(同步精品课堂)2015-2016学年高中英语 专题02 The United Kingdom(讲)(基础版)新人教版必修5

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《(同步精品课堂)2015-2016学年高中英语 专题02 The United Kingdom(讲)(基础版)新人教版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(同步精品课堂)2015-2016学年高中英语 专题02 The United Kingdom(讲)(基础版)新人教版必修5(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1专题 02 The United Kingdom 1、重点词汇考点 1 【教材原句】Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. 令人高兴的是,当苏格兰的詹姆斯国王成为英格兰和威尔士的国王是,三个国家和平地实现了联合。conflict n. 冲突;矛盾;vi. 冲突,抵触【归纳拓展】in conflict with 与冲突/矛盾come into conflict with sb 与某人发生冲突/争执con

2、flict with 与冲突【例句研读】(1)She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.她发现自己在未来择业问题上 _。(1)与父母存在着分歧(2)John often comes into conflict with his boss.约翰经常 _。(2)和他的老板发生冲突(3)These results conflict with earlier findings.这些结果与早期的发现 _。(3)相矛盾【即时巩固】(1)She often comes _ conflict with the p

3、eople around her.(2)The new plan is in conflict _ the original one.(3)This conflicts _ what he said yesterday.【答案】(1)into (2)with (3)with考点 2 【教材原句】You will live in a town close to the countryside in England in a furnished house with all modern conveniences. 你将会居住在英国一座靠近乡村的小镇上,你的房子配备了一切现代化的便利设施。2【归纳

4、拓展】furnished adj.配备好装备的;带家具的furnish vt.为(房屋等)配备家具,布置;(向某人/某物)提供,供应 furnish sb/sth with sthfurniture n.u 家具【例句研读】(1)The bedrooms are elegantly furnished.卧室 _ 高雅。(1)陈设(2)There is a fully furnished flat.有一套 _ 公寓。(2)配备齐全的(3)Having bought the house, they couldnt afford to furnish it.买下房子后,他们没有钱 _ 。(3)配家具

5、了(4)We advise furnishing the house according to our own taste.我们建议按自己的爱好 _ 房子。(4)布置(5)She furnished him with the facts surrounding the case.她向他 _ 与案件有关的真实情况。(5)提供了【即时巩固】(1)_(furnish) accommodation 连家具住房(租赁)(2)一件家具_【答案】(1)furnished (2)a piece of furniture考点 3 【教材原句】Your task will be to examine the po

6、ssibility of constructing a new factory in the United Kingdom. 你的任务是考察在英国建造一座新工厂的可能性。【归纳拓展】possibility n.c.u.可能(性)3(a) possibility of doing sth 做某事的可能性There is a possibility that有的可能辨析 possible,probable 与 likely易混词 辨析 例句possible 仅指“有可能” ,作表语时,不用人作主语,其句式:It is possible that/ to doIs it possible to ge

7、t to the city by train, or must I take a bus?有可能坐火车到那个城市去吗,还是我必须坐公共汽车?probable 指“有较大的可能” ,作表语时,不用人作主语,其句式:It is probable thatIt is probable that he has forgotten our appointment.很可能他忘了我们的约会。likely 指“很可能的” ,其主语可以是人、物或it,其结构是主语(人/物)+ be + likely +动词不定式;It is likely thatWe are likely to make mistakes w

8、hen learning English.=It is likely that we will make mistakes when we learn English.学习英语的时候,我们可能会犯错。【例句研读】(1)There was no possibility of their team winning the game.他们队赢得比赛是 _ 。(1)不可能的(2)The study raises the possibility that dieting is bad for your health.那项研究提出节食 _ 危害健康。(2)有可能【即时巩固】(1)(2009 浙江高考)Is

9、 there any possibility _ you could pick me up at the airport?No problem.A.when B.that C.whether D.what(2)It is _ that he will come this afternoon.(3)Children, who grow up in a large family, are more _ to get along well with others.4【答案】(1)B 该从句为同位语从句,而该句的同位语从句的连接词无实际含义,故选用 that.(2)probable/ possible

10、/ likely (3)likely考点 4 【教材原句】They had no time to arrange their own wedding, so they 他们没有时间准备自己的婚礼,所以他们【归纳拓展】arrange v. 筹备;安排;整理arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事arrange to do sth 安排去做某事【例句研读】(1)They hoped to arrange a meeting.他们希望 _ 。(1)筹备一个会议(2)Ive arranged for the window cleaner to come on Thursday.

11、我已经 _ 一个窗户清洁工星期四来。(2)安排好了(3)She was busy arranging information when I came in.当我进来的时候她正在忙着 _ 。(3)整理资料【即时巩固】(1)Shes arranged _ swimming lessons next month.A.her son to have B.for her son to haveC.for her son having D.her son having【答案】(1)B 句意:她已经安排她的儿子下个月上游泳课。根据结构 arrange for sb to do sth,故该题正确答案为 B.

12、考点 5 【教材原句】Her first delight was going to the Tower. 她最先想参观的地方是伦敦塔。delight n.u乐趣;喜悦;c乐事&v.(使)高兴;(使)欣喜【归纳拓展】5take delight in (doing) sth 以(做)某事为乐to ones delight 让某人高兴的是with/ in delight 高兴地It is a delight to do sth 做是一件快乐的事delight in (doing) sth 以(做)某事为乐be/ feel delighted at/ by/ with 因而高兴【例句研读】(1)Chr

13、is takes great delight in teasing his younger sister.克里斯 _ 。(1)以取笑妹妹为乐(2)To his parents delight, he has made a full recovery._ ,他完全康复。(2)让他父母高兴的是(3)The kids were screaming with delight.孩子们在 _ 尖叫。(3)高兴地(4)It is a delight to drink a cold drink in such a hot day.大热天喝杯冷饮 _ 。(4)是件快乐的事情(5)This news will d

14、elight his fans all over the world.这个消息将 _ 。(5)使全世界崇拜他的人都感到高兴(6)He delighted in sharing his love of birds with children.他 _ 与孩子们分享他对鸟类的热爱。(6)喜欢(7)She was delighted by/ at the news of the wedding.听到婚礼的消息她 _ 。(7)很高兴【即时巩固】6(1)Much _ with his sons performances at school, Mr Green decided to take him to

15、Beijing for a holiday.A.delighting B.to delight C.being delighted D.delighted【答案】(1)D 考查形容词短语作状语。句意:格林先生对儿子在学校的表现感到非常高兴,所以他决定带儿子去北京度假。be delighted with 因而高兴。考点 6 【教材原句】It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. 这似乎是一件怪事,这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活,并且在伦敦去世。【归纳拓展】should modal v.should 往往在 strange, necessary, natural, important 等形容词后的 that 从句中,表示“竟然,居然”此外,should 还可表示义



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