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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:娱乐英语 小咖秀秀出你人生 Acting out your lifeIt may be the case in the real world that showbiz is only for a select few. But in the world of Xiaokaxiu (小咖秀), a lip-syncing video-making app, you can be the star of your own show, if only for a minute.现实生活中能进娱乐圈的人简直是凤毛麟角。但是在一款对口型合成

2、视频的应用程序小咖秀的世界里,你就是自己秀场的主角,尽管也许只有一分钟。Xiaokaxiu allows users to act out scenes in their favorite TV shows, using the shows soundtrack instead of their own voice. The apps slogan sums up the challenge: “Life is a drama. Only good actors survive it (人生如戏,全靠演技).”小咖秀上,用户可以表演他们喜爱的电视节目中的片段,并保留节目的原声而不需要自己说台词

3、。这款应用的乐趣和挑战正如它的口号:“人生如戏,全靠演技”。小咖秀:秀出你人生 Acting out your lifeThe single-function app is easy to pick up. All you need to do is choose from a list of soundtracks, from the latest TV series like The Journey of Flower (花千骨) and the reality TV program Dad, Where Are We Going?(爸爸去哪儿). Then, make sure your

4、 face is in the camera frame and hit “Start”.这款单一功能的应用程序操作很便捷。你只需要从目录中选出一段视频原声,可以是最新电视剧花千骨或者真人秀爸爸去哪儿的片段,然后把脸对准摄像头,按下“开始”就能录制了。What Xiaokaxiu provides is exposure for Internet users aspiring to self-expression. “Its difficult for people to come up with something original on their own. What we did is

5、provide the script so they can easily be a part of the story,” Han Kun, founder of Xiaokaxius parent company Miaopai (秒拍), told Tencent Tech.小咖秀满足了网友的表现欲。“中国用户不擅长做原创内容,我们就主动给用户提供剧本,让他们可以不费力气地生产故事”,韩坤,小咖秀母公司秒怕创始人,告诉腾讯科技。“Xiaokaxiu strikes right at the heart of the self-deprecating culture among young

6、 people a culture that advocates pleasing others by excessively making fun of oneself,” one writer commented on TechW. “The effect of the funny acting then rapidly snowballs through all the sharing and downloading on social media.”TechWeb 的网友评论说:“小咖秀之所以爆红是契合了当下流行的逗比文化,这种有点牺牲自己般的自黑,无所顾忌夸张表演取悦别人的文化。 ”

7、搞怪的表演迅速在社交媒体上产生了滚雪球效应,引来了大量的分享和转发。Up to 1.2 million videos are created each day on Xiaokaxiu. But that doesnt stop the apps team from planning for the future, in order to avoid sharing the short-lived fame of other “fast food apps”. According to Han, Xiaokaxiu is aiming to be a promotional platform

8、for new TV series, or even a talent scout for potential actors.现在每天通过小咖秀上制作出来的视频数量高达 120 万个。但是卓越的成绩并没有让研发团队止步不前,他们正在对未来进行规划,避免小咖秀重蹈那些昙花一现的快餐程序的覆辙。据韩坤讲,小咖秀计划转型成新电视剧的推广平台,甚至是发掘有潜力演员的星探。Those plans might sound too good to be true, but there are already cases in the US that prove its feasibility. By cre

9、ating six-second-long looping video clips on the popular app Vine, some users have gone from anonymity to glory. For example, three young men Cody Johns, Brent Rivera and Greg Davis, Jr. caught the attention of Coca-Cola after they made videos on Vine for a year. They were offered six-figure salaries to make advertisements for the soft drink company.这听起来美好的不真实,但在美国还真有这样的先例证明它或许能成真。通过大受欢迎的 Vine 应用程序拍摄 6 秒循环视频,很多人从默默无闻一夜成名。比如三个美国年轻人科迪约翰斯(Cody Johns)、布伦特里维拉(Brent Rivera)和格雷格小戴维斯(Greg Davis, Jr.)就因为去年在 Vine 上发布的一段视频得到了可口可乐公司的垂青,他们得到了可口可乐公司 6 位数的广告合约。


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