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1、1POWERHA 常用心跳网络特点和配置最近系统的复习了一下 PowerHA,做了一些相关的试验,今天时间充裕,在博客里把有关于心跳方面的知识总结一下。谈到 PowerHA,不得不谈心跳。记得拜读 IBM 官方网站上浅谈 HACMP 心跳 一文中,作者王荣说了一句颇幽默的话:“我们可以看出使用 HACMP 集群,可谓玩的就是心跳。”的确如此,在个人的学习和实施的过程中,发现心跳的确是要玩的,而且要玩好。一、心跳作用及分类PowerHA 通过以下三种手段,来监控节点是否运行正常:1、RSCT 监控网络接口和设备。.2、AIX LVM 监控硬盘、逻辑卷、卷组状态。3、PowerHA 应用监控应用状

2、态。PowerHA 使用心跳 keep alive (KA)包来监控网络接口、通信设备、和 ip 地址标签有效性。在 PowerHA 中用基于 IP 网络和 non-IP 网络来交换心跳包。其中基于 IP 网络包括:Ethernet (ether)、Token-ring (token)、Fiber Distributed Data Interface - FDDI (fddi)、 Asynchronous Transfer Mode- ATM and ATM LAN Emulation) (atm)、 EtherChannel (ether)、 IP Version 6 (IPV6)、Infi

3、niBand,其中 enther 网络心跳比较常用。基于设备的主要包括:目标模式 SCSI (tmscsi) 、目标模式 SSA (tmssa) 、磁盘心跳信号 (diskhb)、串行 RS232 。磁盘心跳信号 (diskhb)和串行 RS232 在实际环境中用到比较多(个人根据实施经验判断,不一定准确)。二、常用心跳网络配置1、 RS232 串口心跳配置硬件配置建议配置专门用作心跳网络的异步卡。异步卡及串口线的选择配置可以参考: PowerHA 中异步卡和串口线的选择。配置方法:添加 tty 设备:smitty device 中找到 tty.测试 tty 通信是否正常:在连接串口线后,在一

4、台设备上输入:cat /etc/hosts/dev/tty0 另外一台输入:catdbsvr1dbsvr2Create a Concurrent Volume GroupType or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.TOP Entry FieldsNode Names dbsvr1,dbsvr2PVID 0003714b1331a3edVOLUME GROUP name heartvgPhysicalpartitionSIZE in megabytes 4 +Volume g

5、roup MAJOR NUMBER 56 +#Enhanced Concurrent Mode true +Enable Cross-Site LVM Mirroring Verification false +Warning:Changing the volume group major number may resultin the command being unable to executesuccessfully on a node that does not have themajor number currently available. Please checkMORE.3F1

6、=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel F4=ListEsc+5=Reset Esc+6=Command Esc+7=Edit Esc+8=Imagedbsvr1#lspvhdisk0 0003714ba5048a99 rootvg activehdisk1 0003714bd3cf768a rootvg activehdisk2 0003714b7d935335 datavg 4activehdisk3 0003714b27d6164f datavg_1 activehdisk4 none Nonehdisk5 0003714b1331a3ed heartvgdbsvr2#ls

7、pvhdisk1 000531c9c977a892 rootvg activehdisk2 0003714b7d935335 datavghdisk3 none Nonehdisk4 none Nonehdisk0 000531c9a501da2a rootvg activehdisk5 0003714b1331a3ed heartvgStep2: 编辑环境变量dbsvr1#vi /etc/environmentPATH=/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:/usr/java14/jre/bin:/usr/java14/bin

8、:/usr/sbin/rsct/binTZ=BEIST-8LANG=en_USLOCPATH=/usr/lib/nls/locNLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N.catLC_FASTMSG=truedbsvr2#vi /etc/environmentPATH=/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:/usr/java14/jre/bin:/usr/java14/bin:/usr/sbin/rsct/binTZ=BEIST-8LANG=en_USLOCPATH=

9、/usr/lib/nls/locNLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N.catLC_FASTMSG=trueStep3: 测试并行卷组通讯dbsvr1#dhb_read -p hdisk5 -rDHB CLASSIC MODEFirst node byte offset: 61440Second node byte offset: 62976Handshaking byte offset: 65024Test byte offset: 645125Receive Mode:Waiting for response . . .M

10、agic number = 0x87654321Magic number = 0x87654321Magic number = 0x87654321Magic number = 0x87654321Link operating normallydbsvr2#dhb_read -p hdisk5 -tDHB CLASSIC MODEFirst node byte offset: 61440Second node byte offset: 62976Handshaking byte offset: 65024Test byte offset: 64512Transmit Mode:Magic nu

11、mber = 0x87654321Detected remote utility in receive mode. Waiting for response . . .Magic number = 0x87654321Magic number = 0x87654321Link operating normallyStep4: 配置磁盘心跳网络dbsvr1#smitty hacmpInitialization and Standard ConfigurationExtended ConfigurationSystem Management (C-SPOC)Problem Determinatio

12、n ToolsDiscover HACMP-related Information from Configured NodesExtended Topology ConfigurationExtended Resource ConfigurationExtended Cluster Service SettingsExtended Event ConfigurationExtended Performance Tuning Parameters ConfigurationSecurity and Users ConfigurationSnapshot ConfigurationExport D

13、efinition File for Online Planning WorksheetsConfigure an HACMP ClusterConfigure HACMP NodesConfigure HACMP SitesConfigure HACMP NetworksConfigure HACMP Communication Interfaces/Devices6Configure HACMP Persistent Node IP Label/AddressesConfigure HACMP Global NetworksConfigure HACMP Network ModulesConfigure Topology Services and Group ServicesShow HACMP TopologyAdd a Network to the HACMP ClusterChange/Show a Network in the HACMP ClusterRemove a Network from the HACMP ClusterSelect a Network Type Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. TOP


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