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1、非谓语动词的一些固定搭配1 下列动词只能用动词-ing 作宾语 ,构成 v+doing.admit advise allowappreciate avoid cant helpconsider delay denyenjoy forgive excuseforbid mind give up keep (on) permit practiceprevent put off resist动词-ing 还可以作介词的宾语,其介词所在的词组有:add to be afraid be ashamed of be busy (in) doing be engaged in be fond of be/g

2、et used to be good at be interested in be proud of be sentenced to be sick of succeed in be tired of carry on come to contribute to depend on devoteto dream of excusefor feel like get to hear of insist on keepfrom know of lead to look forward to preventfrom look forward to set about spendin doing sp

3、endon stick to stopfrom thankfor think of There is/I have + difficulty/some trouble/problem/fun/pleasure/a good time/a hard time + (in) doing sth.There is no +harm/hurry/need/use + (in) doing sth.2 不定式 to do 用在及物动词后担当宾语,构成 v +to do 常见的有下例及物动词:agree aim arrange ask attempt beg choose decide demand de

4、sire expect fail happen hope fail happen hope manage offer plan prepare pretend promise proverefuse want wish3不定式做宾语补足语,构成: v + sb/sth + to doThe teacher asked us to arrive the school on time.The officer allowed the man to drive away.常见的及物动词有:ask, love, like, would like, want, wish, order, warn, get

5、, need, promise,advise, hate, persuade, tell allow, permit, consider, admit, drive, encourage, expect, force, require, request, beg, cause, call on, invite, know, teach, oblige省略 to 的不定式做宾语补足语,构成 v + sb/sth +do I saw Tom go into the room.我看进 Tom 进了房间。The boss had his secretary type the letter.老板让他的秘

6、书打出这份信件。这样常见的动词有:五看:see, look at, watch, notice observe三听:hear, listen to, overhear一感觉:feel三使:make, let, have这些词后的宾语补足语的形式有三种:see sb. dosee sb. doingsee sb. Done非谓语动词的解题思路1. 判断是否需要非谓语 数动词 数连词如果句中有连词则需要的是谓语动词而不是非谓语动词。It rained nonstop for ten days and completely _ our holiday.A to ruin B ruined C hav

7、ing ruined D ruining如果句中没有连词那么所需要的是非谓语动词。It rained nonstop for ten days, completely _ our holiday.A to ruin B ruined C having ruined D ruining2. 如果需要非谓语动词,判断是否用固定搭配。3. 如果不是固定搭配,判断非谓语的逻辑主语。先找真正的主语,如果真正的主语不是逻辑主语,那么逻辑主语一般在非谓语动词的前面。判断主被动关系。My cousin came to see me from the countryside, bringing me a ful

8、l basket of fresh fruits.Weather permitting, I will go for a picnic.练习:On his way home, he suddenly heard his name _.A calling B called C to call D callIt rained heavily in the South, _ serious flooding in several province.A caused B having caused C causing D to cause4. 判断非谓语动词与谓语动词的关系,先后还是同时发生。suppose sb to do (固定搭配)I supposed him to do his work tomorrow.I supposed him to be doing his work now.I supposed him to have done his work the day before.练习:_ his party to power for the fourth time, he became famous among Western leaders.A Lead B Leading C Have led D Having led


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