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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:职场英语 毕业生简历中应当展现出的 10 大素质Graduation is just around the corner, which means so is the next stage of your career. Instead of finding out the hard way that your CV isnt up to scratch, prepare it now and make it a real showstopper. What are the most important things a grad

2、uate should demonstrate on their CV?毕业在即,对你来说,这也标志着你的职业生涯即将开启。与其吃尽苦头才发现你的简历不上档次,还不如现在就开始准备,让它引人注目。那么什么才是毕业生应当在他们的简历中展现出来的最重要的东西?1.Ambition抱负shaking the lazy student stereotype isnt difficult to do. Mention all the extra things youve done to complement your degree. Make sure your academic achievement

3、s are presented as a means to an end i.e. how will they help you get this job?要颠覆他人认为学生懒散的这一成见并非难事。你应该在简历里提及所有你曾经为充实你的学历而做过的事情。作为一块求职跳板,你应当确保你所列出的学术成就是可以帮助你达到最终目的的,也就是说,这些成就是能帮你拿下这份工作的。2.Research研究Youve just done a few years of university. If theres one thing youre used to doing, its researching. Ma

4、ke it clear that youve found out what skills are most valued for this vacancy and present them right there in your achievements.你刚刚结束了几年大学生涯,如果说这几年你有最习惯做的事,那一定就是研究了。你应当了解何种技能最能为这一职位所看重,并在成就一栏写上它们。3.Experience经验isnt likely to be vast at this stage in your life. Employers hiring graduates know this, s

5、o they look for people whove managed to slot in work experience and extra bits in where they can.这可能并不是你人生的这一阶段最丰裕的东西。雇佣毕业生的老板们也懂这些,所以他们更倾向于寻找那些刚毕业就拥有工作经验的稀有动物,而且经验这东西,多多益善。4.Literacy Skills文字能力Spelling mistakes are a huge dont, as is poor phrasing, overly long sentences and waffle. CVs need to comm

6、unicate information as clearly as possible, they dont need to involve much prose at all. Keep lists of duties and achievements to bulleted lists, and proofread several times.拼写错误可是一大禁忌,语言组织能力缺乏、句子过长或者空话连篇也是一样。简历必须尽可能清晰地传递信息,雇主可一点都不想看抒情散文。用项目列表的方式列出你担任过的职务和取得的成就,并且多校对几遍。5.Potential潜力Employers go for

7、graduates with transferable skills that can be slotted and adapted in their vacancy. Show that youve got the foundations of vital workplace skills, such as presenting, that you can build upon once employed.雇主倾向于那些技能有灵活性的人,这些人能将技能用于职业所需。在简历上写明你已经掌握了一些基础的工作技巧,比如做展示演讲,这些技能一经雇佣就能用得上。6.Effort在简历上花的精力You

8、cant hand out a CV that looks as if you spent five minutes on it. Theres nothing wrong with using a CV template, providing you take the time to fill it out completely so that it isnt obvious you didnt build it. Presentation is important so make sure it looks smart and professional.你总不能递交一份看上去花了五分钟就做

9、好的简历。使用简历模板没什么问题,只要你花了时间把它填满,也不一定看得出来你并不是这个模板的原创者。简历的外观很重要,所以务必要使它看上去整洁又专业。7.IT SkillsIT 技术A great benefit for employers hiring young people or graduates is because they expect them to be able to get on board with their latest technology pretty quickly. Use this to your advantage and make sure you m

10、ention what software you can use.雇主雇佣年轻人或者毕业生,很大程度上是因为他们希望雇员们能够对快速适应自家使用的最新技术。你可以将这一点作为你的优势,确保你已经在简历里提到了你掌握的电脑软件。8.Responsibility责任感Shaking the drinking every night stereotype is also a challenge for some students. Show what else you do in your spare time on your CV to show you are well-rounded, e.g

11、. playing in a sports team or volunteering for an organisation. This shows you can balance your social life and have varied interests.对于一些学生来说,要改变他人认为自己夜夜饮酒的成见也是一大挑战。你可以在简历里写一些自己在闲暇时间做的事情,让自己看起来更多才多艺,比如,曾经是某体育队伍的一员或者在某个机构中担任过志愿者。这能显示出你能够使自己的生活有条不紊并且兴趣爱好广泛。9.Individuality个性Theres no need to try to be

12、 a clone or present yourself in the same way as others. Unique or interesting people are more memorable to the employer. Providing they are professional, include any cool hobbies or interests you have.你没有必要做他人的翻版,或者用和别人一样的方式展示自己。独特或者有趣的人会给老板们留下更深刻的印象。在专业过硬的前提下,你可以写上一些自己很酷的兴趣爱好。10.Dedication奉献Passion

13、ate people are often the first people picked for a lot of opportunities, and there are very valid reasons for this. Employers hire people that really want to work for them. If you really want this job, show it with a solid CV.充满热忱的人往往能够最先抓住机会,对于这一点的理由自不必说。因为老板们更愿意雇用那些真心想要为他们工作的人。如果你真的想要拿下这份工作,就展示给他们一份可靠的简历吧。


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