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1、- 1 - 1 -教工团总支文体委员就职演说第一篇:教工团总支文体委员就职演说尊敬的各位领导,各位朋友: 大家下午好! 今天我非常高兴能代表新成立的教工团总支的名文体委员和名文体干事在这里发言。我代表 位文体委员感谢各位领导的信任!感谢各位朋友的支持! 胡耀邦同志说过,团的工作不要坐而论道,要搞活动,一年不搞一两项有影响有实效的活动,青年团的威力就不行,就没有生气。这一思想,是对几十年来团的工作的经验总结,辩证地阐明了团的活动与团的战斗力的关系,也说明了团的活动在团的工作中的重要作用。 我们教工团总支文体委员的工作就是根据精神文明建设的需要,根据青年教师的需要制定出有利于我们身心健康的文体工作

2、计划,有创造性地开展好各种健康有益的文化体育活动。我们要通过建立文化体育活动阵地,丰富青年教师的业余生活,提高青年教师的社会道德水平,倡导健康文明科学的生活方式。文体活动有一定的知识性和技巧性,需要有人指导。这个大家不用担心,我们有专业的歌唱教练老师,有专业的舞蹈教练老师,有专业的体育健身教练 老师,有专业的体操健美教练老师,还有。我们都竭诚为大家服务!现在我们的活动有了学校领导的大力支持,有了专门的活动场所,有了专业的教练指导;我们缺少的可能就是大家的积极参与。当然有些朋友指出,并不是我们参与的热情不高,而是业余时间太少。但是我们的活动不是天天搞,也不会安排在大家的工作时间内。既- 2 -

3、2 -然大家对教工团总支寄予厚望,那么就应该积极地参与我们的各项活动,群策群力,共同学习和提高。为培养一个学习型和开拓型的教师群体而努力! 朋友们,活动起来!有了你们的支持,我们对工作会更有信心;有了你们的参与,我们的活动会更加丰富多彩。 谢谢大家!第二篇:学校教工团总支文体委员代表的就职演说稿学校教工团总支文体委员代表的就职演说稿:尊敬的各位领导,各位朋友:大家下午好!今天我很高兴能代表新成立的教工团总支的三名文体委员和三名文体干事在这里发言,学校教工团总支文体委员代表的就职演说稿。我代表三位文体委员感谢各位领导的信任!感谢各位朋友的支持! 胡同志说过,团的工作不要坐而论道,要搞活动,一年不

4、搞一两项有影响有实效的活动,青年团的威力就不行,就没有生气。这一思想,是对几十年来团的工作的经验总结,辩证地阐明了团的活动与团的战斗力的关系,也说明了团的活动在团的工作中的重要作用。文体活动有一定的知识性和技巧性,需要有人指导。这个大家不用担心,我们有专业的歌唱教练老师,有专业的舞蹈教练李婷老师,有专业的体育健身教练陈健老师,有专业的体操健美教练老师,还有业余的体育竞技运动员老师,演讲稿学校教工团总支文体委员代表的就职演说稿 。 我们都竭诚为大家服务!我们教工团总支文体委员的工作就是根据精神文明建设的需要,根据青年教师的需要制定出有利于我们身心健康的文体工作计划,有创造性地开展好各种健康有益的

5、文化体育活动。我们要通过建立文化体育活- 3 - 3 -动阵地 there are 256 ords ontaining more than 6 letters, ouping 22 perent of the1total. but in ever da onversation, extemporaneous speeh andadvertisement the perentage is usuall loer than 20 perent.another harateristi is the emploment of man abstrat nouns,hih an make the spe

6、eh sound more formal and profound, makethe addresser sound more serious and erudite and make the audienehave more onfidene in the speaker. in the speeh of gorge bush itis not hard to find so man suh ords. here i just ant to list someof them as an example: unit, diversit, generosit, expression,ontinu

7、it, demora, differene, ontinuane, freedom, ation,prosperit, satisfation, libert, justie, engagement, peae, dissension, harmon, divisiveness, limitation, bipartisanship, opposition, attitude,intolerane, sourge, hopefulness.b. sntatial markersthe inaugural address of the president elet usuall uses a l

8、ot more pound or plex sentenes than everda onversation, extemporaneous speeh and advertisement. this is also true of mr. bushs address, in hih most of the sentenes are relativel long and pliated for the purpose of leaving the audiene an immediate impression of formalness, seriousness and reliabilit.

9、 in the speeh there are altogether 91 sentenes, but 42 of them are pound or plex, taking up almost half of - 4 - 4 -the total. in addition, most sentenes in the speeh ontain more than 10 ords and the longest sentene onsists of 48 ords! but as e kno, in everda onversation most sentenes ontain no more

10、 than 10 ords.as it is expeted, the delarative sentene is the main tpe in the address but some other sentene tpes are also emploed. forexample, mr. bush uses several imperative sentenes in his speeh suh as, “ let us negotiate soonand hard. but in the end, let us produe.” the use of imperative senten

11、es here atuall serves as a all to the audiene and aims to arouse their enthusiasm. grammatial markers.as e kno, the monl used tense in the presidential inaugural address is the simple present, hile the future tense, the present perfet tense and the simple past tense serve as the supplementar devies.

12、 this is beause suh addresses usuall fous on the present and future time. mr. bushs address is no exeption. among the 91 sentenes in the speeh there are over 60 simple present, 9 present perfet and 6 future tense. as for the voies, there are onl 7 sentenes in the passive and all the others are in th

13、e ative.d. rhetorial deviesthe rhetorial devie is a striking harateristi of publi speeh, hih an add vividness and aestheti appreiation to it.although there are a ide variet of rhetorial devies in english, the most important sntatial rhetorial devie in publi speeh is perhaps parallelism, hih an perfe

14、tl onve the strong feelings of the speaker, - 5 - 5 -leave a deep impression to the audiene, and make the language more rhthmi and vivid. in the speeh of mr. bush, parallelism is used in man paragraphs.example: parallelismgreat nations of the orld are moving toard demora-through the door to freedom.

15、 men and omen of theorld move toard free markets-through the door to prosperit. the people of the orld agitate for free expression and free thought-through the door to moral and intelletual satisfations that onl libert allos.e kno hat orks: freedom orks. e kno hats right:freedom is right. e kno ho t

16、o seure a more just and prosperous life for man on earth: through free markets, e dont have to talk into the night about hih form ofgovernment is better. e dont have to rest justie from the kings-e onl have to summon it from ithin ourselves.some other rhetorial devies suh as antithesis, repetition,alliteration, simile, metaphor, limax, oxmoron are also used in the address for various purposes-to emphasize, to ontrast, to onvin


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