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1、1Unit6 A words and expressions1. firefighter n. C someone whose job is to make fires stop burning and help people to escape from other dangerous situations 消防队员fireman n. C a man whose job is to stop fires burning 男消防员firefighter & fireman: some people think that fireman is a sexist term, and prefer

2、 the politically correct term firefighter.2. raring a. very enthusiastic and eager to do sth. 急于做某事的;渴望做某事的e.g. 1. Shes training hard and raring to run in the marathon. 她正在刻苦训练,渴望参加马拉松比赛。2. She was raring to get back to her work.她急切希望重新工作。3. bearing n. C an exact position, usually measured from nort

3、h(通常从北方算起的)方位,方向e.g. 1. The first thing is to learn to take a compass bearing 第一件事就是学习辨别罗盘方向 。2. Follow the bearing to the next checkpoint.顺着这个方向到下一个检查点。3. He is out of his bearings.他迷失方向了。4. dent n. C a hollow area in the surface of sth., usually made by sth. hitting it 凹痕;凹坑e.g. 1. There was a lar

4、ge dent in the passenger door.乘客座位那边的门上有一大块凹坑。2. The front of the car has a dent in it. 小汽车的前面有一个凹痕。3. The impact of the stones made little dents in the metal.石头的撞击几乎没给金属留下什么凹痕。5. racket n. sing (infml) a loud noise 吵闹声;喧嚷声e.g. 1. The old machine used to make an awful racket. 这台旧机器以前噪声大得吓人。2. The st

5、udents kicked up no end of a racket in the street.这些学生在大街上大吵大闹。3. Such a racket made me headache.这样的吵闹使我头痛。6. tile n. C a flat square piece of baked clay or other material, used for covering walls, floors etc. 瓷砖;墙砖e.g. 1. I entered the kitchen, with its old tile floor and its cherry wood cabinets.我

6、走进了厨房,里面是年月久远的瓷砖地面以及樱桃木材质的橱柜。2. Im laying ceramic floor tiles in the kitchen. 我正在给厨房的地板铺瓷砖。7. scenario n. C a situation that could possibly happen 可能发生的事;可能出现的局面e.g. Imagine a scenario where only 20% of people have a job.设想一下这种情况,只有 20%的人有工作。possible / likely / plausible scenario:可能的情况e.g. The most

7、likely scenario is that Brooks will resign.最可能出现的局面是布鲁克斯即将辞职。8. berserk a. out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied 非常激动;发狂go berserk 1) become very excited 非常激动;发狂e.g. The home crowd went berserk when their side scored again.主场的人群在他们一方再次得分之后欣喜若狂。2) become very angry and violent 狂怒,

8、暴跳如雷e.g. Dad went berserk when he found out.爸爸知道以后勃然大怒。9. rumble n. C a series of long low sounds 隆隆声;轰隆声e.g.1. At night you can hear the low rumble of traffic in the distance深夜时分,你能听到远处车辆低沉的隆隆声。22. We heard the occasional rumble of a passing truck.我们偶尔听到卡车驶过的隆隆声。10. runaway a. a runaway vehicle or

9、animal is out of control(车辆或动物)失控的e.g. 1. a runaway horse2. A runaway car rolled down a hill and crashed into ten cars. 一辆失控的车从山上滚下来, 撞了十辆车。11. herd n. C a group of animals of one kind that live and feed together 兽群;牧群e.g. 1. She drove the herd of cattle through the wilderness.她赶着牛群穿过荒野。2. The anima

10、ls tend to graze in herd. 这些动物喜欢成群地吃草。12. rockslide n. C a mass of stony material deposited by such an avalanche 岩滑(堆)13. fleetingly ad. in a fleeting manner 短暂地;简短地fleeting a. lasting for only a short time 短暂的;简短的e.g. 1. I caught a fleeting glimpse of them as they drove past.我匆匆瞥见他们驱车而过。2. Carol wa

11、s paying a fleeting visit to Paris.卡洛儿正在巴黎做短暂停留。14. bagel n. C a small ring-shaped type of bread 小面包圈e.g. Cream cheese and tomatoes taste great on a bagel.面包圈加上奶酪和西红柿尝起来好吃极了。 15. firehouse n. C a small fire station, especially in a small town 消防站e.g. During his shift, he eats and sleeps at the fireh

12、ouse. 轮到他值班时,吃住都要在消防站。 16. shorthand n. U a shorter but less clear way of saying sth. 简略(或隐晦)的表达方式e.g. 1. Hes been “relocated”, which is shorthand for “given a worse job a long way away”. 他已经被“调职” ,这是一种隐晦的说法,其实是“到很远的地方做一份较差的工作” 。2. Poetry for him is simply a shorthand for literature that has aesthet

13、ic value.在他看来,诗歌就是具有审美价值的文学作品的简略表达方式。17. fumble v. try to hold, move, or find sth. with your hands in an awkward way 笨拙地摸;胡乱摸索;搜寻;乱抓e.g.1. She fumbled for her keys in her bag.她在包里胡乱地寻找钥匙。 2. She reached round to fumble the light on. 她伸手摸着去开灯 。18. flashpoint n. C, U a situation in which serious probl

14、ems are likely to develop 紧急关头;临界点e.g. 1. The crisis in that troubled country neared a flashpoint last week.那个多灾多难的国家所潜伏的危机在上周几乎一触即发。2. Community unrest is approaching the flashpoint.群众的不安定情绪已接近一触即发之势。19. postscript n. C 1) information added to the end of a story, article, or report (故事、文章或报道结束后的)补充

15、信息,附言e.g. Theres an interesting postscript to this tale.这个故事后面有一段有趣的附记。2) an additional remark at the end of a letter, after the signature and introduced by “PS”附笔,又及 e.g. He added a postscript at the end of the letter: “Leaving tomorrow”.他在信末附言:“明日出发” 。20. aftermath n. the effects and results of st

16、h. bad or important (不良或重要事件的)结果,后果,余殃e.g. 1. How would they cope with the aftermath of the war?他们会如何处理战争的后果?2. In the aftermath of the hurricane, many peoples homes were destroyed.3飓风的后果是许多人的家园被毁。21. massive a. 1) very severe 严重的e.g. He was born with a massive heart attack.他天生就有严重的心脏病。2) very large, solid and heavy 大而重的;厚重的e.g. The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons.这口钟非常大,有 40 多吨重。3) very



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