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1、1Starter U1-U2 名词检测1. 早晨2. 下午3. 晚上4. 谢谢5. 英语6. 地图7. 杯子8. 尺子9. 钢笔10. 桔子11. 夹克衫12. 钥匙13. 被子14. 颜色15. 红色16. 黄色17. 绿色18. 蓝色19. 黑色20. 白色21. 紫色22. 棕色23. 名字24. 电话25. 数字,号码26. 朋友27. 学校28. 中国29. 姐妹30. 母亲31. 父亲32. 父亲或母亲33. 兄弟34. 祖母35. 祖父36. 祖母或祖父37. 家庭,家人38. 天39. 儿子40. 堂兄41. 祖父或祖母(口语)42. 妈妈(口语)43. 爸爸(口语)44. 阿

2、姨45. 祖母(口语)46. 叔叔47. 女儿48. 照片49. 图片50. 女孩51. 狗52. 下一个U3-U5 名词检测1. 铅笔2. 书本3. 橡皮4. 盒子5. 书包6. 字典7. 老师8. 帮助9. 棒球10. 手表11. 电脑12. 游戏,比赛13. 卡片14. 笔记本15. 戒指16. 包17. 图书馆18. 教室19. 电子邮件20. 一套;一副21. 桌子22. 床23. 沙发24. 椅子25. 书桌26. 房间27. 帽子28. 头29. 收音机30. 钟31. 磁带32. 播放机33. 模型34. 飞机35. 书柜36. 网球37. 球38. 足球39. 排球40. 篮

3、球41. 乐趣42. 爱43. 运动44. 班级;课45. 同学46. 乒乓47. 球棒;球拍48. 电视U6-U7 名词检测1. 香蕉2. 汉堡3. 西红柿4. 冰淇淋5. 沙拉6. 草莓7. 梨8. 牛奶9. 面包10. 生日11. 晚餐;正餐12. 星期;周13. 食物14. 蔬菜15. 水果16. 苹果17. 鸡蛋18. 胡萝卜19. 大米20. 鸡肉21. 早餐22. 中餐23. 明星24. 习惯25. 问题26. 袜子27. T 恤28. 短裤29. 毛衣30. 裤子31. 鞋子32. 短裙33. 美元34. 妇女35. 一双36. 衣服37. 商店38. 出售39. 价格40.

4、男孩U8-U9 名词检测1. 月份2. 一月3. 二月4. 三月5. 四月6. 五月7. 六月8. 七月9. 八月10. 九月11. 十月12. 十一月213. 十二月14. 聚会15. 测试16. 郊游17. 艺术,美术18. 节日19. 学生20. 事情;东西21. 学期22. 时间23. 最喜爱的24. 学科25. 科学26. 体育27. 音乐28. 数学29. 语文30. 地理31. 历史32. 周一33. 周二34. 周三35. 周四36. 周五37. 周六38. 周日39. 课40. 小时Start U1- Unit 3 名词检测1、根据句意和中文提示,正确拼写单词,每空一词。1.

5、-Whats that on the desk? -Its a set of _(钥匙).2.-What fruit do you have after lunch? -I like to eat an _(桔子).3.We dont have classes in the _(晚上).4.We sell clothes in all _(颜色).5.-Do you have a blue sweater? -No, but I have a _(白色) one.6.Jack and Lucy are my good _(朋友).7.-Excuse me, where are you from

6、, Lisa? -Im from _(中国).8.My _(祖父) is a kind man. I love him very much.9.I have a small but happy _(家庭).10.In my store, you can get _(手表).11.-John, thank you for your great _(帮助). -Youre welcome.12.There are two big _(图书馆) in our city.13. -How many _(天) are you free in a week? -Oh, only two.14._(电脑)

7、are very useful today and many students in our class have one at home.15.Our teacher Miss Gao takes some _(箱) of books to the classroom.16.-Do you know their _(名字)? -Yes, theyre Bob and Bill.17.-Hey, Linda. Whats this? -Its a _(电话 )18.Mom, where is my ID _(卡)?19.Little Paul cant find his _(橡皮). Do y

8、ou know where they are?20.Here are three _(照片). In the first one, you can see a _(女孩). She is my _(表妹).21.Shes my _(姐姐 ) and these are my _(兄弟).22.Those are my _(父母亲). They are great mother and father.23.Is that your _(书包 )? -No, it isnt. Its his.24.-Whos she? -She is my _(阿姨).25.-Whats your car _(号

9、码)? -Its J4529H.Units 4-5 名词检测一、根据句意和中文提示,正确拼写单词,每空一词。1.-Wheres the schoolbag? -Its under the _(桌子).2.-Are your _(排球 ) on the floor? -No, they arent.3.My brother is good at playing with model_(飞机).4.Miss Jiang says, “ Boys and girls, now please read after the _(磁带).”5.Our math teacher is great _(有意思

10、的人).6.We have _(帽子) in red and purple for only 13 dollars.7.Lucy and Lily are twins. And they have different(不同的) _(房间).38.Lin Tao is very clever(聪明的). He says, “ Thats because I have a big _(头).”9.Jerry loves sports. She often plays soccer with her_(同学们).10.-Is that your ping-pong bat? -No, mine is

11、 under the _(椅子).11. Im Kate, and my _(妹妹) is Gina. Im tidy, but Gina is not. In our _(房间)12. Bill is a heathy boy. He loves _(运动) very much.2、句子翻译1.-我的包在哪里?-它是在你的书桌上吗?-不是。也不在椅子下。2.-地图在哪里?-我想在你祖父母的房间里。3.你的帽子在你的头上。4.Gina 有一个闹钟,在桌之上。5.白色的模型飞机是她的,在桌子下。6.Jack 有两个乒乓球和一副乒乓板。Units 6-7 名词检测根据句意和中文提示,正确拼写单词,

12、每空一词。1.This Friday is my _(生日). I want to have a party at home. My friends are coming to my the party. My mother wants to buy some _(水果), like _(梨), _(草莓) and so on. I like eating _(冰淇淋), but my mother says its not healthy.2.David is a sports student. He has some good eating _(习惯). For _(早餐), he has

13、 _(牛奶) and _(鸡蛋). And he eats _(米饭) and _(蔬菜) for _(中饭). He likes _(西红柿) very much. He doesnt eat _(汉堡), because he doesnt want to be fat. Sometimes, he has some _(胡萝卜) and _(鸡肉) in the evening. After _(晚餐), he likes to eat an _(桔子).2.In Kings clothes_(商店), you can buy _(毛衣) in all colors for only 13_(美元), The blue_(裤子) are on great _(出售). For _(女士), it sells nice _(短裙). For _(男孩), it has _(T 恤衫). The _(价格) is only $14. Do you need _(袜子)? Only one _(美元) for two _( 双).Units 8-9 名词检测1.We have some interesting and fun _(事情) for you this _(学期). On _(九月) 21st, we hav


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