Create a healthy flow system, increase natural search traffic(创造一个健康的流动系统,提高自然搜索流量)

1Create a healthy flow system, increase natural search trafficResearch papers Download News: Flow relative to small sellers Taobao shop is the basis for the survival terms, no traffic no sales and no sales on ..... Meanwhile, healthy and steady growth of traffic is Taobao store development and expansion of the basis for this paper to share with you how journalists operate under the Taobao shop to give yourself to create a healthy flow system. One of the lesser-known stores proposal First of all to make good use of Taobao’s largest free flow entrance: three search (Taobao search, search mall, shop search) and two categories (category Taobao, mall category), these need to focus on. There SNS is also an important direction, before Taobao Amoy arena and do their own stubborn rabbit basically failed, and now co-Ali and Sina, the trend is clear. stores also can focus on Taobao Amoy shortly after the release of the micro, the store can around which try to do something in addition also need to focus on is the wireless traffic on PC stores flows supplement if the visibility of shop small, 2you can create a burst models approach to attract Taobao promotion, explosion models conversion rate is relatively high, but also will attract a lot of scouring off to promote. fact, there are many unknown shop, scouring off them to do well, because shops explosion models. businesses to come up with a point total to attract scouring off to Amoy off a promotion of your reasons. Moreover, the new proposal to take part in Taobao shop each channel activities, make good use of free traffic to enhance store sales. Second, create a healthy flow system three tricks The first is the train explosion models lengthen the balance due, to seize the commanding heights of search traffic. Goods train to be a whole, planning, store operations and with Lynx Taobao search rules for explosion models to build, but must pay attention to related sales by the explosion models pulling the long final payment, raise the entire shop search weights will maximize search traffic at any time to train are certainly the main explosion models, and we must do with the explosion models of the same paragraph shall recommendations and recommended non explosion 3models train can be pushed, but must pay attention to marketing strategy. train directed basically blind cast, unlike diamond exhibition that you can customize directed the crowd and points of interest in addition to a good price and picture adjustment and optimization, the most important is the data analysis , from the data and explore the law. early delivery can try through the cast, but the current position of the four existing orientation should set a bid, to analyze what kind of product suitability Want pop, what kind of products suitable for logistics details page .. Only in this way can be targeted late bid. The second is to expand CPS violent, breaking shop traffic bottlenecks. Called CPS violent expansion that took advantage of an online shop, looking for a large website or a large ad networks CPS business cooperation, high flow diversion, indoctrination, and thus break Taobao shop Lynx traffic bottlenecks. Webmaster General Assembly is held in a form which. The third is to do the warm-up activity for the shop storage quality free traffic. Preheating on a successful play a crucial activity only, preheat successful activity 4equivalent to Success 1/3, preheat required from various proceed, including but not limited to (1) Shop: By activities to create an atmosphere, activities, information disclosure, commodity boot collection, Product Details optimization, (2) Promotion: CPM advertising, train and put in preheated material landing pages, Taobao maintenance reminder, (3) CRM: old customers stimulation wake (4) Other resources: the use of recent activity resources, stressing that some customers as active accumulation potential customers, (5) SNS: meager, micro-channel, gangs, stand outside the various resource utilization, (6) line: magazines, DM precise delivery, etc. In the warm-up process, we should pay attention to warm-up period sales and preheating balance and avoid activities such as customer happens, which requires first clear moving target and positioning, delineate resources and preheat rhythm, so the warm-up period and the daily sales activities, integrated into the upcoming major events to the content of each marketing segment and clear positioning shop district activities, events clearly, the customer will under directional selection guide. Third, how to optimize search rankings 5Baby main search rankings on indicators and weights: In the commodity is not illegal under the premise, the more important one is related to the text, including category attribute correlation (20%), commodity title correlation (20%), the second is popular Index ranking, key indicators include DSR score, conversion rate, 7 days sales, views, whether the window recommended, customer price, keying dif

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