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1、PrefaceThe artist is the creator of beautiful things.To reveal art and conceal the artist is arts aim.These sayings were originally published as a defense of his work in The Fortnightly Review (1 March 1891), and published as the works Preface in subsequent editions. The critic is he who can transla

2、te into another manner or a new material his impression of beautiful things.The highest, as the lowest, form of criticism is a mode of autobiography.Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault.Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful thi

3、ngs are the cultivated. For these there is hope.They are the elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty.There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.The nineteenth century dislike of Realism is the rage of Caliban seeing his own fac

4、e in a glass.The nineteenth century dislike of Romanticism is the rage of Caliban not seeing his own face in a glass. The moral life of man forms part of the subject-matter of the artist, but the morality of art consists in the perfect use of an imperfect medium. No artist desires to prove anything.

5、 Even things that are true can be proved.From the point of view of form, the type of all the arts is the art of the musician. From the point of view of feeling, the actors craft is the type. All art is at once surface and symbol.Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.Those who read th

6、e symbol do so at their peril.It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors.Diversity of opinion about a work of art shows that the work is new, complex, and vital. We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thin

7、g is that one admires it intensely.All art is quite useless.All bad art is the result of good intentions.Chapter 1There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.Conscience and cowardice are really the same things.A man cannot be too careful in

8、the choice of his enemies. Being natural is simply a pose, and the most irritating pose I know. Those who are faithful know only the trivial side of love; it is the faithless who know loves tragedies.When I like people immensely, I never tell their names to any one. It is like surrendering a part of

9、 them. The commonest thing is delightful if one only hides it. We shall all suffer for what the gods have given us, suffer terribly.The one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties.Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the ar

10、tist, not of the sitter. The sitter is merely the accident, the occasion.It is not he who is revealed by the painter; it is rather the painter who, on the coloured canvas, reveals himself.Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one. Women have no ap

11、preciation of good looks; at least, good women have not. Now, the value of an idea has nothing whatsoever to do with the sincerity of the man who expresses it. Indeed, the probabilities are that the more insincere the man is, the more purely intellectual will the idea be, as in that case it will not

12、 be coloured by either his wants, his desires, or his prejudices. Genius lasts longer than beauty.If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat. I think you are wrong, but I wont argue with you. It is only the intellectually lost who ever argue. Chapter 2The terro

13、r of society, which is the basis of morals, the terror of God, which is the secret of religion - these are the two things that govern us. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.He knew the precise psychological moment when to say nothing. The only difference between a caprice and

14、a lifelong passion is that the caprice lasts a little longer. It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances.The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible. Beauty is a form of genius - is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation.Young men want to be faithf

15、ul, and are not; old men want to be faithless, and cannotChapter 3Examinations, sir, are pure humbug from beginning to end. If a man is a gentleman, he knows quite enough, and if he is not a gentleman, whatever he knows is bad for him.I always like to know everything about my new friends, and nothin

16、g about my old ones. the way of paradoxes is the way of truth. To test reality we must see it on the tight rope. When the verities become acrobats, we can judge them. The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are ones mistakes. Chapter 4Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.Men marry because they ar


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