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1、上饶县七中 2012/2013 学年第二学期八年级英语第一次月考试题卷满分:100 分 时间:90 分钟 命题人:吴慧君 审核人:林志海 I. 听力部分(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分 满分 20 分)I.听句子。根据所听内容选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分)1A. Im lucky. B. Thanks. C. Yes,I will.2A. Im sorry to hear that.BNeither did ICWhy?3APlease be quiet.BOK. I11 say it again.CSpeak loudly4. A. Yes, please.

2、B. No,I dont. C. Good idea!5AIt doesnt matter. B. You are welcome. C. Thats right.II.听对话。根据所听内容选择正确的答案。对话读一遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分)6Who does the woman want to speak to?AMr Smith. B. Mr Black. CMr Green.7Which sign are they talking about?8When is the womans birthday?A. This Saturday. B. Next Friday. C. Nex

3、t Saturday.9How will Chen Hui spend her holiday?AShe will visit some citiesBShe will stay at homeCShe will visit some countries10How does Miss Wang usually go to work?A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus.III.听短文。根据所听内容选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分)11Wei Hua may be a _ .Ateacher B. visitor C. Policeman1

4、2Whos going to meet the visitors in the morning?A. Mr Wang. B. Mr Zhang. C. Mr Li.13Whom are the visitors going to have a talk with in the morning?ASome teachersBSome studentsCSome parents14What are the visitors going to do in the afternoon?ATo have a restBTo have a partyCTo visit parts of the schoo

5、l15Where are they going to have the party?AIn the classroomBIn the teachersofficeCIn the meeting roomIV听对话。根据所听内容完成表格。对话读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分)16. Game A _ match 17. Time Last _ 18. Winner Class _19. score 3: _20. Place On the school _II 单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分 满分 15 分) ( ) 1. I _ think there _ be more bu

6、ildings in two years. A. dont; will B. 不填 ; wont C. will; dont D. wont; 不填( ) 2. Eve and Sally like to speak _ the phone.A. in B. on C. at D. with ( ) 3. I have _ haircut _ you.A. same; as B. the same; like C. the same; as D. same; like ( ) 4. Please _ who broke the window. A. find B. look for C. lo

7、ok at D. find out ( ) 5. Listen! I hear someone _ the violin in the room. A. playing B. to play C. play D. plays ( ) 6. What are you going to be _? A doctor. A. on the future B. in the future C. on future D. at the future ( ) 7. All the students went to the Summer Palace except _ last Saturday. A. I

8、 B. my C. myself D. me ( ) 8. _ country will you go next month? I will go to the Untied Kingdom. A. Which B. Where C. How D. When ( ) 9. _? It doesnt work. A. How are you B. Where is your watch C. Whats wrong with your watch D. How much is your watch ( ) 10. Have they made any kites _? 座位号学校_班级_学号_姓

9、名_考场_-密-封-线 -2Yes. They have _ made some kites. A. yet; yet B. already; already C. yet; already D. already; yet ( ) 11. - Whats wrong? - My clothes are out of style. What _ I do?A. will B. should C. may D. must( ) 12. - I bought a new dictionary. - How much did you _ it?A. buy B. spend C. pay for D.

10、 have( ) 13. - I dont like the picture. - I dont like, _.A. too B. also C. either D. still( ) 14. - You are _ _ , Tom. - I argued with my best friend just now.A. happy B. upset C. tired D. excited( ) 15. The boy is _ to go to school, but he doesnt have enough money.A. enough old B. enough young C. o

11、ld enough D. young enough完形填空 (共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)AA long time ago, there was a king(国王), he wanted to _1_ everything in the world, but he was very busy, It was_2_ for him to go everywhere to do that, Then he asked some of his ministers( 大臣) to_3_ him collect all of the knowledge in the world.

12、They traveled around the world and learned about many things, Then they put all of the knowledge into_4_. More than ten years later, they came back and_5_ thousands of books to the king. However, the king was too busy to read so many books. It _6_ the ministers another ten years to put all of the kn

13、owledge in these books into hundreds of books, _7_ the king was still very busy, and he was much older than he was twenty years ago, he didnt have enough energy(精力) to _8_ these books.This time, his ministers tried their best(尽力) to put all of these books into one book. It took _9 years again, Unluckily, when they showed it to the king, he was ill. He was so _0_ that he couldnt even hold the book, finally the king didnt learned anything , and he died( ) 1.A. play B. know C. make D. look.( ) 2. A. important B. simple C. impossible D. lucky( ) 3. A. help B. get C. send D. agree( ) 4. A. newspap


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