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1、第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分 25 分)V.选择填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。21. I am good at playing _ basketball.A. a B. the C. /22. Rose is ill, so she has to go to the _.A. hospital B. museum C. station23. _April 14 th, 2010, a terrible earthquake(地震) happened in Yushu, Qinghai Province.

2、A. In B. At C. On24.Lets go _.Great! Id like to relax myself in the water.A. skating B. swimming C. climbing25. Its a nice house, _ it doesnt have a garden.A. and B. or C. but26. They are going to see the movie Avatar(阿凡达). Why not _ them?A. to join B. join C. joining27. The workers are _ because th

3、eir boss hasnt paid them for months.A. angry B. happy C. satisfied28.Is Nancy knocking at the door?No, it _ be Nancy. She has gone to Guangzhou.A. cant B. mustn t C. wont29. Shall we go to the fashion show tomorrow? _A. Thank you. B. Good idea. C. Its very kind of you.30. The English song _ very nic

4、e. Can you guess who is singing?A. smells B. tastes C. sounds31. Peter, I havent seen you for a long time.Oh, I _ a book these days.A. am writing B. have written C. wrote32. Lily, can you speak more loudly? I can _hear you.A. almost B. hardly C. nearly33. Its cold today. Youd better _ your sweater.O

5、K, I will.A. put on B. turn on C. get on34. In order to keep our students safe, strangers _before entering the school yard.A. will check B. will be checked C. checked35. Excuse me, could you tell me _?A. where are theyB. how did they go thereC. when they will come backVI. 完形填空 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10

6、 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。Nowadays we can see more and more electric bikes in the street. Electric bikes are easy to36 . They run fast and make no pollution. So they become very 37 in many big cities in China.But the electric bikes also 38 more traffic accidents. So China plans to ma

7、ke a new rule39 the electric bike riders. If an electric bike is 40 than 40 kilos and can go faster than 20 kilometers an hour, its rider must get a 41 . It means riders have to pass driving tests 42they ride their electric bikes on the road.People have different ideas about the plan. 43 welcome the

8、 plan because they think it will make the street much safer. But some are not 44 the new rules at all. One rider said, “I dont want to get a license or anything. Thats too much 45 .” Whats your idea?36. A. listen B. play C. ride37. A. popular B. difficult C. strong38. A. share B. cause C. protect39.

9、 A. for B. to C. from40. A. bigger B. heavier C. longer41. A. license B. photo C. ID card42. A. during B. after C. before43. A. None B. Some C. Each44. A. happy with B. worried about C. sorry about45. A. help B. pleasure C. trouble第三部分 阅读(共两大题,满分 35 分)VII.阅读理解 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列三篇语言材料,根据语

10、言材料的内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。AWorld Expo(世博会) 2010, Shanghai ChinaAddressShanghai World Expo GardenPhone+86-21-962010Open time8:30 a.m.10:00 p.m. (Saturdays to 10:30 p.m.)TicketAdult: 160 Kid: 80E-WHow to get thereby subway 42 special bus routes(专线)How to book ticketsby phone or

11、through the InternetThemeBetter City, Better LifeFeature It is the first time for the 159-year-old World Expo to be held in China, a developing country. Its another great event for China after the successful Beijing Olympics in 2008. 189 countries present(展示) their best from May 1st to October 31st.

12、46. If you want to book a ticket to World Expo 2010, you cant _.A. e-mail B. write a letterC. call +86-21-96201047. Mr. Chen and his wife want to go to Shanghai Expo with their child, they will pay _in all.A. 160 B. 320 C. 40048. Last Saturday, Michael went to visit Shanghai Expo. He had to leave th

13、ere _.A. before 8:30 a.m. B. by 10:30 p.m. C. after 11:00 p.m.49. Shanghai World Expo lasts for _.A. six months B. 159 days C. 189 days50. You mustnt go to Shanghai World Expo by _.A. subway B. motorbike C. busBA man and a woman had a son many years after they married. They had a happy family and th

14、e boy was the apple of their eyes. When the boy was four years old, an accident happened. One night the father was very tired after work, so he asked his wife to meet their son and take him home. The mother was very busy in the kitchen, and she forgot about it.Later the boy lost his way in the stree

15、t. When the mother found this, she went to look for him, but she couldnt find him. Then she went to the police station to ask for help. She was very sad and didnt know how to face her husband. After hearing the bad news, the father hurried to the police station. When he saw his wife, he didnt blame(责备) her. Instead he said, “I love you, darling!”“If I had picked him up or found this earlier, this would not have happened,” the father said to himself. He thought there was no po


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