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1、山东省聊城市堂邑中学 2013 届高三 11 月月考英语试卷考试时间:100 分钟;注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第 I 卷(选择题)一、单项选择1All the ladies wear beautiful clothes for the celebration. Some are dressed in red, _ in purple.A. other B. another C. others D. the other 2To understand the complex situation completely requires more

2、thought than _ so far.A. gave B. has given C. has been given D. is being given3 To show our respect, we usually take our gloves off _ we are to shake hands with.A. whoever B. whenever C. whichever D. wherever4Eric, a middle-aged fashion designer, is very happy because the clothes be designed have ne

3、ver been _.A. most popular B. the most popular C. less popular D. more popular5Nancy, _ for about half a year to apply for a job as an airline hostess, finally took a position at a shopping center.A. struggled B. having struggled C. struggling D. to struggle6I cant believe that anyone else in the sc

4、hool can swim as fast as you, _?A. can I B. cant they C. cant you D. can they7 When you have a job interview, its _ youre dressed that sets the tone of it.A. however B. how C. what D. whatever8 The new lecture course differs from the old one, _ the students arent required to attend lectures.A. which

5、 that B. that C. which D. in which9Fortunately, what the witness reported to the police on the phone led to _.A. the suspects being captured B. capture the suspectC. the suspect having captured D. be captured by the suspect10The story shows that _ knowledge of _ first aid can make _ real difference.

6、A. the; the; / B. a; /; a C. /; the; a D. a; /; / 11 Did you tell Rose about the test?Oh, no, I forgot. I call her now.A. will B. can C. should D. might12 On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, _ the luggage _ on the floor, and _ in the dark. A. left; lied; disappeared B. leavi

7、ng; lie; disappearedC. leaving; lying; disappeared D. left; lay; disappear13I dont know makes her different from others.Confidence, I think.A. how is it that B. how it is that C. what is it that D. what it is that14 I did really well in the examination, Li Ke.I did _. I got full mark.A. no less B. n

8、o worse C. not worse D. not less15 Fully _ in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club.A. occupied B. contributed C. attached D. devoted二、完型填空The more accessible a companys services are, the more business it will do. Why are the same _1

9、_ not applied when it comes to Internet websites then? A Hong Kong study has found that the local sites of two leading _2_, McDonalds and Motorola, are the most user-unfriendly of the 30 websites tested. The lack of _3_ means they are not only losing customers, but _4_ to meet their social responsib

10、ilities.In an ever-more Internet-connected world, _5_ are as important as physical shops or offices. They are _6_ used as a way of banking, shopping and getting news. This is especially so for the disabled, who find it _7_ to shop on-line than go to a store in person. A website that does not let the

11、m do this is the same as having a(n) _8_ sign on a door. In Hong Kong, it is _9_ not to provide the disabled with access to schools and buildings, but at present there are no specific laws on Internet accessibility. However, companies are morally responsible for ensuring that their websites can be _

12、10_ by people who are visually disabled or have difficulty walking around. Ideals for design have long been put forward by the World Wide Web Consortium, a global community working on open standards to _11_ accessibility and development. Computer technology is _12_ fast and it is now much easier to

13、create websites that are _13_ for all people, sighted or disabled. Companies should ensure that the designers of their websites _14_ guidelines for accessibility. We should try to make our city as _15_ as possible, on-line and off.16 A. data B. principles C. experiences D. technologies17 A. companie

14、s B. products C. stores D. factories18 A. power B. study C. attraction D. access19 A. deciding B. attempting C. failing D. stopping20 A. computers B. hotlines C. signals D. websites21 A. increasingly B. possibly C. extremely D. randomly22 A. cheaper B. safer C. easier D. quicker23 A. waiting B. sale C. open D. closed24 A. unreasonable B. illegal C. unimportant D. impolite25 A. found B. read C. known D. created26 A. permit. B. discover C. start D. ensure27 A. weakening B. dropping C. chan


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