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1、必修 4 Unit 1 Women of achievement1. 鼓舞;激发;启示 vt. _ n. adj.受感动的 adj.令人鼓舞人的 _2. 迫不及待地做某事 _3be intended for _4. humanbeing为可数名词,表示“ 人类”时, 即可用 human beings, 也可用 the humanbeing. 另外指“人”时,指人时较具体,以区别于动物、鬼神之类。man “人类”,前不加限定词,单数形式为泛指。其相应的代词是 he, his, him。mankind “人类”,无冠词,为不可数名词,含义广泛。用代词 it 代替。Human beings can

2、talk; animals cant.5. 表现, 举止 v _ - n. _The teacher encouraged the children to behave well and not to lose face to the class.You should _ _ in public. (守规矩)小结:behavewell/badly _behave oneself _Im really hungry, Dad. Can I try some of the dishes first?_, Tom. We can only start the meal when everybody

3、is here.A. You can B. Behave yourself C. Go ahead D. Do it yourself6. 1)The signal was given and the cars moved off. _ 2) They had planned to move off in the morning but were stopped by the storm. _7. 1)Everyone should observe the traffic rules. _2) Do you observe Christmas in China? _ 3)The police

4、observed the man entering the bank. _I observed this plant and found that it grew faster with enough water. _observe sb. sth. 观察到某人做了某事 observe sb. sth. 观察到某人正在做某事巧记“看” 口诀: 看场电影要用 see, 读书看报用 read, 电视、 戏剧和比赛,凡是表演用watch; observe 细观察; 一时注意 notice.8. I respect you _ (prep) your honesty.We should show re

5、spect _ (prep) our parents.Please give/ send/ offer my respect to your parents . 翻译_I cant agree with you in this respect. _【即景活用】 We respect him_his contributions to science_one of the greatest scientists of modern times. A. for; as B. as; for C. for; for D. as; as9. Nowadays people all over the wo

6、rld wish to lead/live a peaceful life. live/ lead a life 中 life 做同源宾语. “动词同源宾语”短语面面观:smile a.smile 地微笑 dream a.dream 做个的梦sleep a.sleep 睡个觉 sing a.song 唱首的歌die a.death 地死去 fight a.fight 打场的仗laugh a.laugh 地笑 live a.life 过的生活10. After seeing the report, problems about the company crowded into my head/

7、mind. _ 看了这份报告后,很多有关公司的问题涌上我的心头。That room is _ with people. (crowd 的正确形式 )11. The teacher inspired us _ hard. (work)His example was_and we were all_to work even harder than ever before.A. inspiring; inspiring B. inspired; inspiredC. inspiring; inspired D. inspired; inspiring12. He never looks down u

8、pon those who are not richer than him. _拓展 look up _ look into _look up to sb. _ look forward to _look through _look on _ look on.as. 13. refer - pt. _ -pp. _Did you hear my name referred to at the meeting? _This article refers to how to improve the ability of listening. _Refer to a dictionary if ne

9、cessary. _注意: refer to 表示“查阅”时,可与 consult 换用,但不可与 look up 换用,表示“查某一项内容”时用 look up。Dont _new words in a dictionary while having an examinationDont_a dictionary while having an examination14. He made his fortune (发财 )by chance. _by chance 的反义短语 _【即景活用】Ever since I became a first aider twenty years ago

10、, which was totally_, I have been _my life on the go, dealing with cases of emergency.A. in accident; living B. by chance; ledC. by chance; lived D. by accident; leading15. come across _ come about _ come along _come down _ come over _ come out _come to _ come up _ come up with_When it comes to Germ

11、an, I know nothing. _She_an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.A. turned down B. dealt with C. took after D. came across16. He intends to study/ studying French.We intended her to go abroad. = We intended that she should go abroad.The meeting is intended to t

12、ell tell people the importance of protecting wildlife.These books are intended for children. 小结:intend to do/doing sth. _intend sb. to do sth. _intend that. 打算be intended to do sth. _be intended for _17. You should take the fact into consideration. _The problem is still under consideration. _18.My job is delivering newspapers. _She delivered/was delivered of baby this year. _ Her baby was delivered by her own doctor.


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