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1、美联英语 提供:蜡笔小新电影 23 年后终于在大陆上映两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/ 年 11 月 4 日蜡笔小新:超能睡 !梦之世界大突击!在大陆各大剧院上映了。一个永远长不大的五岁小孩,粗粗的眉毛是他最明显的特征,蜡笔小新(原名:野原新之助)陪伴着我们从和他一样的五岁开始慢慢长大。原作者臼井仪人在 2009 年 9 月因跌落悬崖不幸去世,但创作团队表示小新仍会继续陪伴我们。从 1993 年 7 月第一部剧场版蜡笔小新:动感超人大战泳装魔王上映以来,之后的每一年 4 月小新当年的剧场版就会在日本如期上映,到 2016 年 4 月的蜡笔小新:超能睡!梦之世界大突击!为止,已上映

2、了二十四部,但今年这部剧场版则是在大陆上映的第一部,它讲述了一个关于与噩梦斗争,更是与过去较量的故事。One night, the Nohara family were enjoying a pleasant dream, when suddenly a big fish appeared in their dreams and ate them. The next morning, Hiroshi read in the newspaper that everybody in another town had the same nightmare as him, but it seemed

3、to have ended. But Hiroshi also heard the same dream from Misae, Shinnosuke, Himawari and even Shiro. They were surprised and thought if the same thing is happening in Kasukabe too. In kindergarten, on telling others about his nightmare, Shinnosuke was surprised to know that everybody too had the sa

4、me dream.一天夜里,野原一家正在享受愉快的梦境的时候,突然一只大鱼出现在他们的梦里,把他们都吃进了肚子。第二天早上,野原广志在报纸上看到一则新闻,另一个镇子上的每一个人都做了和他一样的噩梦,但似乎他们的噩梦已经结束了。可是从美伢、小新和小葵那里,广志听说了同样的梦,甚至于小狗小白也是。他们很惊讶,思考新闻上的事是否也会同样在春日部市发生。在幼稚园里,新之助在告诉其他人他的这个噩梦的时候,震惊地了解到他们每个人都做了这一样的梦。Tips:1)a pleasant dream 一个令人愉快的梦境。pleasant adj. 令人愉快的,可喜的,吸引人的;友好的,和善的,文雅的。Spring

5、 is a pleasant season.春季宜人。2)nightmare n. 噩梦,梦魇。在口语中也可以表示可怕的或不愉快的经历,例如:Life in the last dozen years oppressed my heart like a nightmare.过去十几年的生活像一场恶梦一样压抑着我的心。3)be surprised 感到惊奇。可以使用 be surprised at sth./to do sth.的形式,或直接和从句连接。You might be surprised at how much fun you have!你会惊讶地发现自己有多开心。Then a myst

6、erious girl named Saki was transferred to Futaba Kindergarten and joined Shinnosukes class. Everyone in the class, including the rather inactive Bo-chan, were all excited and happy on seeing her. But Saki had a cold attitude and didnt get along well.然后,一个名叫小咲的神秘女孩转学到了双叶幼稚园,加入了新之助所在的班级。班里的每一个人,包括极不活跃

7、的阿呆都对她的到来感到十分兴奋、开心。但是小咲却是冷冰冰的态度,不好相处。Tips:1)mysterious adj. 神秘的;难以理解的;不可思议的。The story goes that a mysterious animal lives in the mountain.据说山里有一个神秘的动物。mysterious 的名词形式 mystery n. 神秘的事物,难以理解的事物;谜;神秘;奥秘。This mystery puzzles me.这件神秘事情使我百思不解。The meeting was cloaked in mystery.会议笼罩在神秘气氛中。2)get along with

8、 进展; 与 和睦相处。get along well with 表示友好相处,而do/does not get along with 就是难以相处。I like to think Im relatively easy to get along with.我愿意认为自己相对比较容易相处。That night, Shinnosuke and others were taken to a fantasy dreaming world. Shinnosuke could see all the Kasukabe Defense Group members. They were riding on bi

9、g balls. Whatever they wished was granted. When Masao said that he wanted to be a manga-artist, the ball grew bigger and he was transformed into a manga-artist. Kazama was running for senator and Nene was an idol. Shinnosuke wished to play with young attractive girls in swimsuits那天晚上,新之助和其他人被带入了一个奇幻

10、的梦境世界。新之助在梦里可以看到所有的春日部防卫队的成员们。他们都骑在大大的球上,而他们许的任何愿望也都能得以实现。当正南说他想成为一名漫画家时,他骑的球长得越来越大,他也变成了一个漫画家。风间忙于议员的竞选,而妮妮成为了一名偶像,新之助则是想要和迷人的泳装大姐姐们一起玩Tips:1)manga-artist 漫画家,特指日本漫画家。manga n. 日本连环漫画册,漫画。由日语中“漫画”的发音衍生的单词。The process of illegally scanning and then translating manga is known as “scanlation.”非法扫描并翻译日本

11、漫画的行为被称为“扫译”。2)run for phr. 急忙去请;竞选。As the child was seriously ill, we run for the doctor.孩子病得厉害,我们急忙去请医生。Donald Trump want to run for the presidency this year.今年唐纳德特朗普想竞选总统。While the kids had good dreams, Hiroshi, Misae and other adults too had nice dreams, but their dream was soon converted into n

12、ightmares. The dreaming power of children is big while that of adults is small. Adults were losing dreaming energy faster than the kids. When the dreaming power of kids was consumed, they too started having nightmares. The kids became disheartened and depressed when their dreams couldnt be fulfilled

13、 completely. Masao on losing all his manga started crying and being depressed all the day. The next day, the Kasukabe Defense Group held a meeting and decided to solve this problem of nightmares当孩子们都在享受美梦的同时,广志、美伢和其他的成年人虽然也在美梦之中,可是他们的梦境迅速转变成了梦魇。孩子们的梦境能量十分强大,而大人们的却很小,消失得也更快。同样,孩子们的梦境能量被耗尽之后,也会开始被梦魇缠身

14、。当他们的梦不再完整的时候,孩子们变得沮丧、消沉。正南在失去他的漫画之后放声大哭,并且变得整日消沉。第二天,春日部防卫队召开了一个会议,决定一起解决这个梦魇Tips:1)convert into 折合;把转变为naturally occurring substances which the body can convert into vitamins.可被人体转化为维生素的天然物质。2)disheartened n.胆虚。表示一种几乎没有希望和激情的情绪,没有解决面前巨大问题的勇气。The death of her mother disheartened her.她母亲的死使她失去勇气。3)depressed adj. 抑郁的,沮丧的;患抑郁症的;萧条的;低于一般水准的an economically depressed area经济萧条地区两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/


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