八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room单元综合检测 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(45 分钟100 分)第卷(共 40 分). 听力(10 分)()录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与其内容相符的图片。(5 分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ ()录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5 分)6. Does everyone do some chores at the writers home? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. C. Sorry, I dont know. 7. Why does the writer never do t

2、he dishes? A. Because the writer is too young. B. Because the writer is too busy. C. Because the writer hates doing dishes. 8. Who does the dishes? A. The father. B. The mother. C. Nobody. 9. The motherevery day. A. takes out the rubbish2B. sweeps the living roomC. makes the bed10. How many people a

3、re there in the family? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. . 单项选择(10 分)1. Which do you like better, coffee or juice? of them. I like tea. A. AllB. Both C. NeitherD. None2. (2013宁波中考)Can Iyour bike? With pleasure. But you mustntit to others. A. lend; borrow B. borrow; lendC. lend; lend D. borrow; borrow3. Great chang

4、es have taken placewe enter E-Times. Yeah. I agree with you. A. before B. as soon asC. when D. since4. Thanks for your invitation, but Im so sorry I cant go. I need tomy sister at home. A. take away B. take offC. take care of D. take out of5. (2013兰州中考)Im not going swimming tomorrow afternoon. . I h

5、ave to clean up my bedroom. A. So am I B. Neither am IC. Neither I am D. So I am6. Could you please pass me the book? . A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldntC. Sure. Here you are D. No, thats no problem7. The local people like that restaurant because itboth delicious food and good service. A. uses B. 新课

6、标第一网不用注册,免费下载!新课标第一网系列资料 C. shares D. provides8. (2013湖州中考)Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? Well, it allthe weather. A. belongs to B. happens toC. depends on D. concentrates on9. Why are you so excited? Alan invited meon a trip to Tibet. A. to go B. go C. going D. went10. (2013黄冈中考)Could I borrow

7、your camera? , but please give it back by Saturday. A. I am sorry B. Of courseC. Certainly not D. No, thanks. 完形填空(10 分)Very few people like1chores around the house. However, we all know that people must2them. Kids living3 Washington have chores4to help their family every day. The chores5different f

8、or different kids. Parents often teach6what to do and how to do the chores. 7is good for parents to teach their children to do chores at an early age. Many parents think chores are important8children even very young ones. Doing chores9children many important skills. Chores also teach children about

9、fairness and commitment(承担义务). The skills and values(价值观)learned10doing chores will be good for children throughout their lives. 1. A. do B. does C. doing D. did2. A. do B. does C. to do D. doing3. A. on B. at C. for D. in4. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does5. A. are B. is C. be D. am6. A. they B. the

10、m C. their D. theirs7. A. This B. That C. It D. He48. A. for B. of C. in D. with9. A. teach B. teaches C. taught D. to teach10. A. by B. with C. to D. at. 阅读理解(10 分)Most children dont enjoy doing chores. They like playing computer games rather than cleaning the rooms. But in Australia, Jim and Rober

11、ts mother, Mrs. Black, has good and proper methods to get their children to do housework. Here is an example. “Mom, have you worked out next weeks chores? Let Jim and me choose the cards. I cant wait. Its fun! ”When Robert shouted out, his mother had already put all the cards on their big table. On

12、the cards, there are some words like these, “sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help mom cook, wash vegetables, make beds, feed the fish, cut the wood, clean the bathroom” and many others, Jim and Robert chose two cards for each day from Monday to Friday. Then they would hang them on the weekday t

13、ask board. Jim likes to clean the bathroom, so he picked up the card “clean the bathroom”. Robert loves to make the bed so he picked up his favorite card. Jim again picked up “wash vegetables” and Robert chose “feed the fish”. Soon the two boys were happy to take away all the cards. To help the chil

14、dren do chores, their mother thought hard and came up with this idea. Of course, the parents did the chores at weekends and left Jim and Robert two days free. 1. From the passage we know that most children like. A. doing chores B. playing computer gamesC. playing cards D. doing housework2. Jim and R

15、obert chosecards for the weekdays from Monday to Friday. A. two B. four C. eight D. ten3. Jim likes to. A. clean the bathroom B. make the bedC. feed the fish D. sweep the floor4. The underlined phrase “came up with” in the last paragraph probably means“ ”. 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!新课标第一网系列资料 A. looked at B. gave upC. thought of D. believed in5. Who did the chores at weekends? A. Jim. B. Robert. C. The parents. D. The whole family. 第卷(


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