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1、北外英语翻译资格证书考试初级笔译试题选登(一)英译中Head InjuriesAlice was a B-plus student through her first three years at college. During the winter holidays in her senior year, while she was driving during a storm, her car ran off the road and hit a tree. Alice banged her head on the steering wheel but never lost conscio

2、usness. She was treated for bruises and discharged from the hospital within a day.But, back at her studies, she began to have difficulties. Suddenly her As and Bs were becoming Cs. She had trouble remembering what shed read and was irritable and easily distracted.Alice was referred to a neuropsychol

3、ogist for further examination. Although her IQ hadnt changed and standard neurological tests were normal, detailed neuropsychological tests showed she was having memory problems. She could still process new information, but it took longer than before and she became overloaded if she tried to do too

4、much at once.Head injuries are often fatal, or of sufficient severity to require the hospitalization of victims. But there is a large group of people who sustain head injuries which can go undetected through ordinary medical examination. These are the people who seemingly recover from their injuries

5、 but still suffer subtle intellectual and behavioural effects that may seriously impair their ability to work and interact normally with other people. They are the victims of what experts call a silent epidemic. Some never lost consciousness and others never even suffered a direct blow to the head,

6、yet brain damage occurred.参考译文头部受伤爱丽丝在大学的前三年,一直是个 4+分的学生。四年级寒假期间,有一天她冒着暴风雨开车外出,车驶离马路,撞上一棵树。爱丽丝的头碰到方向盘上,但她始终没有失去知觉。医生把她碰伤的地方处理了一下,不到一天就让她出院了。可是开学以后,她学习吃力起来。原来能得 5分、4 分,突然都成了 3分。看过的东西记不住,性情变得烦躁,很容易心不在焉。于是找了一位神经心理学家为爱丽丝作进一步检查。虽然她的智商没有变化,常规神经检查结果也正常,但详细的神经心理检查表明,她的记忆力有问题。她仍然能够处理新信息,但花的时间比以前长,而且如果一次处理得太多

7、,就会“超载”。头部受伤往往会造成死亡,或者伤势严重,需要伤者住院治疗。但是有许多人虽然头部受了伤,医院的常规检查却发现不了。这些人受伤以后似乎恢复了,但他们在智力或行为方面仍有不易察觉的后遗症,这可能严重影响他们的工作能力和与他人进行正常交往的能力。专家说他们患的是一种“不声不响的流行病”。有的人根本没有失去知觉,有的人甚至头部根本没有受到撞击,然而大脑却受了伤。 评分标准A:原文全部译完,没有遗漏。除了原文最后一段的 epidemic这个词外,对原文的理解没有错误;汉语表达流畅,仅有个别错别字。B:原文全部译完,可能有个别不重要的遗漏。除了 epidemic外,还可能有一两处误译,如 subtle, distracted, impair之类,这些都属于通过查词典能正确解决的问题。除此之外,对原文的理解没有大的错误。汉语表达基本通顺,但可能有少数欧化句子和错别字。C:原文没有全部译完,有整句的遗漏。原文的基本意思虽然译出来了,但由于考生对原文理解不透,误译较多,而且错误性质属于对英语的基础语法或基本用法缺乏了解。汉语不太通顺,错别字较多。D:原文内容有相当大的部分没有翻译或漏译。原文的意思有许多没有表达出来或表达有误。北外英语翻译资格证书考试委员会授权刊登


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