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1、本科毕业论文(设计)I207.4190801014133刘宽文学校代码分类号学号密级10722公开题 目( 中 、 英 文 )从审美取向的反叛看聊斋志异有关车辆保险小议有关车辆保险的小议rove College StudentsEnglish WritingFrom the Aesthetic Orientation of Rebel SeeStrange Tales from Liao Zhai作者姓名 张 洁指导教师学科门类 文 学提交论文日期 二一二年五月专业名称 汉语言文学成绩评定I摘 要聊斋志异是我国最优秀的文言短篇小说,在聊斋志异出现之前的明清之世,文言短篇小说长期处于寂寞的低谷,

2、不但无法与名著名篇如林的唐代相比,就连宋元时期出现过的零星佳篇也不多见,而聊斋志异出现之后,文言小说则走向了繁荣,例如,沈起凤谐铎 、和邦额夜谭随录 、长白浩歌子萤窗异草等。同时,和之前的志怪小说相比,它创造性地继承了中国古典小说的现实主义传统,又有着非常浓厚的浪漫主义气息。蒲松龄创作聊斋志异的动机和目的,不是一般的传奇志怪,而是以传统的传奇志怪的形式和手法,来表现他长期郁积于心底的“孤愤”之情,是对当时社会的抗争。在作品的审美体系中,作者不断创新,大胆反叛,使作品具有独特的审美取向,具有较高的审美价值。关键词:审美取向;反叛;蒲松龄;聊斋志异IIAbstract Strange Tales

3、from Liaozhai is Chinas most outstanding classical Chinese short stories, in Strange Tales from Liaozhai before the appearance of the Ming and Qing Dynasties of the world, classical Chinese short story in the lonely valley, not only with famous works as compared to those of the Tang Dynasty, even du

4、ring the song and Yuan Dynasties appeared sporadically masterpieces also does not see more, and Strange Tales from Liaozhai since the emergence of classical Chinese novels, is moved toward prosperously, for example, Shen Qifeng Xie Duo, and state the amount recorded with way, Changbai ho song firefl

5、y window different grass etc. At the same time, and before the mystery novels, it creatively inheriting the Chinese classical novel realism tradition, have very strong romantic atmosphere. Pu Songling wrote Strange Tales from Liaozhai motive and purpose, not the general legend mystery, but with the

6、traditional legend monstrous forms and methods, to show his long-term stasis in the bottom of my heart solitary indignation of the situation, is the social struggle. In the aesthetic system, the author innovates ceaselessly, bold rebel, so that works with unique aesthetic orientation, have higher ae

7、sthetic value.Key words: aesthetic orientation; rebellion; Pu Songling; Strange Tales from LiaozhaiIII目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II前 言 .1一、狐的反叛 .1(一)同情弱小,打抱不平 .1(二)有情有义,知恩图报 .2(三)充满智慧,反叛传统 .21.充满智慧,能言善辩 .22.反叛传统,敢爱敢恨 .33.大胆主动,有独立意识 .3二、鬼的反叛 .4(一)重情重义,终得善报 .4(二)才貌双全,聪慧善良 .4(三)关注国事,虽死犹生 .5三、自然女性的反叛 .5(一)对传统作品中

8、女性形象的反叛 .51.善良质朴,不卑不亢 .52.意识觉醒,自尊自爱 .63.洁身自好,有先见之明 .7(二)对女子无才便是德的反叛 .71.聪明有才学,巾帼更胜须眉 .72.智慧聪颖,善于经营管理 .83.洞察世事,有胆有识 .94.处变不惊,女中豪杰 .9四、 聊斋志异反叛的原因 .11参考文献 .12谢 辞 .13咸阳师范学院 2012 届本科毕业毕业论文(设计)1前 言聊斋志异是我国古代文言短篇小说的巅峰之作,作者以其独特的审美眼光,用婉转曲折、跌宕有致、合情合理与无懈可击的写作特点,为中国古代文学塑造了许多血肉丰满、令人印象深刻的文学形象,为后世提供了许多以鬼狐幻变表现人生和人情的楷模之作。 “聊斋风行南北,影响面大,不论就其活跃的程度,还是就其创作质量和数量而言,都已逾越了宋元以至初清。 ”1而聊斋志异之所以具有独特而耀眼的光辉,能够获得广大读者


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