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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:影视英语 上海电影节 开放市场浪潮中保护本土电影SHANGHAI The Shanghai International Film Festival may have played only a minor role in the blockbuster success of “Transformers: Age of Extinction” in China last year. The film, which earned what was then a record $319 million after debuting as

2、 the closing film at the festival, was already guaranteed a certain degree of success, given the history of its franchise in China. But its opening here raised the international profile of a festival that has established itself as one of the most prominent events of its kind in the region.上海对于变形金刚 4

3、:绝迹重生 (Transformers: Age of Extinction)去年在中国取得的巨大成功,上海国际电影节也许只起到了很小的作用。作为闭幕影片在上海电影节首映后,变形金刚 4:绝迹重生收获了创纪录的 19.7 亿元人民币的票房收入。鉴于这一系列电影在中国过去的表现,它本就基本注定会取得成功。不过,上海国际电影节在逐渐成为亚洲地区最重要的电影盛事之一,而变形金刚 4:绝迹重生在此首映提升了电影节的国际影响力。This year, organizers are opting for a lower-profile film to fill the symbolic slot.今年,主办

4、方打算用一部较为低调的影片来承担这一象征性的荣誉。The event, which kicked off on Saturday and runs through Sunday, opens and closes with two homegrown productions: The Chinese film “I Am Somebody,” a self-financed comedy directed by Derek Yee about the lives of the nameless extras working at the famous Hengdian World Studio

5、s near Shanghai, will make its world premiere as the opening film of the festival. The event will close with a Chinese-Russian co-production set during World War II called “Ballet in the Flames of War” and directed by Yachun Dong and Nikita Mikhalkov. The selection of the closing film follows an agr

6、eement signed last September between Russia and China intended to increase cooperation in the film domain.上海国际电影节于上周六拉开帷幕,将持续至本周日,开幕和闭幕影片均为本土出品:华语电影我是路人甲将作为开幕影片完成全球首映,闭幕影片则是中俄合拍片战火中的芭蕾。我是路人甲由尔冬升(Derek Yee)执导,是一部自筹资金拍摄的喜剧片,讲述籍籍无名的临时演员在离上海不远的著名影视城横店的生活。战火中的芭蕾则以二战为背景,由董亚春和尼基塔米哈尔科夫(Nikita Mikhalkov)共同执导

7、。闭幕影片的选择源于去年 9 月中俄两国签署的一项意在加强双方在电影方面的合作的协议。The pivot back toward domestic productions is the latest in an ongoing struggle in China to strike a balance between opening its market to international players and protecting its relatively young film industry. Combined with Hollywoods eagerness to get a p

8、iece of Chinas massive film market, which just topped the United States market for the first time in February in terms of box office receipts, the dynamic between the two is often characterized as competitive and collaborative.中国一直力求在向国际电影开放本国市场和保护中国相对年轻的电影产业之间取得平衡,而此次电影节向本土电影的回归是追求这种平衡的最新举措。今年 2 月,

9、中国市场的票房收入第一次超越了美国市场,好莱坞迫切希望能在中国巨大的电影市场中分一杯羹。这些因素加起来,使得中外电影之间通常既是竞争关系,也是合作关系。Officials like Hu Jinjun the director of the Shanghai Administration of Culture, Radio, Film and TV, the government agency that organizes the festival prefer to emphasize the latter. “We believe there is no PK relationship b

10、etween the Chinese film industry and Hollywood, instead a process of mutual understanding and exchange,” said Mr. Hu in a written response to questions, using a gaming term that means to engage in combat. “In China, we admire Hollywoods maturity and advanced film technologies, while Hollywood unders

11、tands Chinas vast film market and rich cultural heritage.”主办上海国际电影节的是政府机关上海市文化广播影视管理局。局长胡劲军等官员更喜欢强调双方的合作。“中国电影和好莱坞之间我认为并不存在PK的关系,而是一个大家相互了解、认识的过程,”胡局长书面答复采访提问时表示,其中用到了一个意为交锋的游戏术语。“中国电影了解好莱坞的技术、成熟的工业体系,好莱坞了解中国庞大的电影市场和文化底蕴。”Now in its 18th year, the Shanghai festival attracts stars and top industry pl

12、ayers from the region and abroad. Jackie Chan, Fan Bingbing and Mike Tyson were among the celebrities walking the red carpet at the opening ceremony.上海电影节如今走到了第 18 个年头,吸引了亚洲内外的明星和业内顶级人士。开幕式上走红毯的明星包括了成龙、范冰冰和迈克泰森(Mike Tyson)。The events this year include 1,200 screenings of more than 300 films at 45 lo

13、cations around Shanghai, Chinas cosmopolitan capital.今年的电影节将在中国的时尚之都上海的 45 处地点展映 300 余部影片,场次达1200 场。“Over the years the festival has really upped its game and established itself as a leading film festival in Asia,” said David U. Lee, the chief executive of Leeding Media, a producer and distributor o

14、f films in Los Angeles and Beijing and has been attending since 2005.“上海电影节的确在逐年发展,把自己打造成亚洲地区的一个主要电影节,”李鼎传媒(Leeding Media)首席执行官李威达(David U. Lee)说。他从事电影制作和发行工作,在洛杉矶和北京两地经营,自 2005 年起一直前来上海参加电影节。A diverse slate of 14 films has been selected to compete for the Golden Goblet Award, the festivals highest

15、prize, out of a record 2,096 films from 108 countries submitted for various competitions. In past years, the festival has had difficulty attracting top-quality films. Because it is in the highest category of 15 festivals accredited by the International Federation of Film Producers Association, it ca

16、nnot have films in its main competition that have been in the main competition of another top-category festival, including the big three events at Venice, Cannes and Berlin.有 14 部风格各异的影片入围今年的参赛片名单,将角逐电影节的最高殊荣金爵奖。此次有来自 108 个国家的 2096 部电影提交给主办方,希望参加不同奖项的角逐,创下了纪录。过去,上海电影节一直面临无法吸引到高质量影片的问题。这是因为上海电影节是国际电影制片人协会(International Federation of Film Producers Association)认可的15 个国际 A 类电影节之一,所以入围其主竞赛单元的影片不能在过


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