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1、1九年级英语上册Unit 1 Lesson 1 Higher,Faster ,Stronger 导学案(教师版)(无答案) 学习目标1.Language goals:ancient,modern,gold,medal,record,event,twentieth2.句型:(1)What does mean? (2) break a record(3) win a medal2,Ability goals: (1)know the relative knowledge of the Olympics。(2)let Ss talk about the Olympics 3,Moral goals:

2、 arouse(唤起)Ssinterest in the Olympics重难点:1.We call todays Olympics the modern Olympics.2.At the opening event of the 1984 Olympics, he won a gold medal in shooting.预习课 1.时段:(晚自习后十五分钟)2.预习内容及目标:预习课本第 61 页的单词和第一课课文, 初步理解短文含义,圈出学习目标 1 中的单词和短语,大声朗读记忆单词短语 A、B 层会写,C 层能英汉互译。3.方法指导: 先跟读单词 3-5 分钟, 独立记忆,默读课文并

3、用红色笔画出新单词、重点短 语和句型 5 分钟,最后请同学们合上课本独立完成预习自测各题,完成后对桌间相互批阅。 英汉互译1.古老的 adj._ 2. medal n._ 3. 运动员 n._ 4.event n._ 5. silver n._ 6. 射击 n._7.现代的 adj._ 8. 记录 n._ 9.第二十 num. (1) call sth. sth. _ (2) 为-而比赛 (3) break a record _ (4) 赢得一枚金牌_探究课:Task1: Fast-reading(速读 5 分钟)方法指导:先默读问题,然后带着问题速读课文,在文中画出答案,最后合上课本脱稿在白

4、板上展示答案。1.When and where did the first Olympics begin?The first Olympics began in Greece in 776BC. 2.When and where did the modern Olympics start?The modern Olympics started in Athens in1896. 3.Who won the gold medal in long jump in 1968?American Bob Beamon.4.Who won Chinas first Olympics medal?Xu Ha

5、ifeng won Chinas first Olympics medal Task2:Listening-reading (听读课文,15 分钟)方法指导:1第一遍听录音掌握文章大意。 (同学们注意自己读音不正确的单词)2 . 第二遍 .模仿录音中外国人的语音语调跟读短文,力求读出原音原味。3. 回味录音中的语感和语速,大声练读课本第 2 页的课文直至流利诵读全文。4.组内之间大声朗读课文,采用带读、诵读,赛读和赛背等方式展示本组读的风采5.各组间同层赛读或賽背,并小组积分。 Task3: Retelling (能力提升 15 分钟)方法指导:1:根据课文内容和下列单词、短语提示补全短文,并

6、根据奥运会历史复述课文。2. A 层同学背诵短文,B 层同学根据短文提示复述课文, C 层熟读短文,达到脱口而出。 3.小组内独立完成短文填空,并进行组内帮扶。 5 分钟 4.在组长帮助下各层同学认真完成各自任务,然后组长带领组内成员分层展示。 (8 分钟)5.班内展示,进行小组评价。ancient Olympics, the modern Olympics, mean, win Chinas first Olympic medal Task4:重难点句子解析(8 分钟)方法指导:口头独立翻译下列句子,并注意黑体单词和短语的用法,有疑教师教学设计任教班级: 姓名:Step1. leading由

7、刘翔等奥运冠军的图片导入新课。Step2. 目标解读Step3.单词短语检测1.学生 3 分钟疯狂记忆2.教师用课件出示检测内容,学生在白板上快速默写3.根据课件上答案对桌互批,教师巡查。Step4 fast-reading1. 指导学生默读问题2. 要求学生速读课文,在文中画出答案,教师 巡查教室。3. 展示答案,学生组内核对,并进行小组内帮扶Step5 Listening-reading (听读课文,15 分钟)方法指导:1第一遍听录音掌握文章大意。 (同学们注意自己读音不正确的单词)2 . 第二遍.模仿录音中外国人的语音语调跟读短文,力求读出原音原味。4. 回味录音中的语感和语速,大声练

8、读课本第 2 页的课文直至流利诵读全文。6.组内之间大声朗读课文,采用带读、诵读,赛读和赛背等方式展示本组读的风采各组间同层赛读或賽背,并小组积分。 Step6 Task3: Retelling (能力提升 15 分钟)方法指导:1:根据课文内容和下列单词、短语提示补全短文,并根据奥运会历史复述课文。2. A 层同学背诵短文,B 层同学根据短文提示复述课文, C 层熟读短文,达到脱口而出。 3.小组内独立完成短文填空,并进行组内帮扶。 5 分钟 4.在组长帮助下各层同学认真完成各自任务,然后组长带领组内成员分层展示。 (8 分钟)5.班内展示,进行小组评价。ancient Olympics,

9、the modern Olympics, mean, win Chinas first Olympic medal Step7.重难点句子解析Step8.当堂检测与平行矫正Step9.summary1.难可在组内讨论解决,把本组未能解决的展示在白板上,有教师解决。2.教师带领解决重难点知识。1.We call todays Olympic Games the “modern” Olympics.call: n;电话 eg: give sb a call 给某人打电话v;打电话;召唤;叫;call sb sth; call sb at call 的固定短语:call on 号召; call on

10、 sb 拜访某人 22.If you are twentieth, do you get a medal?(1)twentieth 的基数词:twenty(2)thirty 的序数词:thirtieth;forty 的序数词; fortieth以辅音字母加 y 结尾的基数词变序数词,y 变 i 加 eth. 3.At the Olympics, athletes compete for medals.(1)造句说明 compete for 与 compete with 的区别compete for 意为为-而比赛; compete with 意为和某人比赛;compete in 意为参加比赛

11、(2)compete 的名词: competition 当堂检测:1.Ill call you at three, please wait for me.A.on B. at C. out D. off 2. Athletes from different countries competed medals at the Olympic Games.A. about B. with C. in D. for 3.We are (amaze) at his progress this term.4.Our team the match! Weve got the first place.-Wel

12、l done! Congratulations.A. hit B. beat C. won D. Watched5.The World Table Tennis Championship began the morning of May 25,2010 Moscow, Russia.A. fifty ; in; in B. fiftieth; on; in C. fiftieth; in; on D fifty ; on; in 【日清过关】1.时段: 晚自习 2.时间: 30 3.训练方式: 独立 ,自主完成 一:根据句意及首字母填空。1.Beijing is an a city with

13、a history of 3000 years. 2.Holding the 2008 Olympics in Beijing was a great e to us Chinese. 3.-Who is your favorite a ? Yao Ming。4.Michael Phelps broke the world r in swimming.5.Yesterday was Fathers Day and it was just my cousins (二十)birthday 。能力提升二:所给词的适当形式填空。1.Whats the (mean) of the passage?I cant understand it.2.Working hard means (be)successful.3.My grandparents live on the (twelve) floor of a tall building.三:根据汉语完成句子。1.在 2008 年北京奥运会上,庞伟赢得了一枚射



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