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1、Final Examination PaperCourse: The Appreciation of English Movies英语原声电影赏析课程期末论文A Film Review on homeless to HarvardName:Student Number: Department: Grade: Major: A Film Review on homeless to HarvardLiz Murray lives in an unfortunate family. Her parents died because of drugs. She was homeless when sh

2、e is very young. But the cruel fate cant beat her. She began to think and change, So she became more and more mature and strong!No matter what you think about the situation youre stay comparing with the one you most admirring, theres just a piece of paper between them. Fortune, status,fame and all t

3、hose things just can be achieved only under you unmoveable faith. Both of her parents were drug takers, her mother, schizophrenic, being blind and died of AIDS not long after, had been taken care of as the baby, but not converse. Misunderstood by her grandpa and forsaken by her papa, shewas always l

4、iving in the hopeless world of violence, ill-treating and spiritual disorder.Every getting-up, she said: I watch everyone in the world on their faces, I feel they are sheltered that none could get through, it seems strange and sad but unchangeable.Unexpectedly, she never lost her faith when confront

5、ing all those but sticking to schooling. After her mother was gone, she went to the private high school, for which she thought that she would be being further with the slight in-comes by doing washing dishes along with her algeorithm. She did it and got chance to have a visit to Harvard, after which

6、 she made up her mind to try her best to become the one here and become a real new person that would be completely different the forgotten. As the successful stock broker Chris ever said:If you have a dream, then protect it. Never let someone else to say that you can not. She went on and got the sch

7、olarship from the New York Times for paying the cost in college, for which she had been in her elder sister s overcoat and her worn-out inside during the interview. For not sleeping and not quitting and not shrinking from the pain all around her, she never lost her aim under poverty and helpless, as

8、 brave as she could be, Liz Murry is the strongest girl in Harvard. After finishing watching the film, I felt ashamed. Life was unfair to this girl, but she bore all the sufferings and sadness with tremendous courage. She succeeded finally. I always complained about tiring study, complain about poor

9、 study conditions and lack of money, somebodys unfair to me and so on. But compared with Liz Murray, my sadness is nothing!I knew at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my

10、life good. Dont cry, because there is nothing that make you feel sad; dont complain, because you are always the lucky one!Dont close your eyes. They may not open. What if they open. Would you be alive. This is part of the theme song. I get the power from Liz to change my life and no matter how hard

11、life is I will not close my eyes.In a word, This film is a wake-up call, The theme of this one, as long as the effort to realize the dream. I was deeply moved by this film and the story of Liz. I think I can feel her into trouble when the vulnerable, but she did everything that she will not be struc

12、k down by the reality. She always holds to change their fate and faith. I think this is the faith that we should have.Task Two: 影片推荐推荐影片:中文片名 楚门的世界英文片名 The Truman Show类型: 喜剧;剧情主题: 黑色喜剧楚门的世界向我们展现了一个平凡的小人物是怎样在自己毫不知情的情况下被制造成闻名的电视明星,却完全被剥夺了自由、隐私乃至尊严,成为大众娱乐工业的牺牲品。影片反映了人类的希望和焦虑,同时也因触及到当今最敏感的社会问题而备受瞩目。主要剧情

13、: 30 年前奥姆尼康电视制作公司收养了一名婴儿,他们刻意培养他使其成为全球最受欢迎的纪实性肥皂剧楚门的世界中的主人公,公司为此取得了巨大的成功。然而这一切却只有一人全然不知,他就是该剧的唯一主角楚门。楚门从小到大一直生活在一座叫桃源岛的小城(实际上是一座巨大的摄影棚) ,他是这座小城里的一家保险公司的经纪人,楚门看上去似乎过着与常人完全相同的生活,但他却不知道生活中的每一秒钟都有上千部摄像机在对着他,每时每刻全世界都在注视着他,更不知道身边包括妻子和朋友在内的所有人都是楚门的世界的演员。虽然感觉到每个人似乎都很注意他,而且从小到大所做的每一件事却都有着一些意想不到的戏剧性的效果,但这些都没有

14、使这位天性淳朴的小伙子太过于在意。可节目的制作组由于一时的疏忽,竟让在楚门小时候因他而“死”的“父亲”再次露面, “父亲”立即被工作人员带走,直到楚门悲痛万分开始怀疑后他们编织了一个完美的谎言让他们“父子”相见,从而达到他们满意的效果。多年前一位既是楚门的世界的忠实观众又是该节目群众演员的年轻姑娘施维亚十分同情楚门,楚门对她一见钟情。她给了楚门一些善意的暗示,自己却被强行带离片场。回忆起施维亚的楚门开始重新认识自己的生活。渐渐地楚门发现他工作的公司每一个人都在他出现后才开始真正的工作,他家附近的路上每天都有相同的人和车在反复来往,更让他不敢相信的是,自称是医生并每天都去医院工作的妻子竟不是医生

15、。楚门开始怀疑他所生活的这个世界,包括他妻子、朋友、父亲等所有的人都在骗他,一种发自内心的恐惧油然而生。痛定思痛,他决定不惜一切代价逃出海景这个令他噤若寒蝉的小城,去寻找属于自己真正的生活和真正爱他的人。然而,楚门却低估了集这个肥皂剧的制作人、导演和监制大权于一身的克里斯托弗的力量。克里斯托弗将一切都设计得近乎完美,近 30 年里牢牢地把楚门控制在海景的超现实世界之中。经过几次逃脱的努力失败后,楚门决定从海上离开这座小城,然而他却绝望地发现他面前的大海和天空竟然也是这个巨大摄影棚的一部分,这时克里斯托弗在天上巨大的控制室里向楚门讲述了事情的来龙去脉,并告诉楚门他如今已经是世界上最受欢迎的明星,

16、他今天所取得的一切是常人无法想象的,如果他愿留在海景就可继续明星生活,楚门不为所动,毅然走向远方的自由之路。推荐理由: 一则荒诞无稽的人生寓言,一部颠覆人们世界观电影,对惟利是图、的社会现象的强烈讽刺,激励人心、发人省思的黑色喜剧,以讽刺的手法向人们展示了被媒体渗透了的世界,力地批判了“媒体万能”的价值观,用类似“乌托邦”的虚拟的完美世界寓意着“笼中鸟”式的生存悲哀。楚门的世界是一部与众不同、创意十足的电影,内容发人省思,感人肺腑,同时也有令人会心一笑的幽默。喜剧天王金凯瑞在片中的演出纯真中又有复杂的个性,他抛开了一切束缚,他在一贯的喜剧表演方式下流露出令人动容的感情,尽管他的表演尚未得到奥斯卡评委的青睐,但他至少已经征服了大部分普通观众。影片的成功向世人证明了谁才是真正的喜剧之王尽管目前还只是“无冕之王” 。总的来看,这绝对是部有笑有泪的好影片。n


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