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1、1专题十五 情景交际重难点精讲考点精讲感谢 感谢某人Thank you./Thank you very much. (非常)谢谢你。Thanks./Thanks a lot./Many thanks. (非常)感谢。Thanks/Thank you for. (因某事)感谢你。Its very kind of you. 你真是太好了。Its very nice of you. 你真是太好了。Thanks. That would be nice. 谢谢。那太好了。 应答(2012 年 33题考查)Not at all./Thats OK./Thats all right./You are wel

2、come./Its a pleasure./My pleasure.不用谢。/不客气。道歉 当要麻烦别人时Excuse me.打扰一下。I beg your pardon.请再说一遍。 当做错某事时(2011 年 47题考查)Sorry./Im sorry for./Im sorry that. 对不起 回答道歉时的答语Thats all right./Thats OK./Never mind. /Its nothing./ It does not matter.没关系。/没什么。祝愿和祝贺(2009 年 38题考查)Good luck (to you)! 祝你好运!Merry Christm

3、as! 祝你圣诞节快乐!Happy New Year! 新年快乐!Happy birthday! 生日快乐!Congratulations! 祝贺你!Have a good time! 祝你玩得开心!The same to you. 同样祝福你。邀请和应答 邀请和应答Will you come to my party? 你能来参加我的宴会吗?Would you like to go for a walk? 你想去散步吗?May I invite you to dinner? 我可以请你吃饭吗? 接受邀请时的答语(2010 年 42题考查)Yes. Id love to.是的,我愿意。Yes.

4、Its very kind of you.是的,你真是太好了。That would be nice. 那就太好了。 拒绝邀请时的答语(2009 年 50题考查)2No, thank you. 不,谢谢你。Id like to, but. 我想,但是提供(帮助等)和应答Can I help you? 我能帮忙吗?What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么?Let me help you. 让我来帮你。请求Can/Could you. for me? 你能替我做吗?Will/Would you please.? 你可不可以?Please hurry. 请快点。情感 高兴How

5、wonderful! 太棒了!How nice! 太棒了!Thats lovely! 那很可爱!Thats great! 那很好!Thats wonderful! 那很棒!Im happy. Its well done. 我很高兴。干得好。Im pleased to know that. 知道那事我很高兴。 满意Good! 好!Well done! 干得好!Perfect! 太完美了!Thats fine. 那很好。Thats better. 那更好。Thats good enough. 那足够好了。 忧虑Whats wrong? 怎么了?Whats the matter? 出什么问题了?An

6、ything wrong? 有什么问题吗?What should we do? 我们该怎么办?Are you worried about your health? 你担心自己的健康吗? 遗憾与同情(2013 年 50题考查)Im so sorry! 很抱歉。Its a great pity! 太遗憾了!What a shame!真遗憾!Thats too bad! 等于 Bad luck!那太糟了!Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。 安慰(2013 年 42题,2011 年 40题考查)Take it easy. 别紧张,别着急。劝告和建议You had be

7、tter ask that woman. 你最好问问那位妇女。Why do not you go to the park?/Why not go to the park? 为什么不去公园呢?What about going out for a walk? 去散步怎么样?Shall we play together? 我们一起玩,好吗?You should not stay up too late. 别睡得太晚。3打电话 拨电话方的交际用语Could/May/Can I speak to.please?请找某人接电话,好吗?Whos that(speaking)? 你是哪一位呀?This is.

8、(speaking). 我是Could you ask him to call me back?您能让他给我回电话吗?Im calling to tell you to.我打电话给你是想告诉你去Thats very kind of you(to help me).你能帮我真是太好了。 接电话方的交际用语(2012 年 39题考查)Hold on(for a moment), please. 请稍等。Im afraid hes out at the moment/right now. 对不起,(我恐怕)他现在不在。Can I take a message(for you)? 我能替你带话吗?购物

9、 营业员常用的交际用语Can I help you?/What can I do for you? 你要买什么?How many or much.do you want? 你要多少?What about this one? 这件怎么样?What colou do you like?你喜欢什么颜色的?What size do you want?你想要什么尺寸的?What kind do you like?你喜欢什么种类的?Im afraid we have not got any.in that size at the moment.恐怕我们现在没有那个尺寸的Here you are. 给你。

10、顾客常用的交际用语I want or would like to buy some.(for.)我想(为某人)买一些Im looking for.我正在找I would like or want two kilos of. 我想买两千克I like the colour, but its or they are too. 我喜欢这个颜色,但它或它们太Its great, but its not.enough. 不错,但它不够I prefer.but this.is too. 我喜欢,但这个太Have you got any other kind? 你们还有其他种类的吗?Have you got

11、 any other colour? 你们还有其他颜色的吗?Have you got any other size? 你们还有其他尺寸的吗?That looks nice. 看起来不错。Have you got anything cheaper? 你们有更便宜点的吗?4How much does it cost? 多少钱?Can/May I try them/it on, please? 我能试一试吗?看病 医生常用交际用语Whats wrong with you?/Whats the matter?/Whats up? 你怎么了?How long have you been like thi

12、s?你像这样多久了?Have you taken your temperature?你测过体温吗?Have you had anything to eat this morning?早晨你吃过什么东西吗?Theres nothing serious. 不要紧,不严重。Take this medicine and stay in bed for a few days. 吃这个药并卧床休息几天。You will get better soon. 你会很快好起来的。You will be all right or well soon. 你会很快没事的。 病人常用的交际用语I have got a h

13、eadache. 我头痛。I have got a cough. 我咳嗽。Im not feeling well./I do not feel very well./I feel terrible. 我感觉不舒服。Theres something wrong with. 我不舒服。喜好和厌恶 喜欢Which do you like better, . or .?你喜欢(这两者)中的哪一个?I like . better than.我喜欢某物胜过另一物Which do you like best, ., .or.?你最喜欢(这三者)中的哪一个?I like.best.我最喜欢Would you

14、like.? 你想要某物吗?I love.a lot.我很喜欢I love.very much.我十分喜欢I like. a little.我有一点喜欢 厌恶I do not like.at all. 我一点也不喜欢I prefer to.rather than. 我宁可也不时间或日期 What day is(it) today? 今天是星期几?Its Monday. 今天是星期一。 Whats the date today? 今天是几号?Its July the first. 今天是七月一日。 What time is it?/Whats the time? 几点了?Its six oclo

15、ck. 六点。Its half past five.五点半。Its a quarter to five. 四点四十五。Its four thirty.四点半。就餐 主人常用语What would you like to have?你想要些什么?Would you like something to drink?你想要一些喝的吗?5Help yourself to some chicken.请自便吃一些鸡肉。 客人常用语(2013 年 33题考查)Yes, Id like a drink.是的,我想要一杯饮料。Id like rice and chicken.我想要鸡肉米饭。Just a little, please.就一点点。Can I have some more soup? 还能再要一些汤吗?Its so delicious. Thank you.太香了,谢谢你。No, thank you. I have had enough.不用了,已经足够了,谢谢。Im full, thank you.我饱了,谢谢。禁止和警告(2012 年 50题考查)You cannot do that. 别这么做。Be careful!/Take care! 小心!Do not walk there. The floor is


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