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2、有多一些的互动,不要因为忙,就拒绝、敷衍孩子的要求。如果实在忙到没办法,可以耐心一点告诉孩子,现在你很忙,待会会解答他的问题,当然,在你忙完之后,一定要兑现自己的承诺。2不要轻易责骂孩子在孩子做错事情时,请先弄清楚原因和事情经过,而不是一味地责骂孩子,也许,孩子其实没有错呢。孩子会很喜欢模仿别人做的事情,或者是很想像大人一样做事,尤其是3、4 岁自我意识正强烈的时候,但是他们不知道自己还没有那个能力,于是很有可能会把事情弄砸。但是他们的出发点是没有错的,这时候,就不该一味批评孩子。比如,一个 4岁的姐姐总是想要去抱才 4 个月的弟弟,她是出于爱弟弟的心理,但是因为她自己还小,不懂如何照顾,一不

3、小心可能反而弄哭弟弟了。这时候,家长应该要告诉她,爸爸妈妈知道你是一个好姐姐,但是弟弟还小,你还不懂怎么照顾她,有事要让大人来处理;等弟弟再大一些,那时你就可以和他一起玩,教他玩了。孩子是需要正确的引导的。3多给一点耐心即使是大人,在正生气的时候,也会很难听得进别人的话。那么小孩其实也一样,当他想要的要求被拒绝的时候,他可能会不高兴,可能会生气,这时候你跟他讲的话,他也很难接受。有些家长,说不听就开始骂孩子,甚至开始打孩子,可是只要你尝试多给一点耐心,好好跟孩子说明为什么不让他这么做,其实 3、4 岁的孩子已经基本能够理解了,多给一点耐心,让孩子明白你的出发点是好的,他会听话的。我家的小侄女在


5、如果本身没有做好,又哪来的资格指责孩子的不是呢。你希望孩子做个诚实的人,首先你自己要说话算话,对孩子也要以诚相待,不要欺骗。你希望孩子有良好的生活习惯,首先你自己要给孩子做个好榜样。5改变教育方式如果你发现,不管怎么教,孩子就是不听,可能你也要思考一下你现在使用的教育方式是否合适。每个孩子的个性不同,教育方式也应该有所不同。只有适合的才是最好的。你对着 1、2 岁的孩子,给他讲道理,没有多大作用;面对青春期叛逆的孩子,你采用批评、责骂的方式,估计也没什么效果。教育孩子,在不同的年龄阶段要用不同的方式,对不同个性的孩子也要考虑不同的方式。6有些家长,喜欢把自己当做权威,要求孩子无条件接受自己的要

6、求,却从未认真听过孩子的想法,没有去理解孩子的内心,这只会让孩子离你越来越远。很多家长,以为自己做的一切就是对孩子是好的,却没有好好思考,这是不是孩子所需要的、所想要的。忽视孩子的需求,而强加给孩子的一切,对孩子来说,只会是负担而已。With some children, small age, temper is not good, an encounter not happy matter, immediately lost his temper, regardless of how people persuade comfort, just dont listen. Most of the

7、 time parents are to treat the childs way is not the right place, or the education way out of the problem. So, treat existing psychological rebellion and hostility in children, should be how to deal with?Methods / procedures1Learn to listen to children, to understand the psychological needs of child

8、renA lot of disobedient children, with adults on, because his psychological needs are not met. Parents sometimes because of busy or for other reasons, will ignore the childs psychological needs. When the mood when the child appeared, learn a little patience to listen to childrens ideas and feelings,

9、 allow children to reasonable vent their emotions, and slowly guide children correctly deal with their emotions. Sometimes the child kept asking you questions, that children curiosity is the nature, desire is good, and the child may hope that interact more with you, not because of busy, reject, with

10、 the childs request. If it is too busy to have no way to tell the children, a little patience, you are very busy now, will answer his question, of course, when you when, must honor their commitments.2Dont scold the childWhen children do something wrong, please find out why and what happened, rather

11、than simply scolded the child, perhaps, the child is not wrong. Children like to imitate others do, or like adults do, especially when 3, 4 year old self consciousness is strong, but they do not know what is not the ability, and is likely to spoil things. But their starting point is not wrong, at th

12、is time, should not blindly criticize the child. For example, a 4 year old sister, always want to hold only 4 months younger brother, she is out of loving brother psychological, but because she was still small, do not know how to take care of, one not careful may cry. At this time, parents should te

13、ll her, mom and dad know youre a good sister, but little brother, you still dont know how to take care of her, something to make adult treatment; brother and then some big, you can play with him at that time, taught him to play. Children need proper guidance.3Give a little patienceEven adults, when

14、angry, will be very difficult to listen to the words of others. Then the child actually same also, when he wants to request was refused, he may not be happy, may be angry, you with his words, he is also very hard to accept. Some parents, say to began to scold the child, and even began to hit the chi

15、ld, but as long as you try to give a little patience, good with children, why not let him do so, in fact, 3, 4 - year-old children already basic can understand, give a little patience, let the child understand your intentions are good he will be obedient.My little niece before dinner to eat peaches,

16、 http:/ I told her, cant eat now, she began to pick up the peach is everywhere, always said, I just want to eat, I will eat. If she did, so does. I said to her, come here, I tell you, not to say that you eat fruit, but now an empty stomach is not appropriate to eat fruit, or may be a stomach ache, but well never be able to eat your dinner. Now you obediently, put it well, will be half an hour after a meal, you can eat, OK? Perhaps the first child will have to



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