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1、1. Adhesive tape 胶带 Determine the force necessary to remove a piece of adhesive tape from a horizontal surface. Investigate the influence of relevant parameters.确定将一块胶带从水平表面上拿下来需要的力。研究相关参数的影响。2. Air drying 室温风干Table utensils (dishes, cutlery, etc.), after being washed, dry differently. Investigate h

2、ow the time of drying depends on relevant parameters.盘子、刀具等餐具在洗完后,风干的速度不同,研究相关参数对风干时间的影响。3. Bouncing flame 跳跃的火焰Place a flame (e.g. from a Bunsen burner) between two charged parallel metal plates. Investigate the motion of the flame.将一团火焰(例如:来自煤气灯)置于两片带电的平行金属板之间。观察火焰的运动情况。4. Breaking spaghetti 折断面条F

3、ind the conditions under which dry spaghetti falling on a hard floor does not break.请找出在何种下干燥的细面条在掉落坚硬地板后不断裂。5. Car 小车Build a model car powered by an engine using an elastic air-filled toy-balloon as the energy source. Determine how the distance travelled by the car depends on relevant parameters an

4、d maximize the efficiency of the car.制作一个模型车,其发动机以弹性充气玩具气球为动力源。找出决定小车运动距离的相关参数并使小车的效率最大化。6. Convection 对流In a container filled with a liquid, heat transport will occur when the bottom of the container is heated and the top surface is cooled. How does the phenomenon change when the container rotates

5、about its vertical axis?一个充满液体的容器底部被加热而顶部被冷却时会发生热传递。当该容器绕垂直轴旋转时,这个现象会发生什么变化?7. Cup drum 杯鼓A plastic cup is held upside-down and tapped on its base. Investigate the sound produced when the open end of the cup is above, on or below a water surface.把一个塑料杯倒置并轻敲它的底部,研究当杯子的开口在水面上方和下方时的发声情况。8. Domino ampli

6、fier 多米诺放大器A row of dominoes falling in sequence after the first is displaced is a well known phenomenon. If a row of dominoes gradually increases in height, investigate how the energy transfer takes place and determine any limitations to the size of the dominoes.当第一块被推倒时,一排多米诺骨牌按顺序倒下,这就是著名的多米诺效应。逐渐

7、增高一排“骨牌”的高度,研究能量转移是如何发生的并确定“骨牌”的尺寸限制。9. Escaping powder 逃脱的粉末When a hot wire is plunged into a beaker of water with powder (e.g. lycopodium) floating on the surface, the powder moves rapidly. Investigate the parameters that alter the speed of movement of the powder.当一根炙热的金属丝被插入一杯表面上漂浮着粉末(如石松粉)的水时,粉末

8、会迅速的移动.。研究会改变粉末移动速度的参数。10. Faraday heaping 法拉第堆积When a container filled with small spheres (e.g. mustard seeds) is vibrated vertically with a frequency between 1 10 Hz, so called Faraday heaping occurs. Explore this phenomenon.一个装满小球(如芥末种子)的容器在 1 到 10 赫兹的频率范围内垂直振动时,法拉第堆积便会发生。探究这个现象。11. Fingerprints

9、指纹Fill a glass with a liquid and hold it in your hands. If you look from above at the inner walls of the glass, you will notice that the only thing visible through the walls is a very bright and clear image of patterns on your fingertips. Study and explain this phenomenon.在杯子中装满某种液体并用手拿住杯子。如果你从上方看玻璃

10、的内壁,你会发现透过玻璃你唯一能看到的是你非常亮而清晰的指纹。研究并解释这个现象。12. Levitating spinner 浮置飞旋A toy consists of a magnetic spinning top and a plate containing magnets (e.g. Levitron). The top may levitate above the magnetic plate. Under what conditions can one observe the phenomenon?由一个有磁性可旋转的盖子和一个装有磁铁(如漂浮器)的盘子构成的玩具。玩具的盖子可能会

11、悬浮在磁性盘子的上方。在什么情况下你才能观察到这个现象?13. Light bulb 灯泡What is the ratio between the thermal energy and light energy emitted from a small electric bulb depending on the voltage applied to a bulb?一个小灯泡发出的热能和光能的比率是怎样由给小灯泡的电压所决定的?14. Moving cylinder 移动的圆柱Place a sheet of paper on a horizontal table and put a cyl

12、indrical object (e.g. a pencil) on the paper. Pull the paper out. Observe and investigate the motion of the cylinder until it comes to rest.在水平桌面上放置一张纸并在纸上放置一个圆柱形物体(如铅笔)。将纸拉出。观察并研究圆柱体的运动状态直到它停止运动。15. Slow descent 缓慢下降Design and make a device, using one sheet of A4 80 gram per m2 paper that will take

13、 the longest possible time to fall to the ground through a vertical distance of 2.5m. A small amount of glue may be used. Investigate the influence of the relevant parameters.用每平方米 80 克的 A4 纸,设计并制作一个装置,使其尽可能慢地从 2.5 米的垂直高处掉向地面。可以使用少量胶水。研究相关参数的影响。16. Smoke stream 烟雾流A glass jar is covered with celloph

14、ane. A tightly folded paper tube of length 4-5 cm is inserted hermetically into the jar through the cellophane cover. The tube is oriented horizontally. If one burns the outside end of the tube the dense smoke flows into the jar. Explore this phenomenon.一个盖有玻璃纸的玻璃罐。一根长度为 4-5 厘米折得很紧的纸管从玻璃纸插入罐中,周围密封。纸

15、管水平。如果有人点燃纸管的外面那头,浓烟会流入罐子。探究这种现象。17. Vikings 海盗According to a legend, Vikings were able to navigate in an ocean even during overcast (dull) weather using tourmaline crystals. Study how it is possible to navigate using a polarizing material. What is the accuracy of the method?传说海盗在海上即使是阴天也能用电气石导航。研究如何使用极化材料导航,这个方法的准确度如何?


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