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” which overcame a spring release date to receive a strong

9、 four nominations overall.除鸟人外,获得最佳喜剧及音乐剧类提名的还有迪士尼的魔法黑森林(Into the Woods)、英国喜剧骄傲(Pride)、比尔默瑞(Bill Murray)的圣人文森特(St. Vincent),以及突破了在春季上映的障碍,强势获得四项提名的 布达佩斯大饭店(The Grand Budapest Hotel)。While the television categories are something of an after-thought at the Globes, which draws its power from proximity

10、to the Oscars, “Fargo,” an FX adaptation of the 1996 indie film by the Coen Brothers, was the most-nominated television show, receiving attention in five categories, including best miniseries. “True Detective” was also singled out for best miniseries and received four nominations overall.在电视类奖项方面,金球

11、奖格外深思熟虑,这为它带来了接近奥斯卡的地位。FX 台的冰血暴(Fargo) 改编自科恩兄弟 (Coen Brothers)1996 年的独立电影,以五项提名成为获提名最多的电视剧,其中包括最佳迷你剧奖。真探(True Detective)共获四项提名,也获得最佳迷你剧奖。Globes voters who last year gave a big boost to the new Fox comedy “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” again leaned into smaller, unconventional TV shows. The CWs “Jane the Virgi

12、n” and Amazons “Transparent” were both nominated for best comedy series, for instance. “The Missing, a Starz miniseries, received two nominations.More than in previous years, there were major snubs.金球奖评委们去年的评选结果大大推动了 Fox 台的新喜剧神烦警探(Brooklyn Nine-Nine),今年他们再度青睐小规模的非传统电视剧。 CW 台的处女情缘(Jane the Virgin)和 A

13、mazon 台的透明家庭(Transparent)都获得最佳喜剧类提名。 Starz 的迷你剧疑踪(The Missing)亦获两项提名。与前些年不同,此届有一些明显受到怠慢的片子。“Unbroken,” directed by Angelina Jolie, was flatly ignored by the star-loving Hollywood Foreign Press Association, a group of about 85 mostly freelance journalists that awards the Globes. ”Unbroken, about the

14、travails of a downed World War II flyer, Louis Zamperini, had at one point been whispered about as the Oscar front-runner always a dangerous position in a business that loves underdogs. Ms. Jolie may have diminished her prospects by delivering the film late, as she worked with her husband Brad Pitt

15、on another film in Malta.安吉丽娜朱莉(Angelina Jolie)导演的坚不可摧(Unbroken)遭到热爱明星的好莱坞外国记者协会(Hollywood Foreign Press Association)忽视,这个金球奖的评选团体有85 名成员,主要是自由记者。 坚不可摧讲述“二战”中的堕机飞行员路易 赞贝里尼(Louis Zamperini)艰苦求生的故事,一度被视为奥斯卡奖的有力竞争者,然而这个行业酷爱处于劣势的一方,所以领跑者的位置其实非常危险。朱莉可能低估了自己的困难处境,因此选了一个较晚的时机发行坚不可摧,并去了马耳他与丈夫布拉德皮特合作另一部电影。Al

16、so completely shut out were one-time hopefuls like Clint Eastwoods “American Sniper,” “The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies,” Chris Rocks “Top Five,” the British drama “Mr. Turner” and Jon Stewarts directing debut, “Rosewater.”其他一度大有希望、却被金球奖彻底拒之门外的电影还包括克林特伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)的 美国狙击手(American Sniper)、霍比特人:五军之战 (The Hob


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