实用英语口译背诵教程Unit12 Environmental Protection in China1

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1、1中国同行 Chinese counterpart生态恶化 deterioration of the ecosystem物种灭绝 extinction of bio-species臭氧层破坏 damage to the ozone layer; the depletion of the ozone layer“温室效应”the green-house effect酸雨 acid rain土地沙漠化 desertification全球环境恶化问题 global environmental deterioration各级政府的环保机构和部门 environmental protection dep

2、artments of governments at all levels因地制宜 in the light of local conditions防护林体系工程 the forestation project追求眼前利益 to pursue/seek short-term interests不惜以破坏环境为代价 at the expense of environment破坏森林、破坏地力 to destroy forests and denude the land“地球日” “Earth Day” 宣传我们的环境政策,普及环境知识 to publicize our environmental

3、 policies and disseminate/popularize knowledge about the environment提高人们的环境意识 to raise peoples environmental awareness“七十七国集团”the Group of 77符合历史事实 in keeping with historical facts相互借鉴,取长补短 to draw on one anothers experience and make up for one anothers deficiency环境与资源保护委员会 the Environment and Resou

4、rces Protection Commission国家环境保护总局 the State Environmental Protection Administration(SEPA)国家海洋局 the State Environmental Oceanographic Administration联合国环境规划署、全球环境基金、世界银行、亚洲开发银行 the UN Environment Program(UNEP), the Global Environmental Facility, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank推进环境保护领域的国

5、际合作 to promote international cooperation in the field of Environmental Protection联合国环境与发展大会 the UN Conference on Environment and Development全球环境联盟 the Global Environmental Alliance“世界环境日” (6 月 5 日)World Environment Day(June 5)“国际臭氧日” (9 月 16 日)International Ozone Day(September 16)授予“全球 500 佳”称号/奖 to

6、 confer the Global 500 title/award提高环境意识 to raise/enhance/heighten environmental awareness普及环保知识 to popularize environmental protection knowledge 改变生活方式 to modify/change lifestyles城市化 urbanization环境监测站 environmental monitoring stations环境监测设备/系统 environmental monitoring equipment/system环境监测卫星 environ

7、mental survey satellite环境空气质量 ambient air quality环境危机/指数 environmental crisis/index2环境噪声 environmental noise; ambient noise环境致癌物 environmental carcinogen 环境威胁/公害 environmental threats/public hazards环境质量/标准/模式 environmental quality/standard/pattern自然/海洋/社会环境 natural/marine/social environment全球/区域环境 g

8、lobal/regional environment生态环境恶化 deterioration of the ecological environment生态破坏 ecological destruction生态系统/专家 ecosystem/ecologist环境保护主义者 environmentalist环境保护组织 environmental group/organization“绿色和平” (国际环境保护组织)the Green Peace石油外溢事故 oil spills环境外交/种族主义 environmental diplomacy/racism殖民主义的剥削、战争以及由此引起的贫

9、穷,使社会和环境都遭受到严重的创伤 Colonial exploitation, war and the resulting poverty have left terrible scars on both society and the environment装满“洋垃圾”的标准集装箱 standard containers filled with foreign garbage/rubbish/refuse 严重危害当地居民的身心健康 to seriously endanger the physical and mental health of local residents环境系统工程

10、environmental system engineering环境保护战略 strategy of environmental protection保护自然资源 to conserve natural resources确保自然资源的合理利用 to ensure the rational use of natural resources实现持续/可持续发展 to achieve sustained/sustainable development保护和改善生活环境和生态环境 to protect and improve the living environment and the ecolog

11、ical environment环境评估与管理 environment assessment and management解决环境问题 to address/solve environmental problems打破恶性循环 to break the vicious cycle控制环境污染 to curb/control environmental pollution维护生态平衡 to preserve/maintain the ecological balance 滥伐森林/毁林/破坏植被 deforestation防止水土流失 to prevent water loss and soil

12、 erosion空气/水/噪音/大气污染 air/water/noise/atmospheric pollution水源污染 pollution/contamination of water sources恶臭扑鼻的污物 odorous filth肉眼看不见的细菌 invisible bacteria光/热污染 light/thermal pollution核辐射 nuclear radiation放射性污染/废料 radioactive contamination/pollution/waste放射性微粒回降 radioactive fall-out污染指数(居里)pollution ind

13、ex(curie)空气污染指数 air pollution index(API)3空气/水/环境质量 air/water/environment quality悬浮颗粒 suspended particle重度/严重/轻度污染 heavy/serious/slight pollution化肥/农药污染 pollution by chemical fertilizers/pesticides滥用杀虫剂/农药 excessive use of pesticides工业污染物 industrial pollutant固体废物污染 solid waste pollution主要污染源 major so

14、urce of pollution污染环境者 polluter造纸厂 paper mill制革厂 tannery低效高污染企业 low-efficiency, high-pollution enterprises有毒化学物质及有害废料 poisonous chemicals and harmful/toxic waste倾倒有毒废料/城市垃圾 to dump toxic waste/urban refuse违反公德和国家法律 to violate both public ethical standards and state laws烟尘排放量 the amount of soot emiss

15、ion工业粉尘排放量 the amount of industrial dust discharged二氧化硫排放量 the amount of sulphur dioxide emission化学需氧量排放量 the amount of chemical oxygen demand discharged石油类排放量 the amount of oil pollutants discharged氰化物/砷/汞/铅/镉排放量 the amount of cyanide/arsenic/mercury/lead/cadmium discharged六价铬排放量 the amount of sexi

16、valent chromium discharged工业固体废物排放量 the amount of industrial solid wastes discharged废水排放量 the amount of waste water discharged工业废水排放量 the amount of industrial waste water discharged工业废水处理率 the treatment rate of industrial waste water城市污水处理率 the treatment rate of urban sewage工业废气处理率 the treatment rate of industrial waste gases工业固体废物综合利用率 the comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid wastes城市垃圾无害化处理率 the decontamination rate of urban refuse森林覆盖率 forest coverage自然保护区面积 the ar


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